Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 180: The Mysterious Messenger

A series of strange things suddenly hit him, and the huge amount of information made Han Feng confused for a while. •

"Huh..." Taking a few deep breaths, Han Feng forced himself to calm down.

There were a thousand questions in his mind. Han Feng thought for a moment and asked first, "Luna, just now you said that the system was disconnected from me... Why is this happening?" After a pause, Han Feng continued to ask. "What is the connection mechanism between the system and me? Is it close?"

"Reporting to Team Han, the relationship between the system and you is similar to the spiritual connection mechanism. In other words, in layman's terms... we are directly connected to your soul. In terms of closeness... we can say that we are one body with you. of."

"Then under what circumstances will the connection be interrupted?"

"Sorry, Team Korea... I don't know. The system cannot detect body vulnerabilities and connection vulnerabilities. It's like a sudden power outage and then an instant recovery, and the problem can't be found at all..."

"It's her...she's here..." After hearing Luna's words, Han Feng murmured in a daze.

"Uh... I'm sorry, Captain Han, I didn't understand. Who's here?" Since Luna was "stopped" for a few seconds, she didn't know who Han Feng was talking about.

"Mysterious girl... Which mysterious girl... She cut off the contact between you and me before coming in. How exactly she did it... I don't know." Han Feng said tremblingly, with a concealed tone in his voice. Can't help but feel panic.

After Han Feng finished speaking, Luna did not respond, and the air gradually became quiet...

Since he couldn't think of a clue, Han Feng put aside the problem for now. Get out of bed and walk to the window. Under the moonlight, he began to examine the metal objects in his hands.

In his left hand, there was a metal box the size of a cigarette box. There are no text labels or any graphic logos. After checking the empty box, Han Feng determined that there were no clues and gently placed it on the table.

Raising his right hand, Han Feng saw something like a necklace lying in his palm. There were two brands hanging on the necklace made of thin metal chains, but what puzzled Han Feng was...the two metal brands were extremely smooth, with no markings on either the front or back.

If someone told Han Feng that these two pieces were small "mirrors", he would believe it because they are so smooth...

Staring at this "necklace", Han Feng tried hard to recall every detail of the game. After a long time, Han Feng's brows became tighter and tighter.

Weapons? Don't be ridiculous...its edges are not sharp at all, and it doesn't look like anything lethal.

Ornaments? This is even more ridiculous! Is it okay that there is no option to wear items in the Red Alert game?

As a gift? Haha...it makes no sense.

"Luna, what is this?" After thinking for a long time, Han Feng couldn't think of any connection between this thing and the Red Alert game.

"Reporting to the Korean team, this is the nameplate of the heroic soldier unit."

"Soldier... nameplate? Is it worn by Red Alert soldiers? Does it have a bonus effect?" After listening to Luna's explanation, Han Feng asked back.

"Reporting to the Korean team, this is a necessity for summoning individual soldiers - hero level, characters."

"Uh... Ying... Hero?! Hero!!!" Suddenly, a burst of electricity swept through Han Feng's body. Great joy mixed with happiness, crashing like a huge wave!

Make money, make money! Make money! ! ! !

A hero-level individual unit, as a hardcore player, Han Feng certainly knows what it means!

Hero of the Alliance - Tanya, Hero of the Soviet Union - elite combat soldier!

No matter which one of these two is, their fighting power is immeasurable!

After coming back to his senses, Han Feng stared closely at the soldier nameplate in his hand, grinning stupidly...

"Luna! Summon Tanya!" After the silly smile, Han Feng said directly to Luna.

"Sorry Commander, Tanya cannot be summoned."

"Uh..." Doesn't this nameplate belong to Tanya? Thinking of this, Han Feng continued to speak, "Luna, summon the elite combat soldiers!"

"Sorry, Team Korea...the elite combat soldiers cannot be summoned either..."

"..." The air was silent again...

"I have a hero nameplate!"

"Well, yes Team Korea."

"I want to summon individual heroes!"

"Sorry, Team Korea, you cannot summon hero-level individual warriors now."

"..." The choked throat rolled a few times, and Han Feng suppressed his strong dissatisfaction and said, "Why can't you summon it?"

"The Hero Soldier Nameplate is a necessary item to summon hero-level characters, but you must complete other specific conditions before you can summon them."

"Huh..." After listening to Luna's words, Han Feng closed his eyes and took a deep breath... thinking that he was too excited just now...

After regaining his emotions, Han Feng said, "Tell me, what do you need me to do before you are willing to let me summon them?"

"Instructions for summoning hero-level characters—hero-soldier nameplate. Hero-level characters cannot be summoned within 24 hours after receiving the hero-soldier nameplate. Summoning hero-level characters requires 10,000 gold coins."


"No...no more?" After hearing these three "rules", Han Feng asked softly.

"Report to the Korean team, there are no more."

"In other words, at this time tomorrow, I will have to spend 10,000 gold coins...to summon a hero?"

"Yes, Team Korea."

"Hehe! What's the point of doing this?! Why do you have to wait 24 hours if you want to collect money?! Is this necessary?" Han Feng, who was dissatisfied with these "overlord" treaties, said angrily.

"Sorry, Team Korea, this is a rule."

"Oh..." Han Feng had no choice but to wait... But even if he was summoned now, he had no money...

Lying back on the bed, Han Feng began his beautiful "fantasy...", imagining Tanya's agile figure, imagining the brave posture of elite combat soldiers...

Unconsciously, a few hours passed, and the sad moonlight slowly turned into a gray dawn...

Until the sound of the cooking fire outside the tent woke Han Feng up, Han Feng realized that it was dawn.

"Oh my! It's dawn already?!" Han Feng, who was still fantasizing the last second, sat up suddenly and muttered to himself while looking out the window.

After a simple tidying up, Han Feng put on his coat and left the tent.

After a brief greeting with Brother Wang, Han Feng calculated the time, ran to Kong Xiang's tent, and began to "retaliate" to wake Kong Xiang up.

Looking at the sleepy Kong Xiang, Han Feng smirked a few times, thinking that this "revenge" was avenged! ~

After breakfast, Han Feng watched others busy preparing for battle.

After a while, Brother Wang walked up to Han Feng and said, "Let's go, we've almost packed up, it's time to go."

"Ah...ha!" Han Feng rubbed his eyes and yawned and said, "Okay, Brother Wang...let's go..."

Han Feng was excited almost the whole night, so he didn't have enough time to rest. I didn't feel much at dawn, but now that the sun was up, I felt sleepy.

Just like yesterday, the three teams gathered at the entrance and exit.

Just as Han Feng thought, the number of people in the other two teams increased a lot. According to Luna's calculations, the Iron Cavalry and the Stars had a total of more than 200 people, twice as many as yesterday.

It seems that they are either going to get rid of me. Or they are so angry that they are ready to "bloodbath" the hospital, or maybe both...Looking at the bustling crowd, Han Feng thought in his heart.

This time, Cheng Ji didn't have a long story, just a few polite words of peace, and let everyone set off.

But this time, Han Feng noticed that Cheng Ji looked at him several times, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally. Han Feng could not figure out any useful information from his unclear eyes.

"Simon, how are you preparing?" On the way, Han Feng contacted Simon when he entered the 5-kilometer range of the Seventh Hospital.

"Report to Captain Han, I have arranged everyone properly. Now we have three snipers, 15 American soldiers, and 60 mobilized soldiers, a total of 78 people. Weapons and ammunition are all sufficient, please rest assured, Captain Han!"

After listening to Simon, Han Feng thought about it... These configurations almost drew 75% of his strength! It is not an exaggeration to say that he went all out.

"Okay! Wait for my order!"

"Yes! Captain Han!"

After the brief exchange, Han Feng took a few deep breaths and suppressed his nervousness before the battle.

A few minutes later, the mighty convoy stopped in front of the Seventh Hospital again. The cars carrying more than 200 people alone blocked the road in front of the hospital.

"Star Team! Send 50 people to block the outside world

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