Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 232: Mysterious Girl Part 2

"Where is spring? Where is spring? Spring is here..." Han Feng undressed and sang nursery rhymes, looking relaxed and contented, not taking the mysterious girl seriously at all.

Staring at Han Feng with cold eyes, the mysterious girl smiled gently and continued, "As long as you go, I will tell you a huge secret, how about it?"

"No, no, no, no matter how big the secret is, I have to be alive to listen. I still understand the truth that curiosity kills the cat~" Han Feng refused without hesitation.

"I will protect Wei Peng from death, and add another secret, will you go?" Suddenly, the girl made a promise that shocked Han Feng!

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkβ†’π­π°π€πšπ§.𝐜𝐨𝐦]

How did she know that Wei Peng would die? ! Wait! How did she know the scene Liu Rui dreamed of? ! Even Wei Peng's sister didn't know that Wei Peng would get into trouble, how did she know? !

At this time, Han Feng's eyes changed when he looked at the mysterious girl. He was no longer joking, but more serious.

Only he and Liu Rui knew about Liu Rui's precognitive dream. Liu Rui had never seen the mysterious girl, and he had never told her about this...

Thinking of this, Han Feng realized the gap between himself and the girl in front of him.

She had sneaked into his side several times without anyone noticing, and even Luna and the Red Alert system could not detect it! She could even cut off all contact between him and the Red Alert system!

In the airport, she could nail seven or eight people to the outer wall that was more than ten meters high overnight! It was not discovered until the next day at dawn!

This ability alone made Han Feng unattainable! Not to mention Han Feng... Even Tanya seemed to have no such ability.

From "knowing" the mysterious girl to now, he knew nothing about her information... from her name, age, or what kind of superpowers she had... nothing. β†’

On the other hand, the mysterious girl knew everything about him! I feel like nothing can escape her eyes, including my thoughts and ideas!

"Who are you?" Staring at the girl's eyes, Han Feng continued to ask, "I think someone as strong as you will not approach me for no reason. I want to know your purpose! For you, the army or something is not a threat to you at all, why do you still need to do it?"

After Han Feng finished speaking, the girl did not speak, but just looked at Han Feng quietly with a faint smile.

"Why approach me?! What is your purpose?!"

"You are the cause of the matter. Now you ask me in return, it is difficult for me to answer you." After the mysterious girl said this, she took a half step back and continued, "I have said everything I should say, and you can think about the rest yourself. As for whether to go alone, you make your own decision."

"I promise you! I will go!" At this moment, Han Feng made a choice.

"I can go, but I have a condition!" Han Feng said, changing the subject.

"What are the conditions?"

"I can go without any equipment, but I need a deputy. You know, I know nothing about them. So I need a deputy, who can draw some firepower for me when necessary."


"Ah?" What Han Feng didn't expect was that the girl agreed so straightforwardly.

"Then let's make a deal. You can only have one deputy on the field.♦♦  ♦♦"

"Okay, okay! Don't worry about this. We will wipe them out..."

"Okay, you should wake up, and I should go." Suddenly, the mysterious girl interrupted Han Feng who was speaking.

"Captain Han? Captain Han?" Just when Han Feng was wondering, Luna's voice sounded.

With Luna's voice, the whole dream began to become unreal...

"Captain Han? Captain Han?"

"Huh?!" Han Feng responded unconsciously and opened his eyes.

The dazzling light made Han Feng's eyes uncomfortable. Squinting his eyes, Han Feng asked, "What's wrong, Luna?"

"Report to Captain Han, the spy has found the enemy camp and is preparing to sneak in secretly."

"Okay, let the spy sneak into the enemy camp and collect information. Before I arrive, the more useful intelligence the better." Han Feng replied to Luna and sat up straight.

"Okay, Captain Han."

"Oh, by the way, Luna, was there anything unusual just now?"

"Report to Captain Han, everything is normal, nothing happened." Luna reported truthfully.

Hearing that everything was normal from Luna's mouth, Han Feng smiled bitterly and continued, "Okay, I know. If there is any situation, notify me in time."

"Okay, Captain Han."

After finishing the conversation with Luna, Han Feng turned his head to look at Tanya in the main driving seat.


"What are you laughing at?" Seeing Han Feng's "weird" smile, Tanya pouted and asked.

"Nothing, nothing~" Waving his hand, Han Feng continued, "Well... don't you want revenge? How about this~ When we get there, how about we team up to wipe them out?!"

That's right, the assistant Han Feng needs is Tanya beside him!

With a powerful fighter, he can just "play soy sauce" by himself~The mysterious girl and Tanya would never have thought that Han Feng's "scheming" would be used on Tanya!

"Haha~ Just the two of us?! Just the two of us will fight against a group of people on the opposite side?" After hearing what Han Feng said, Tanya laughed.

"Right? That's it. You... aren't afraid anymore, are you?" Han Feng was also afraid that Tanya would reject him, so when he said this, his tone was slightly teasing. He hoped to use such language to "stimulate" Tanya so that Tanya would agree to him.

"Single combat is fine, but why should I take you?"

"Uh..." At this moment, Han Feng found that he was thinking too much...

Who is this? Tanya, the war madman! Is there a place she doesn't dare to go?

In the Red Alert game, Tanya needs to complete many tasks alone.

Enter the Soviet camp alone and destroy the Yuri plan alone. This time the task of "challenging" the army was basically the same as in the game. In Tanya's opinion, it was just a warm-up exercise.

Seeing that Han Feng was looking at her without saying anything, Tanya said, "I can deal with them myself. If I take you with me, I have to take care of your safety. Then you will be a disservice."


"So, just be obedient and wait for me to come back. I am enough for these bastards!" Listening to Tanya's gritted teeth, Han Feng knew that she wanted to use this battle to cleanse her previous " shame"……

"No, this time it's you who will follow me on the mission, not me who will follow you." Han Feng said in a more serious tone.

"Is there any difference?"

"Yes, of course there is, this is an order." At this time, Han Feng "moved" out his identity as the commander.

"Oh...then be careful, don't hold me back..." The rank of official was overwhelming, and under the "military order", Tanya could only obey it.

"Okay~ You can go boldly and don't worry about me~~" With a brisk tone, Han Feng had already "laid out" the overall situation.

As soon as Tanya takes action, the scene will be chaotic - then she will be squatting in the corner and firing a black gun! No matter what happens, you can just hide in a hiding place and wait for the battle to end~

When thinking about being excited, Han Feng smiled "hehe".

"Report to Team Han that I am a spy." The spy's voice sounded in his mind.

"What's wrong? What's going on?"

"I have already mastered the basic composition and number of the opponent's personnel, as well as the placement locations of the opponent's overt and hidden sentries, as well as the location where the investigation team is being held."

"Tell me about it." What Han Feng didn't expect was that the spy only infiltrated for half an hour and grasped the opponent's staffing problem.

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