Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 167: Friend or Foe

"Where did you get it?" Han Feng looked at the supply box, then looked up at the girl's eyes and asked cautiously. (っ◔◡◔)っ

"Huh? I can't open this thing, but I feel that you should still be very concerned about it, right?~" The girl did not answer Han Feng's question directly, but fiddled with the supply box with her slender jade fingers, and her smart eyes were full of curiosity.

"Who are you?" Han Feng asked with gritted teeth. Looking at the girl, Han Feng felt a deep sense of powerlessness. Although she did nothing, from the moment she sat down, all the initiative was in her hands...

"You said... What will be in this small box? Why can't I guess it at all?" The girl still did not answer Han Feng's question, but just kept "studying" the supply box. It seems that she will not give up until she figured it out today.

"Who are you?!" At this moment, Han Feng was already very serious, and there was even a hint of threat in his tone.

"What? Are you anxious?" The girl finally took her eyes off the supply box in her hand and looked at Han Feng with a smile. After she stood up, she slowly put her face close to Han Feng's ear and whispered, "Say you like me..."

"Ah???" The girl's words made Han Feng at a loss.

In Han Feng's mind, he even thought about starting a war on the spot and snatching the supply box. He also thought about following the girl and taking the opportunity to attack. He thought about summoning Simon and the nearby Red Alert soldiers to help... But in fact, Simon and the Red Alert soldiers were indeed on their way.

There are no tanks, armored vehicles or other vehicles here. Even if they have heavy weapons, Simon can kill them one by one. And the terrifying combat power of the Red Alert soldiers will quickly clean up this place. The most important thing is that he has Luna as his "trump card"! As long as this place is scanned once, no human living body can escape the detection of the radar.

As for sending a message to the outside world before dying? Haha, under the powerful interference mechanism of the radar, it does not exist! So Han Feng has the absolute ability to "kill and rob"! And promised not to be exposed.

However, all these "plans" were disrupted by a word from this mysterious girl...

She actually asked him to... say that he liked her? ! Puzzled, Han Feng looked at the girl in front of him, his mouth trembling a few times, not knowing where to start.

"Hurry up and say that you like me~" The girl whispered to Han Feng's face, and the gentle wind from her mouth brushed across his ears. A burst of electricity instantly passed through every cell in Han Feng's body, causing Han Feng to tremble unconsciously.

Smelling the addictive smell of the girl, Han Feng said absentmindedly, "I... I like you..."

After saying that, Han Feng instantly woke up! It was not until this time that he realized what a serious mistake he had just made! Distracted!!

He now knew nothing about the details of this girl, and he didn't even know if she was an enemy or a friend! In such an unfamiliar environment, facing a stranger, he was actually uneasy!

What if she wanted to kill him, then just now...

"Hehe~ Little brother, you wouldn't say that to every girl, would you?~" At this time, the girl said in Han Feng's ear again with a smile.

This extremely gentle female voice, this intoxicating fragrance, to Han Feng at this moment... is no less than a spell to urge death!

Han Feng immediately stood up, took a half step back, and said with a vigilant look, "Could it be that you would ask men to say that when you see them?!" While Han Feng was speaking, Sean next to him flashed and inserted himself between the two of them, his alert posture was clearly revealed.

The war... is about to break out!

One second... two seconds...

A few seconds passed, and the girl was still in a relaxed posture, not taking the American soldier Sean seriously at all.

Han Feng turned his head and observed the surroundings, and found that no one's eyes were looking here. It seemed that the tension here did not interest them at all. Even the bartender who was close by was wiping his glass slowly, as if he didn't notice this.

Although Han Feng felt it was a bit strange, he turned back to look at the girl and asked, "Can you give me the box in your hand?"

Hearing Han Feng's question, the girl opened her eyes wide and looked at Han Feng and asked, "Why?"

"I... I just finished what you asked, you should give it to me.

"Haha~ Little brother, I didn't promise that I would give it to you after you finished speaking~" The girl sat back on the high stool in front of the bar, playing with the supply box and talking.

"..."At this time... Han Feng knew that he was fooled. Although he had just taken advantage of it, he was not happy at all now.

Seeing the girl return to her original position, Han Feng realized that the girl had no ill intentions now, so he instructed Sean to lift the alert in his mind.

After Sean left, Han Feng also sat back to his previous position, looked at the girl and asked, "Then how can you give it to me? ”

“Say you love me~”


“Say you love me? ~”

“Huh…” Han Feng took a deep breath. He racked his brains but couldn’t figure out what the girl wanted to do.

“I… I love you…” Han Feng gritted his teeth and squeezed out these three words from his teeth.

“I can’t hear it~ too stiff~ no warmth~ no sincerity~ no…”

“Okay, okay! Don’t say it…” Han Feng looked at the bored look of the girl, and suddenly felt like he was in love with her.

“I love you.” This time, Han Feng adjusted his attitude.

“Well… barely pass~” The girl took a sip of the Bloody Mary on the table and nodded slightly.

"Can you give it to me now?" Han Feng said, staring at the supply box in the girl's hand.

"No...you have to promise me one thing~!"

"Hey! Are you going too far? I have done all your requests, once and twice, but not three or four times!"

"You are mean to me?!" In an instant, the girl widened her eyes and tears swirled in her eyes, looking at Han Feng.

But compared to the girl's tears, Han Feng's worldview collapsed more...

What the hell is this? ! ! Why did God let me meet such a beautiful "weird flower"! ! ! At this time, Han Feng's heart was running with ten thousand alpacas...

"Don't cry... I promise, isn't it enough if I promise!" Although he was angry, Han Feng didn't dare to show it at all.

"Well! Don't cheat!"

"Okay... I won't cheat, tell me... what's the matter this time?"

"Come here, I have to tell you quietly." Hearing Han Feng's promise, the girl smiled and stood up, pretending to whisper to Han Feng.

Looking at the girl's body movements, Han Feng leaned forward doubtfully, but in his heart he was ready to use his telekinesis.

"Let your people go back. If they see you, you will be in trouble~ Don't think you can do it cleanly. They have methods you don't know~"

After the girl finished speaking, Han Feng's pupils shrank into needles in an instant!

She actually knew that her Red Alert soldiers were on their way! Why? ! With Simon leading the team, the Red Alert soldiers absolutely obeyed the command. In terms of concealment, they are better than any special forces today!

Why! Why did she know! Could it be... that she has a micro headset in her ear? !

Impossible! Han Feng rejected this idea as soon as he had it. Even if there was a micro headset, someone must have notified her, but according to her words just now, the people in the Night Bar had not discovered the Red Alert soldiers.

Could she be another force different from herself and Brother Yang? !

When Han Feng reacted and wanted to ask something, there was no one in front of him...

Han Feng stood up immediately and wanted to look for the girl in the bar, but found a hard object in his hand. He raised his hand to check and found that it was a supply box that was stuffed into his hand at some point.

Looking at the supply box, Han Feng sat back down with a cold sweat on his back. He...just now, under the vigilant psychological defense, he lost his mind again...

"Simon! Stop the action immediately! Check all the possible dangers around!"

"Luna! Find! Find this girl for me!"

Han Feng didn't care about so much, and directly contacted the two and gave orders separately.

More than ten seconds later... "Report to Captain Han, I have checked the surroundings and everything is normal." Simon was the first to respond to Han Feng.

"Check again! You don't even know you are exposed!" Hearing Simon's confident voice, Han Feng ordered again.

"Yes! Captain Han!" This time, Simon's voice was much more serious.

"Report to Captain Han... This girl, the radar can't track..." Luna continued as soon as Simon finished speaking.

"Can't find it? Why can't we find it? Such a big person just disappeared?" At this time, Han Feng's hands holding the supply box were full of sweat... On the one hand, he was worried about the safety of himself and Lin Lan, and on the other hand, it was too weird... It was so weird that it made people palpitate!

"Report to Captain Han, the system just detected a trace of unknown energy fluctuations. This girl might be a superpower."

"Report to Captain Han, I have thoroughly checked the surroundings and confirmed that there is no danger!" Luna and Simon's reports sounded one after another.

"Luna, cooperate with Simon! It is impossible to be exposed for no reason!" Han Feng didn't believe it. He thought that Simon and Luna couldn't find this person hiding in the dark? Unless she has superpowers like Guo Yongxing! But then again, Guo Yongxing has a special superpower that can't be revealed in one billionth of a billion, and it is impossible to meet the same person again.

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