Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 182: Level 4 Zombie VS Level 1 Wild Beastman (Part 1)

Looking at the hideous wounds on the two mobilized soldiers, Han Feng's heart tightened...

"Gurgle...Gurgle..." In the noisy environment, Han Feng could actually hear the sound of the mobilized soldiers bleeding.

"It's too late...It's too late..." After a trembling murmur, Han Feng hurriedly contacted Luna "Luna! Report the situation of these two mobilized soldiers!"

"Report to Captain Han, these two mobilized soldiers were bitten by zombies in the artery. In this environment, such wounds have a 100% mortality rate."

"Wayne, find a way to take him! Go!" Listening to Luna's report, Han Feng gritted his teeth, pushed one of the mobilized soldiers to Wayne, and carried the other mobilized soldier on his back, and ran quickly towards the door.

After using the speed superpower for nearly ten minutes, a mobilized soldier weighing more than 200 pounds was pressed on his back... Every step he took, Han Feng had an urge to kneel down.

Gritting his teeth, Han Feng silently prayed to hold on... and hold on again...

"Luna! Two bottles of wild beast serum! Quick! Quick!" Han Feng's forehead was exposed with veins, and blood was slowly flowing down his nose. He almost shouted at Luna in his mouth.

It was because Han Feng knew that wild beast serum could save lives, so Han Feng would take these two mobilized soldiers with him at all costs.

"Report to Captain Han, two bottles of first-level gene - wild beast serum, the production cost is 2,000 gold coins, please..."

"Confirm! Confirm... Confirm!" Han Feng replied with difficulty, opening his "bloody mouth". At this time, Han Feng was about to come out of the hospital.

"Okay, Captain Han, first-level gene - wild beast serum, is being produced, please wait."

"Uh... Ah!" As soon as Luna finished speaking, Han Feng rushed out of the hospital. The moment he saw the sun, Han Feng's legs softened, and he rolled down with the mobilized soldiers.

"Disaster... is always half a step behind me... alive, alive..." Turning over, Han Feng lay on the ground and muttered to himself.

Because in the outside world, snipers will protect themselves to the greatest extent. Life safety is no longer a problem for the time being.

"Captain Han, give! Serum!" At this time, Wayne had just come out. He was seen stabilizing the mobilized soldier behind him while handing a box to Han Feng with his other hand.

Staring at the box of serum, Han Feng did not speak. After taking the box, Han Feng opened it roughly, and held a needle with a faint green fluorescence in his hand. From the appearance, this violent serum and the rapid recovery potion are somewhat similar.

Pulling off the needle cap, Han Feng directly stabbed the mobilized soldier beside him, and in a hurry he didn't care whether the position was right or not...


Something weird happened! Only a crisp sound was heard, and the sharp needle tip couldn't pierce the soft skin of the mobilized soldier! Seeing this, Han Feng hurriedly asked Luna, "Luna! Look! What's going on! Why can't the serum penetrate?! Do we need to do other preparatory work?!"

"Report to Captain Han... What you have in your hand is the first-level gene beast serum... But these two mobilized soldiers are two-star soldiers. The drug and the receptor do not match, so it cannot..."

Luna was halfway through her speech, and Han Feng suddenly remembered what Luna had said to her at the beginning. The first-level gene-beast serum can only act on zero-star Red Alert soldiers and ordinary human bodies.

"Fuck! Luna! Make a matching serum! Hurry up! They can't hold on any longer!!" At this time, the two mobilized soldiers were pale and trembling because of lack of blood or the GS virus... Every time the two mobilized soldiers twitched, Han Feng's heart lifted a few points. He hadn't cursed for a long time, and he didn't care about his gentlemanly manners at this time.

"Sorry, Captain Han... You must use the first-level gene in your hand, the Wild Beast Serum, to obtain the information of the second-level gene, the Wild Beast Serum."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng suddenly remembered what Luna had said before. Only after you have made and used the first-level gene, the Wild Beast Serum. The second-level gene, the Wild Beast Serum, will open the manufacturing option.

"Pah! Pah! Pah!"

Suddenly, Han Feng slapped himself three times, and each slap was louder than the last.

"I'm such an idiot! Why didn't I prepare in advance!" After scolding himself fiercely, Han Feng jumped up from the ground. After looking around, he saw a person rolling on the ground with his wound covered not far away. Looking at his wound, Han Feng knew that he was bitten by a zombie.

"I've been looking for it for a long time, but I can't find it!" After muttering, Han Feng quickly approached him, and then pierced him with a needle and pushed the serum...

"Luna! Use it! It's okay this time, right?! Hurry up and make the second-level violent serum!" Seeing the person twitching violently on the ground, Han Feng hurriedly asked Luna.

"Report to Captain Han, the second-level gene - wild beast serum, costs 2,500 gold coins."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng quickly turned his attention to the system. When he saw that the gold coin column showed 6,830 gold coins, his tense heart finally relaxed a little.

"Make! Make two! Quick! Confirm! Don't ask!" At this moment, Han Feng was "racing" with the god of death! The more serum came out in one second, the more hope these two mobilized soldiers had to survive!

"Okay, Captain Han, two genes - wild beast serum are being made, please wait..."

Watching the progress bar of the wild beast serum start to move, Han Feng was scratching his head anxiously, and kept muttering "hurry up... hurry up..."

"Roar! Roar!" When Han Feng was concentrating on the progress bar, a few rough roars "awakened" him.

Level 4 zombies came out? ! When Han Feng thought of this possibility, he immediately prepared for battle. Although he was exhausted physically and mentally, he still had a chance to fight!

But what he didn't expect was that... these roars were not from level 4 zombies... but from the "monsters" around him! They were the "level 1 orcs" that Han Feng had just transformed!

"Roar! Roar!" The rough roars continued, and Han Feng frowned.

"Is this... still a human?!" Looking at the "monster" in front of him that was nearly two meters tall and full of strong muscles, Han Feng couldn't help but say.

You know, the person lying on the ground just now was a skinny guy less than 1.7 meters tall... I didn't expect that he would transform in the blink of an eye? !


"Boom boom boom..."

Perhaps provoked by the roar of the "first-level wild beastman", the fourth-level zombie in the hospital rushed here with a step that made the earth tremble...

Suddenly, the entire battlefield became extremely silent. The roars of zombies and the shootings of people became quiet. The whole scene... was like being paused.

After being transformed into a wild beastman, one attribute will be added to oneself. That is, the injected human body will emit an aura that scares animals, so that it will not be attacked by any animal.

Humans are also animals, but human reason can forcibly reverse this inner fear. But zombies with no IQ are different. Low-level zombies just stood there trembling, and only third-level zombies could barely move.

The humans who were frightened by the level 4 zombies and the zombies who were "blood-suppressed" by the orcs were all watching the "battle" that was about to happen in front of the hospital...



The two "monsters" were attracted by each other's momentum and kept yelling at each other.

"Damn it! Go! Run! Wayne!" The stunned Han Feng was the first to "wake up". His first thought after waking up was to leave here quickly!

When gods fight, mortals suffer. Let's not talk about the strength of the level 1 orcs, the strength and defense of the level 4 zombies alone are enough to make Han Feng "drink a pot of

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