Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 231: The Mysterious Girl

"Hehe~ Are you going to keep watching like this?" Seeing Han Feng's absent-minded eyes, the mysterious girl couldn't help but asked with a smile.

"Ah?" Han Feng immediately reacted when the girl asked this. The next moment, Han Feng turned around and stopped looking at the girl.

"Hey? No way, little brother, you've been standing for so long, aren't you tired? Come and sit?"

"Come here... do... gurgle..." Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Han Feng stupidly asked "do... what?"

Slowly turning his head, Han Feng found that the girl was wearing the white dress that he met for the first time, and she looked pure and moving. It seemed that what he saw just now was just a fantasy...

"Hey~ I can't just let you take advantage~ Now... hehe~" As soon as the mysterious girl finished speaking, Han Feng felt that he was slowly "out of control"! His two hands were raised involuntarily, and he began to unbutton his thin shirt one by one.

Until this moment, Han Feng's eyes changed! If it was fear before, it was a little angry now!

From the beginning of the dream, he was played around by this girl. Now I am forced to take off my clothes! You know, this is my dream. Even if it is a wonderful "spring" dream, I have to take the lead!

Han Feng, it's time to fight for the dominance of the dream!

"You have superpowers... I have them too!" After saying that, Han Feng began to activate one of his superpowers - telekinesis!

The power from the body gushed out, and Han Feng tried desperately to regain the "control" of his body.

"Uh... Uh!" Under the interweaving of the two powers, Han Feng's hands shook violently. At this moment, even the blue veins on his hands were exposed.

But soon, Han Feng found that his strength was too weak. Even with the use of superpowers, the movements of his hands were only a little slower.

You know, Han Feng has already risked his life at this time, while the girl... just sat leisurely by the bed.

"In that case... you forced me!" Staring, Han Feng was ready to use his "big move"!

"Telekinesis! Imprisonment!!!" That's right, Han Feng used the ability to imprison. And the object of imprisonment... is himself!

Han Feng knew that for a person who was imprisoned, everything else would be still except the brain. Including breathing and blinking.

But what he didn't expect was that... even though his breathing was forced to stop, his hands were still approaching the first button of his shirt! The only change was that the movement speed of his hands slowed down again by half a second...

Faced with such a thing, Han Feng felt like crying but had no tears. Even in his heart, Han Feng asked himself, is she a "god"?

All this is slow to say, but in the dream, only a few seconds passed...

After more than ten seconds, no matter how Han Feng "obstructed", his hands still took off his shirt.

Throwing the shirt aside, Han Feng's hands actually began to "drive" towards the waistband. This scene scared Han Feng, not that Han Feng resisted what happened with this mysterious girl. But... in this restrained and forced situation, what he could feel was not pleasure, but powerlessness and despair.

When Han Feng took off his pants and the only clothes left on his body were a pair of shorts, he growled desperately, "What are you going to do?! You think it's interesting, right?!!!"

"Hahaha~ It's funny~ Look at you, your face is red, how funny~" It would have been better if Han Feng didn't ask, this question caused the mysterious girl to laugh, and even the tears flashing in the corners of her eyes after laughing.

After laughing for a while, the mysterious girl put away her smile.

"You forgot something." Suddenly, the mysterious girl said this.

"Ah? What... what?" After saying this, Han Feng found that his hands were no longer "taking off randomly" and the control of his body was restored.

Clenching his fists, Han Feng immediately picked up the clothes and pants on the ground and quickly put them on.

"You promised me something, have you really forgotten?" The girl looked at Han Feng and stood up.

"What did I promise you? Tell me now, I will do it for you immediately!" After trying several times secretly, Han Feng found that he still couldn't get rid of the dream.

"It seems that you really forgot... the dog man! Bah!" The mysterious girl gritted her teeth and said, and waved her right hand.

Han Feng saw the girl's right hand coming towards him, and thought that the girl was going to "slap" him, so he subconsciously closed his eyes.

"..." After waiting for two seconds, Han Feng felt no discomfort on his face...

Slowly opening his eyes, Han Feng saw that the venue of the dream had changed... It turned out that the girl just wanted to change the scene just now, haha... I thought too much...

After the "near miss", Han Feng began to look around.

"Night Bar?! This???" After seeing the surrounding environment, Han Feng was shocked! That's right, the mysterious girl pulled Han Feng back to the "past".

The screen showed that this was the first time Han Feng and the mysterious girl met. The girl still held the supply box in her hand, and kept Han Feng's appetite, and kept asking Han Feng to say you love me, you like me and so on.

"Watch it! Dog man! See how you "cheated" me in the past!" Suddenly, the mysterious girl reminded.

"Oh oh..." After mumbling, Han Feng looked at his "former" self.

"Can you give it to me now?" In the picture, Han Feng said to the mysterious girl sitting next to him, and his eyes were directed to the supply box in the girl's hand.

"No~ You have to promise me one thing~!"

"Hey! Are you going too far? I have done everything you asked for, no more, no more, no more!" Hearing this, Han Feng curled his lips. Because Han Feng knew that the first few sentences in the picture were what he said to the girl, "I love you, I like you."

"You are cruel to me!" In the picture, after the girl yelled this sentence, she began to cry...

"Don't cry...I promise, can't I promise?"

"Well! You can't cheat!"


"Remember?! Idiot!" Suddenly, the mysterious girl beside him interrupted playfully. Following the girl's words, the scene in the night bar slowly dimmed until it disappeared...

Looking at the girl, Han Feng scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and replied with a haha, "Uh...haha~ I seem to have remembered something~"

"Remember? What do you mean? I've replayed what you just said to you! You can't lie! No!" As she spoke, the mysterious girl jumped angrily, her cheeks bulging.

Looking at the harmless yet cute girl, Han Feng was a little stunned for a moment... The girl in front of him was a ruthless person, her abilities didn't match her appearance at all...

Leaving the girl aside, Han Feng said angrily, "Okay, okay~ I know, I know~ I won't lie to you, tell me, what is it you want me to do?"

"Kill them all." The girl said calmly.

"Ah?? Kill? Kill who? Who can offend your ancestor? You are not allowed to plow their ancestral graves..." Looking at the girl, Han Feng really couldn't think of anyone who this girl couldn't kill.

At the same time, Han Feng was a little curious. If you can't even kill a mysterious girl, why can you do it on your own? Why? Isn’t that right...them? ? They? ! Does that mean he’s meowing more than one person? ! !

Hearing Han Feng's teasing, the girl squinted at Han Feng and said coldly, "Go if I tell you to! If you keep talking nonsense to me, I'll do it to you now! I'll let you dance for me wearing only a pair of shoes!"

"Uh..." Han Feng was speechless...

Seeing that Han Feng became "well-behaved", the girl continued, "You will come into contact with them tomorrow. They are the armies of other countries in your mouth."

"Damn it! It's a good thing you didn't mention it! Let me do this! I will definitely kill them all!" Han Feng immediately became interested when he heard what the mysterious girl was talking about. Turning to face the girl, Han Feng continued, "I don't know whether I can do other things, but I will kill them even if you don't tell me about this!"

"You can only go alone." Facing the enthusiastic Han Feng, the girl poured a basin of cold water on him.


"Ah what! I told you to kill them all by yourself!" the girl reiterated.

"I... alone? I'm going to kill them all by myself?" Han Feng asked blankly. Even now, Han Feng's brain is still a little confused.

"Is there something wrong with your ears? I've said this three times, and you still ask it three times!"

"You are sick! Let me annihilate them all by myself! You said they are the army! The army! They are not ruffians! With my little strength, can I go up and deliver food?!"

Han Feng said this with "dance and joy", but the girl seemed to be "deaf". Her eyes looked at the "dancing" Han Feng as if she were looking at a clown.

"Hello? Please... No? You really want me to annihilate them all by myself?!"

The girl rolled her eyes and said impatiently, "This is the fourth time you've asked me."

"What do you want? Why should I go by myself? Knock on the door? Then say hello, do you need takeout? Stop talking! How is it possible!" Seeing that the girl was not getting enough, it was Han Feng's turn to jump in. .

"You figure this out yourself~ I don't care~ Anyway, you can only rely on yourself to kill them all." Looking at Han Feng, the girl seemed to have remembered something, and continued, "By the way, I almost forgot~ I said it's up to you, You really have to rely on yourself. You can’t even bring a gun with you, your weapons are your fists~”

"Hmph~ I'm not going." At this moment, Han Feng was already dead and was not afraid of boiling water, so he dripped as much as he wanted!

"Then take it off!" After the girl said "I hate iron," Han Feng's hands began to move involuntarily again.

"Hey~ Whatever~ I won't suffer anyway, brother~ You can do whatever you want~ Just come and come~~~" The little ruffian's character was highlighted, Han Feng thought to himself, in order to "save his life", it is nothing to lose his "chastity"~

The shirt he had just put on for a few minutes was taken off by himself again, but Han Feng's expression was still as "open-minded" as ever~

"You!...You're so mad at me!"

Based on the principle that as long as I am not embarrassed, you will be the one who is embarrassed, Han Feng succeeded!

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