Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 179: Weird

Today’s dinner is particularly sumptuous, with cooked food, stir-fries, desserts and drinks. Compared to yesterday, it was much better.

Just like yesterday, Han Feng and Wayne returned to the tent holding bowls of food. Because there was "one more" sniper now, Han Feng took a lot more.

Brother Wang was a little surprised when he saw this. He stared at Han Feng and asked, "So much food... you..."

"Haha, the more you eat, the faster you get~" Han Feng said with a playful smile. Brother Wang nodded and said nothing more.

After the three of them finished dinner, the moon was already high in the sky...

When everyone fell asleep, Han Feng called up sniper No. 3...

"Is there any way you can lurk out? But there must be someone watching here... and I don't know the location..." Looking at sniper No. 3, Han Feng asked tentatively.

"Team Han, are you being monitored?" After listening to Han Feng's words, the sniper did not answer his question immediately, but asked with a frown.

"Guess, it's just a guess that someone is watching. It's not certain yet."

After Han Feng finished speaking, the sniper did not speak, but his eyes flashed with a sharp light.

"Um... can you sneak out?" Seeing that the sniper didn't speak, Han Feng asked again.

"Yes, it's easy to lurk out...but I want to help you "unplug" these secret whistles now!"

"Don't touch them yet. I guess I've been exposed now. The boss here is going to cause trouble for me. Get rid of them now... I'm afraid it will attract their attention. I have already planned it. Once tomorrow is over... ...Hehe. As he spoke, Han Feng laughed a few times.

"By the way, how are you going to lurk out where someone is watching?" Suddenly, Han Feng thought that this tent only had one door. Although the size of the window can allow a person to tumble out,...the movement out of the window will definitely be larger, and the chance of being discovered will also increase accordingly.

"It's simple, just help me take cover when the time comes." Sniper No. 3 finished speaking briskly, then walked on cat steps, silently approaching several windows, and looked outside carefully...

While going around several windows, Sniper No. 3 raised his sniper rifle from time to time and looked at the tall buildings outside with a high-magnification scope.

Looking at the snipers "circling" all over the ground, Han Feng knew that he was looking for each other. But I couldn’t help but ask, “Are you looking for them?”

"Yes, Team Korea. I will first observe the nearby locations where this tent may be seen to see if there is anyone there. Then I will observe all the commanding heights here to see if there are any snipers or long-distance observers."

While talking to Han Feng, sniper No. 3 "Tang Teng" continued to keep observing.

"Then have you seen the people watching here?" At this time, Han Feng became interested. I also looked out the window many times, but found nothing except darkness outside.

"Yes, I have found three people monitoring this place for now. There are no snipers or observers at the commanding heights, which means they don't have this type of personnel."

"Really found?!" After hearing what sniper No. 3 said, Han Feng was nervous and excited. He then contacted Luna and said, "Luna, vision connection! Target sniper No. 3!"

"Okay, Team Korea, the vision connection has been completed..."

When Han Feng opened his eyes again, the perspective was already that of sniper No. 3.

With curiosity in mind, Han Feng, who was sitting on the bed, said, "No. 3, look for these three people and let me see where they are!"

"Okay, Team Korea." After saying that, sniper No. 3 came to the window, opened the corner of the window, and stared at one place with one eye...

From the perspective of this eye, Han Feng saw a small tent thirty meters away. A small single-hole telescope poked out a few centimeters from the zipper opening of the small tent, and the observation direction of the telescope was facing here...

"I'll go...and...it's really awesome!" Han Feng couldn't help but sigh...

You know, there are almost no lights in the safe area, and it's dark everywhere. The tent used by the monitor is still black, and the frame of the telescope is also black... In other words, the sniper almost found a black stone from a pile of black coal!

Listening to Han Feng's murmur, Sniper No. 3 slowly retreated, came to another window, and looked again...

The second surveillance position was "observed" by Han Feng. Like the person just now, the distance was about thirty meters.

A few seconds later, the sniper came to the door and stared at another place again.

"This person is so close to us..." In sight, the third monitor was only more than ten meters away from his tent. After thinking about it, Han Feng felt that it was right... After all, this was his entrance and exit, and he could better monitor himself if he was closer.

Exiting the field of view connection, Han Feng rubbed his eyes, suddenly thought of something and asked, "Oh, by the way, No. 3, just now you said there are no snipers here? How did you know?"

"Because I didn't see it." Sniper No. 3's answer was concise and clear...

"Ah ha? ~ If you didn't see it, does that mean there isn't one? What if the opponent's sniper didn't come out today? What if he went to the toilet?" At this time, Han Feng transformed into a "gangster", and Sniper No. 3 raised his bar.

"I just searched all the tall buildings for sniper vantage points, and I didn't find any traces of the presence of snipers. There are only two explanations for this phenomenon."

"Which two?"

"The first is that the opponent does not have the sniper unit at all, so every commanding height is so "clean"."

"What about the second one?"

"The second one? Hehe... That means the opponent's sniper's hiding ability is much better than mine! But just looking at these three "outstanding" surveillance personnel just now, I don't think there are any masters of disguise here."

"..." After listening to the No. 3 sniper, Han Feng was speechless...

That's right, these three people probably followed me on the first day I came here, but I didn't find anything. No. 3, who can clearly point out the opponent's position in a few seconds, has no reason to be inferior in terms of hiding ability.

"Haha~ I know there are no snipers here~ This is just a test for you~" In order to "maintain" his reputation as a "commander", Han Feng laughed.

"Then may I ask Captain Han, are you satisfied with my assessment?~" Looking back, the No. 3 sniper actually teased Han Feng in the tone he just used.

"...Satisfied, satisfied..." After saying "satisfied" twice in a row, Han Feng's mind was opened, and then he asked, "If I summon a sniper, who will win if you two fight?"

"It depends on who reveals the first flaw first." Sniper No. 3 answered with a straight face.

"Oh... Then who do you think you can't beat?" Suddenly, Han Feng thought of another interesting question.

"Tanya." Seeing that the sniper didn't hesitate at all, he blurted out a name.

"Tanya?!" After hearing what the sniper said, Han Feng also confirmed with wide eyes.

"Yes... She can easily avoid the bullets fired by any sniper. In terms of close combat... If you are her enemy, then the moment she gets close to you, your life will also enter the countdown..."

Listening to the speech of Sniper No. 3, Han Feng heard a deep sense of powerlessness.

Is... Tanya really that strong? At this time, a question took root deeply in Han Feng's heart.

"When you meet her, you will know how powerful she is. Let's not talk about her for now. Please help me sneak out now."

"Oh, okay!" The sniper's words woke Han Feng up. He still had to meet up with Simon and couldn't stay in the tent all the time.

Standing up, Han Feng looked at the sniper and said, "How to do it? I'll listen to you."

"Well... you and Wayne just go out together. You two stand side by side at the door for a while, then start walking slowly, and leave the rest to me."

"Are you sure? This can help you sneak out?!" Han Feng asked in disbelief.

"If there is only one person, I might still spend some effort. But now there are two people, so things are simple."


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