Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 166: The mysterious girl in the night bar

The Hummer is driving on an extremely dark road, relying on headlights and faint moonlight as the light sources...

"Luna, vision connection. Target Simon." Since he was idle on the road, Han Feng simply activated his vision connection to Simon.

"Okay, Team Korea, the vision connection has been activated."

"Simon, how are your arrangements here?" Han Feng opened his eyes again, and his field of vision was Simon's perspective. Looking at the dark living room, Han Feng asked.

"Report to the Korean team that everything is normal. We have occupied the bedrooms of four families on the 13th and 14th floors, which is enough to provide accommodation for your friends. In addition, the 10th to 12th floors and the 15th to 17th floors are The soldiers’ accommodation floor ensures that no matter which direction the opponent attacks, the soldiers will defend immediately.”

"Well, good. What about you? Are you staying in the living room?" Han Feng first praised and then asked.

"Yes, because if you want to enter the bedroom, you have to pass through the living room. I sit in the living room, which is also a checkpoint. There is also a sofa in the living room. When I feel sleepy, I call the soldiers here."

"Thank you for your hard work!" Seeing Simon doing his duty so well, Han Feng felt reassured.

After a round of inspection, Han Feng exited the visual field connection. When he opened his eyes again, Han Feng saw the night bar not far ahead.

"So fast..." After muttering, Han Feng began to observe the area around the bar.

At any intersection around a night bar, there must be several people armed with firearms stationed there. It can be seen that their duty is to protect the night bar.

The Hummer passed by them, and they just watched with vigilance, but made no move to stop it.

"Park the car here." He directed Thain to park the car, and they both opened the door and got out of the car.

Standing in front of the night bar, Han Feng looked around and said, "The intersection is so tightly guarded, and there's no one to take the seat at the door..."

After saying that, Han Feng opened the door and walked in.

The inside of the bar seemed deserted at night, with not many people. The sound of the slow-rocking dance music is not particularly loud, maybe because I am afraid that the sound will attract zombies if it is too loud. There were only four or five pairs of men and women dancing on the huge dance floor, while the others were sitting in booths in twos and threes.

No one greeted Han Feng, and no one noticed him. This was somewhat different from what Han Feng had been thinking before he came... In his opinion, as soon as he entered, the drunkards with well-developed limbs and simple minds would surround him with fierce eyes. This picture can refer to the appearance of cowboys entering bars in the last century...

Han Feng looked around and slowly walked towards the bar. The bartender is a young man, dressed just like before the apocalypse.

"Drink?" Seeing Han Feng approaching, the bartender raised his head and asked.

"Yeah." Han Feng nodded lightly.

"Is this your first time here, Mr. Han?" Suddenly, the bartender's words surprised Han Feng.

"Do you know who I am?"

Seeing Han Feng's surprised look, the bartender smiled and then said, "What else? I don't know your background, do you think you can get in?"

"Oh? So you are the person in charge of this bar?" Han Feng stared at the bartender and couldn't believe it. ♜♦ ♗♦This man who looks like he is only in his early twenties will be the person in charge of this bar.

"Haha, Mr. Han looks up to me. I'm not the person in charge of this bar. At best... I'm just a messenger." After the bartender finished speaking, he picked up a goblet and cloth on the table and wiped it gently. .

Looking at the bartender in front of him, Han Feng couldn't help but think... This man is obviously about the same age as himself, why does he always give me the feeling of being a sophisticated person? You know, children can also learn from their grandparents to walk with their hands behind their backs and imitate their posture. But children can never learn the vicissitudes in their eyes, but the boy in front of them...

"Since Mr. Han is here to drink, I wonder what kind of wine he is drinking?" The bartender put down the polished goblet and looked up at Han Feng and asked.

"I wonder if there is... Team Star's "wine" here? Let me have a taste." Han Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at the bartender and said.

"Haha, Star Team's wine?" When Han Feng said he wanted to drink such wine, the bartender couldn't help laughing, and picked up another goblet and started wiping it.

"We have some wine from Team Star, but... I dare give it to you. Do you dare to drink it?" The previous smile disappeared, and a fierce look flashed in the bartender's eyes, but it disappeared in an instant.

"Listen to what you said, is this glass of wine poisonous?~"

"No poison."

"Then why don't I dare!!" Han Feng leaned forward and looked directly into the bartender's eyes.

"Then it depends on the price of your drink. If you just want to know the list of members of the Star Team, that's fine. If you just want to know the daily routine of their top brass, that's not impossible. But if you want to know more deeply, I’m afraid that even your life won’t be enough to pay.”

After the bartender finished speaking, Han Feng was stunned...

What's going on? Could it be that the forces behind Team Star cannot be explored? The Star Team is already the third-ranked team in the safe zone! Who else could be behind him? ! Could it be possible...Brother Yang? !

"I'm just asking casually~ I don't have much curiosity about Team Stars." The bartender's words inadvertently revealed something to Han Feng. Since he is not sure about exploring now, he might as well just give up to avoid arousing the other party's suspicion. .

"I want to hear about Brother Yang's "family history". I wonder if you have it here."


After Han Feng finished speaking, the bartender stopped wiping the glass and looked at Han Feng blankly, with a bit of disbelief in his eyes...

"Um... Is there any problem?" Seeing the bartender's expression, Han Feng asked carefully.

"How dare you ask about Brother Yang's affairs?" Before the bartender answered Han Feng's question, Han Feng heard a female voice suddenly coming from his side.

Following the voice, Han Feng turned his head and saw a girl in a white dress. The girl had black hair that fell straight to her waist. Her thin face was painted with light makeup, and she exuded a fragrance between her gestures, which made people feel a little intoxicated.

The bright eyes made Han Feng feel the illusion of shining in the dim bar... Han Feng had also seen many beautiful girls. Lin Lan and Wei Yun from his family were both at the level of "school beauties" who could kill them instantly. But in front of this girl, it seemed that even the sun was defeated...

"You..." Han Feng was so fascinated that he forgot how to say hello for a while.

"A bloody Mary and a lemonade, thank you." The girl ignored Han Feng and turned to order two glasses from the bartender.

"Hello, Han Feng." After ordering drinks, the girl turned around and greeted Han Feng.

"Hello..." Han Feng looked at the girl, and under such a close gaze, a primitive impulse suddenly swept over.

"You... Excuse me, are you the person in charge here?" Han Feng realized his loss of composure and quickly recovered his emotions and asked.

"Haha~" Seeing Han Feng's embarrassed expression, the girl covered her mouth and chuckled. The shaking body was watched by Han Feng again, and the desire that had just been suppressed rose again...

Facing this girl, Han Feng realized that he was not without fantasy about love...

"How could I be the person in charge here? I just came in to have a drink and happened to see you." The girl looked at Han Feng and said softly.

"Oh... So that's the case..." At this moment, Han Feng actually felt a little lost.

"Hey? That's not right? If it's a coincidence, why do you know my name?" Suddenly, Han Feng reacted and said his name when the girl greeted him!

"Bloody Mary, lemonade, a total of two hundred..."

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