Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 239: Pretending to be dead

"That... For the next mission, my hand...?"

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It would have been fine if Han Feng hadn't said anything, but once he did... the girl "took advantage of the situation" and mocked, "Ah~! What happened to your hand?! Ouch~ I'm so heartbroken~"

"Help me~ Help me heal my wound?" Han Feng pretended not to hear the girl's words and directly stated his request.

"I can help you heal, but I have two conditions~ I will help you if you agree~"

"Uh... OK." Han Feng felt a little sad when he heard the girl say this. Every time a condition was mentioned, it was always himself who suffered... But looking at his right hand swollen like a "pig's hoof", Han Feng had to agree.

"First~ call me dear~"

"No way? Again?"

"Call me quickly! Why are you talking so much nonsense~"

"... Dear..." After saying that, Han Feng waited to hear the second condition.

"Well, it's not bad. As for the second one, I can only help you recover this time. I won't care if you get hurt again."

"Okay! I promise not to test my strength blindly! I will protect myself well!"

Hearing Han Feng's straightforward agreement, the mysterious girl said seriously, "I mean in the future, I won't help you anymore, not just this time."

Han Feng hesitated for a moment about the additional condition, but still nodded and agreed. At this time, his right hand could no longer complete the action of clenching a fist. Even if he went back now, he had no "medic" or operating room.

"Okay, then wait a while." After saying this, Han Feng began to observe his right hand.

The girl's movements were very fast. After a while, his right hand began to slowly shrink and the swelling slowly disappeared.

In less than two minutes, Han Feng's right hand had returned to its normal size.

Try to squeeze his right fist, Han Feng thanked him, "Thank you~"

After that, Han Feng turned around and looked at the nine team members who were still searching for him, and began to ponder.

In order to avoid getting hurt again, Han Feng returned to the place where he was attacked before. After finding a few pistols and sabers to put on his back, and two high-explosive grenades, he began to act.

He crouched and walked slowly to a place fifty meters behind the group of people. Han Feng pulled the rings of two high-explosive grenades and activated his speed superpower. With a gust of wind, Han Feng quickly approached.

After throwing two high-explosive grenades at their feet, Han Feng evacuated. After hearing two huge explosions a hundred meters away, Han Feng detected... Well, all of them were dead, no one was alive.

Such a speed of resolution was unimaginable ten minutes ago! If it weren't for the blessing of this energy, it would be impossible for him to enter and exit so easily.

After calculating, Han Feng has now eliminated thirty-five special forces members of the other side. At this time, there are still sixty-five in the enemy camp.

Whistling briskly, Han Feng walked slowly towards the enemy camp without any nervousness. I thought that even if I encountered danger, I could just throw a high-explosive grenade and run away. Anyway, you can't catch up with me~ What can you do to me~

A few minutes later, under the guidance of Luna, Han Feng quietly approached the enemy camp. It was not until now that Han Feng, who was hiding on the top of the mountain, saw the full picture of the enemy camp.

This is a small bungalow with its back close to the mountain, which is a bit like the "cave dwelling" in northern Shaanxi. According to the results of the radar scan, Han Feng can see that there is a secret passage between the bungalow and the mountain. And in the mountain is their "base camp".

Outside the door of the small bungalow, there is a dark "old man" sitting at the door, smoking a pipe and humming a little song. But such appearances can't deceive Han Feng, this "old man" has a pistol hidden under his clothes.

On closer inspection, it is either a Japanese or a Korean disguise.

After carefully analyzing the distribution of the enemy, Han Feng was entangled...

From the position analysis, no matter which direction Han Feng attacks from, he will be discovered.

"Luna, jam all the other party's communication equipment!" In this case, I will make you "deaf" first! So that you can't communicate effectively.

"Okay, Captain Han." Luna responded and started to operate.

In Han Feng's sight, the "old man" sitting in front of the door suddenly had a distorted face, then covered his ears with his hands, and then quickly took out a miniature headset from his ears. Obviously, it was the noise in the headset that hurt him.

"Report to Captain Han, all the other party's communication systems have failed." After completing it, Luna reported.

Nodding, Han Feng said, "Okay, well done~"

Next, Han Feng quickly approached the hidden sentry closest to him according to the radar display.

Just like dealing with snipers, go around behind and attack suddenly! After twisting the opponent's neck, Han Feng continued to look for the next target.

Ten minutes later, within one kilometer around the enemy camp, all ten sentries were "eliminated" by Han Feng alone.

Now, there are still fifteen sentries patrolling and standing guard outside. Due to the interference of communication, they did not move. I guess they are still repairing the communication~

Compared to the secret sentries, the open sentries are more difficult to deal with... They are all in groups of five. No matter how fast I am, I can't deal with them quietly. As long as I make a noise, the enemies in the mountain will know...

After hesitating for a long time, Han Feng finally took off all the guns on his body and only kept three sabers. Although guns are more powerful than sabers, if you want to minimize the noise, sabers are better.

Next, Han Feng found a secret sentry with a similar body shape, stripped off all his equipment, and put on his own.

A minute later, Han Feng stood up wearing a set of American-made triangle porridge special combat personnel uniforms.

He reapplied camouflage on his face to make himself look more like them!

Following their steps, Han Feng calmed down and slowly walked towards the special forces patrol team on the side.

"Hey, don? (Hey, brother, why don't you lie down?)" Looking at Han Feng, one of the special forces laughed.

Listening to the language he didn't understand, Han Feng didn't ask Luna to translate, but pointed to his throat with his finger, indicating that he was not convenient to speak now.

During this period, Han Feng continued to approach them. Until now, they have not noticed anything unusual.

When Han Feng stood one meter in front of them, they finally frowned and noticed something wrong, but it was too late!

The speed superpower was activated instantly! At the same time, Han Feng also used the telekinesis superpower to imprison five people!

Throwing down the light machine gun in his arms, Han Feng drew out the saber. He took a small step forward and swung the sharp blade in his hand!

"Swish, swish, swish!!!" The blade cut through the air, making a whistling sound! Even if the cold blade entered the throat, it was like nothing, and did not bring any hindrance to the saber.

When the five special forces were all cut by the knife, Han Feng removed the speed superpower, but the confinement continued.

A few seconds later, Han Feng silently released the confinement.

"Swish! Swish!" Blood gushed out from the throats of the five special forces! The scarlet color painted the ground under their feet.

At the same time, the five people who were attacked covered their necks together. One of them reacted and wanted to shoot a warning shot at the last moment of his life.

But how could he be faster than Han Feng?

Han Feng, who had been prepared for a long time, grabbed his hand and prevented him from touching the gun on his waist. Under the struggle, blood stained Han Feng.

Looking at the struggling eyes of the special forces before death, Han Feng began to tremble in his heart...

These... are all living people, not zombies. Even though Han Feng knew that this was a fight to the death, and even though Han Feng knew that this apocalyptic crisis was caused by this group of people... he still felt a little reluctant in his heart.

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