Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 183: Level 4 Zombie VS Level 1 Wild Beastman (Part 2)

The moment he received the two boxes, several banging sounds were heard.

Han Feng searched for the sound and looked subconsciously, only to see two monsters fighting like primary school students.

There are no moves to speak of, no movement of body skills. The fourth-level zombies and the first-level orcs stood there, punching each other.

After looking at it for a few seconds, Han Feng looked away, because the more urgent thing at this time was to save the two mobilization soldiers!

Picking up the two boxes containing the secondary gene - Wild Beast Serum Injections in his hand, Han Feng opened them directly.

When he opened it again, Han Feng took a special look. The second-level box is slightly larger than the first-level box. Take out two injections. The serum inside is darker than the first-level serum.

Holding an injection in each hand, Han Feng pulled out the needle cap with his mouth, and then stabbed the two conscripts without hesitation. Of course...the places where you penetrate are also different...

Pushing in the potion, Han Feng asked Luna while pulling out the empty syringe, "Luna, should they be fine now? Is the transformation time of the second-level beast serum fast?"

"Report to the Korean team that the second-level gene - Wild Beast Serum is transforming the bodies of the conscripts. It will take a little longer than the first-level gene - Wild Beast Serum. It will take a minute."

"Oh... that's good..." After replying, Han Feng quickly raised his head and looked at the "chamber" at the entrance of the hospital. Han Feng maintained a high degree of curiosity about this unique battle.


"Bang! Bang!"

At this moment, the two muscle monsters were fighting each other, roaring and attacking without thinking. Every punch almost hit the opponent's chest in the same place.

What does punching to the flesh mean, what does crazy output mean... At this time, Han Feng had a certain understanding of these eight words.

"Bang! Click!..."

The fourth-level zombie punched the first-level orc in the chest, and a muffled sound of fracture was heard. Later, Han Feng could see with the naked eye an incredible dent in the chest of the first-level orc...

"I'll kill you!" Although Han Feng knew that a level one orc couldn't defeat a level four zombie, he didn't expect that a level one orc would be at a disadvantage so quickly! Han Feng, who couldn't accept this fact for a while, swore in a low voice.

"Oh... you're so stupid! Why don't you hit him on the head! What's the point of hitting him on the chest..." Han Feng muttered as he looked at the injured first-level orc.

"Luna, are the first-level orcs so weak? Are they injured as soon as they come up? They look very powerful, but I didn't expect that they are also a "vases". They can only be seen but not used..."

"Team Han, it's a little early to draw a conclusion now. You'll know later~"

What Han Feng didn't expect was that Luna didn't show any contempt for the first-level wild orcs, but instead had a tone in her tone that told Han Feng to "see the show."

"Oh~ Really? Then I have to take a closer look!" As he spoke, Han Feng's eyes widened even more, for fear of missing any details.

"Roar..." Because the first-level orc's chest collapsed, the sound of his roar changed a bit, and he lost the confidence he felt before. However, the speed and frequency of the punches were not inferior by half, and he still showed strong combat power.

Just when Han Feng thought that the two "tanks" were about to attack, the first-level orcs moved. Because the first-level orc is slightly smaller than the fourth-level zombie, and the fourth-level zombie has difficulty moving its legs, he can move his body much faster than the fourth-level zombie.

I saw the first-level orc dodging the punch attack of the fourth-level zombie, and then walked around to the side of the fourth-level zombie. The right hand forms a fist and is collected at the waist. His left hand took advantage of the bulging shoulders of the level four zombie, shrunk his legs and jumped up!

Seeing the movements of the first-level orc, Han Feng's blood surged instantly! Judging from his posture, the first-level orc is about to jump up and hit the head of the fourth-level zombie that is not easily attacked with a straight punch!

At this moment, Han Feng suddenly remembered Luna's "frivolous" tone just now, Team Han. It's a bit early to draw a conclusion now. You'll know later~

"Could it be...could this be a boxing technique that fell from the sky..." Han Feng said to himself as he stared at the falling fist of the first-level orc.

There is no way to avoid or escape Level 4 zombies. Even simple blocking is impossible due to the huge shoulder muscles.


This punch hit the level four zombie's head with precision and ruthlessness! Live up to expectations!


Stimulated by the huge pain, the level four zombie let out a tearing roar! And his steps began to become shaky. Looking at the state, the level 4 zombie would fall to the ground in a few seconds!

"Good fight!" After saying that, Han Feng contacted Luna and said, "Haha! It turns out that the first-level orcs are so powerful! If I had known that the "gold content" of a thousand gold coins was so high, I should have recruited a few more first-level orcs. Come out! I’m so scared!”

After a pause, Han Feng continued to Luna, "No wonder you were so sure just now. It turns out you know the strength of the first-level wild orcs!"

But what puzzled Han Feng was that after Han Feng finished speaking, Luna did not speak.


The rough and powerful roar of the fourth-level zombie attracted Han Feng's attention again, but this roar also "awoke" the low-level zombies present.

In conjunction with the fourth-level zombies, the low-level zombies began their "activities". Seeing the zombies moving, the people present realized that their battle was not over yet. Suddenly, the sound of firing became loud again.

Looking closely, there was no trace of frailty in the fourth-level zombie's footsteps. Looking up a little... Han Feng saw a little blood slowly flowing from the scratch on the fourth-level zombie's forehead... The rest, nothing...

The first-level wild beastman's fierce attack just now only caused the fourth-level zombie to scratch the surface? ! ! !



Suddenly, two roars sounded behind Han Feng. Han Feng, who was concentrating on watching the battle, was so scared that his legs softened and he almost knelt on the ground!

The transformation of the two one-star mobilized soldiers by the second-level gene-wild beast serum was completed! These two roars were made by the "two" second-level wild beastmen.

Han Feng, who stabilized his body, looked back and saw the neatly arranged abdominal muscles of the second-level "mobilized wild beast soldier" and the fragments of clothes hanging on his body that were blown up...

Han Feng slowly raised his head and looked at the chin and nostrils of the second-level wild beastman... Because the distance was too close and his height was limited, he could not see anything above.

Han Feng is 1.83 meters tall, and can only match the chest of a level 2 orc! This is still a good way to put it... The truth is that his height is only as high as the abdominal muscles of a level 2 orc...

"Luna... How tall is he? How can I..."



Before Han Feng finished asking, the two level 2 orcs moved! As if they had agreed, they raised their fists and were about to hit Wayne on the side!

"Stop!" Han Feng, who had no time to speak, instantly gave orders to the two level 2 orcs in his mind!

After receiving the order, the two level 2 orcs put away the idea of ​​attacking Wayne. But they did not lower their raised hands at all, but scanned the whole scene with fierce eyes. In the end, the two of them fixed their eyes on the level 4 zombie...

"You two just stand where you are now and don't do anything." Han Feng said while patting his chest with his hand... It was too scary. What if his order just now failed for half a second! Wayne would be turned into meat paste!

Don't say that Wayne is a one-star American soldier and that he can avoid such an attack with his skills. You have to know that there are two comrades beside him! If two comrades suddenly shoot at you, no one can avoid it!

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