Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 136: Strengthening Defense

And the issue of weapons is also worth pondering...

The Red Alert soldiers searched this place carefully, and there were only more than ten assault rifles and pistols, and the number of bullets was limited.

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From this point of view, the weapons must have been brought in from the outside world. Combined with the problem of "missing" vehicles, Han Feng guessed... these cars should be used to exchange weapons.

The more I think about it, the more possible it is. In the end times, who would need so many vehicles? ! Who would use guns and ammunition to exchange for vehicles? !

Everything is pointed at an unknown force!

Why is it an unknown force? Because if the other party is a regular army, it would never do such a thing!

Thinking of this, Han Feng suddenly felt like a thorn in his back!

According to his own number and the scale of the armed forces, there is no need for so many "missing" cars. And this should still be a small part! Not to mention that the other side also has professional combat vehicles such as armed helicopters...

Analyzing according to this line of thought...the other side has more weapons and equipment, as well as more people than our side.

At this moment, Han Feng was a little panicked...What if the other side launched another air attack, wouldn't he become a "live target"? !

With the mentality of "preparing for a rainy day", Han Feng shifted his attention to the system.

"The money is a little low..." As soon as he entered the system, Han Feng saw the number of his gold coins, 2115 gold coins...

"Luna, summon a heavy-armored soldier!"

"Report to Captain Han, it takes 1,500 gold coins to summon a heavy-armored soldier, please confirm.

"Confirm! Summon it. "No way, the number of Stinger missiles of the heavy soldiers is too small. In order to make up for the lack of air defense, we can only spend a lot of money to summon them.

"Okay, Captain Han, the heavy soldiers are being summoned, please wait..."

After Luna said this, Han Feng's gold coins instantly decreased by 1,500, and now there are only 615 left...

"Luna, summon another police dog!" After thinking about it, Han Feng decided to summon a police dog.

If the other side has ground personnel or air personnel approaching, then Luna, as a radar soldier, will sound the alarm, but zombies are different...

Because zombies are not complete life forms, radar cannot scan them. And the Red Alert soldiers' alert range is not far enough, so Han Feng decided to use two police dogs as "scouts". As long as the zombies come, the fast-moving police dogs can call the police in time. In this way, the problem of zombies is solved.

"Report to Captain Han, summoning a police dog requires..."

"Confirm, summon it. "

"Okay, Captain Han, please wait..."

There are only 115 gold coins left now... If it weren't for the zombies' large-scale attacks that were always unnoticed, these 500 gold coins could have been saved!

"Ah..." Looking at the "balance" of 115 gold coins, Han Feng sighed lightly. He thought that this should be the poorest time for him, right? When can he build a heavy factory...

"Huh?!" Han Feng just thought of the problem of radar scanning and exclaimed.

I still have more than 100 gold coins, which is enough to pay for a radar scan! What if a supply box appears, what if it happens to be a reward of 5,000 gold coins... Hehe~ Isn't this half of the heavy factory's gold coins?!

"Luna turns on the radar scan! Scan a five-kilometer radius! Confirm!" Han Feng, who couldn't wait, did it.

"Okay, Captain Han, the radar scan has been turned on. The scanning range is centered on you, Captain Han, and the scanning radius is five kilometers. Please wait..."

A few seconds later, Luna continued, "The radar scan has ended. "

"Have any supply boxes appeared? !" Han Feng said in a tone of expectation and surprise.

"Report to Captain Han, no supply boxes were found."

"..."Hearing Luna's answer, Han Feng, who was full of joy, was disappointed...

Staring at the number in the gold coin column, Han Feng corrected his previous thoughts. Now, with fifteen gold coins, he is the poorest self.

"Oh... okay~ let's do this for now." Now, I can't do anything without money. Even if there are zombies attacking now, I can only summon them while fighting.

"Report to Captain Han, heavy soldier 0002 is here to report! Please give instructions!"

"Woof! Woof woof!" Han Feng just walked out of the dormitory building, and the heavy soldier and police dog he had just summoned came to him.

Looking at the heavy soldier and police dog, Han Feng thought for a while and said to Luna, "Luna, there are now two police dogs and two heavy soldiers. Assign them to the first and second battalions. "

"Okay, Captain Han. "

"Tonight, the two police dogs will have to work hard. The scope of reconnaissance and alert will be expanded to one kilometer away to make up for the shortage of the Red Alert soldiers' small alert range." After a pause, Han Feng said to the heavy-armored soldier No. 2, "You are responsible for the tasks in the air defense field. I am afraid that the other party will use air forces to attack here. Once the air forces are found, no need to ask for instructions, just shoot them down for me!"

"Yes! Captain Han!" The heavy-armored soldier responded with a machine gun.

Before giving the order, Han Feng also considered it. He was afraid that a hesitation at that time would let the other party launch a missile first. Now this is his temporary "base" and it can't withstand the attack of a missile. If the supplies are blown up, it's fine, but if the missile falls next to him...

"Okay, you go down to find your respective captains."


"Woof, woof woof!"

After watching the heavily armed soldiers and police dogs leave, Han Feng turned and entered the dormitory building.

Now, both the defense and personnel arrangements are carried out in an orderly manner. For a while, he was free. Han Feng, who had nothing to do, went upstairs to find Liu Rui and the others. After confirming his room, several people began to chat.

The time between talking and laughing always passed quickly, and three or four hours passed unknowingly. It was getting darker, and I took out my mobile phone to check the time. It was more than eight o'clock in the evening...

Looking at the dim environment outside the window, Han Feng's heart slowly lifted. That's right... There is no electricity here. All lighting facilities have become decorations, and it is difficult to find things in the distance with the naked eye. The most important thing is... visibility is gradually decreasing with the arrival of darkness.

"Brother Han, this is a pack of candles. It's too dark at night. If you have anything, use it for a while." Behind him, Wei Yun's voice came from the door.

"Hey? Candles? Where did you find them?" Turning around, Han Feng looked at Wei Yun and asked.

"It's in the goods we brought from BT City. I just asked the warehouse staff. There is a flashlight inside, but it seems that there is no battery... So we can only use candles for lighting."

"So that's it..." After listening to Wei Yun, Han Feng understood.

"Okay, you put it here first. By the way, where is Huhu?"

"Huhu... She is still sleeping."

"Still sleeping? This little guy has been sleeping for almost a day!" Hearing that Huhu has not woken up, Han Feng was a little anxious. "Luna, Huhu has been sleeping for a whole day, why hasn't she woken up yet? Will sleeping for so long have any effect on her?"

"Report to Captain Han, Huhu's sleep may help restore her memory. In theory, sleeping longer will help Huhu recover from her current condition. As long as the sleep does not exceed 24 hours, there will be no effect."

"I don't know, but I think it should be okay for children to sleep longer, right?" Wei Yun could not hear Luna's voice in Han Feng's mind.

"It's okay, let Huhu have a good rest. Maybe she will remember something when she wakes up~" Since Luna explained it, Han Feng was no longer worried.

"Oh, because we had a late lunch today,

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