Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 135: Questions about the Repair Shop

"Hey? Where's Lin Lan?" Wei Yun suddenly asked halfway through the meal.

"Lin Lan has something else to do, leave some food for her and heat it up when she's done." Han Feng thought that Lin Lan was still "comforting" the six girls, so he simply asked Wei Yun to leave some food for her and wait until she was done.

After dinner, Han Feng helped to clean up the table. When everything was over, it was already 3:30 in the afternoon.

"No. 2, please arrange accommodation for the survivors. Also, please cooperate with Simon to keep alert. I'm still worried that someone will come back here." Han Feng, who was finally free, sat on a stool with a cigarette in his mouth and began to think about these defensive issues.

"Okay, Captain Han, don't worry." The answer given by Sniper No. 2 is always full of confidence.

After getting up, Han Feng thought about going to see Huhu. It has been almost nine hours since she fell asleep. Logically, she should be waking up soon...

Unexpectedly, before Han Feng could lift his legs, Luna's report came to his mind, "Reporting to Captain Han, the behavioral research of the combat laboratory project on the second-level zombies and the third-level zombies has been completed. Please give instructions."

"Oh? It's over? Tell me about it." Attracted by this report, Han Feng returned to his seat.

"Okay, Captain Han, according to the research results of the combat laboratory, there is no essential difference between the second-level zombies and the first-level zombies. As a second-level zombie, it is just that the IQ and action are slightly higher than the first-level zombies. The senses such as vision, smell, and touch are no different from those of the first-level zombies."

"What about the third-level zombies?"

"Compared with the first and second-level zombies, the third-level zombies are a qualitative leap. ♦♦  ♦♦Not only has the vision been restored, but the IQ of the brain has also been enhanced, and the IQ is basically not inferior to that of normal adult humans. Not only that, the bodies of the third-level zombies seem to have undergone some kind of "transformation", which allows them to accelerate to an incredible speed in a short period of time."

"Transform...transform?" Hearing Luna's words, he was shocked. Han Feng was confused by the words...

"Yes, it is "transformation", because the rapid movement of the third-level zombies completely breaks through the limits of the human body. In other words, no matter how normal humans increase their speed, they can't match the skills of the third-level zombies."

"What about Wei Peng? He is not a zombie, but I saw him run faster than the third-level zombies." At this time, Han Feng actually raised a bar with Luna...

"Captain Han... This is different. I am talking about normal humans. Wei Peng's superpowers awakened due to gene mutation. The two cannot be confused."

"Hey~ I know, what else? What else has the combat laboratory developed for the third-level zombies?" Han Feng asked seriously, laughing.

"And the third-level zombies have super long recovery abilities, and ordinary serious injuries will basically not affect them."

"Well..." Hearing Luna say this, Han Feng has a lot of "experience". He has fought with the third-level zombies so many times, and he can hit it hard every time. But as long as it doesn't die, the next time you meet it, it will still be very fast!

"By the way, how do level 3 zombies control level 1 and level 2 zombies? Why haven't I seen level 2 zombies control level 1 zombies?" Han Feng suddenly thought of this question.

"I was just about to report this question. It's like this. The level 3 zombies' cerebral cortex is much more active than level 1 and level 2 zombies. The brain waves formed by the highly active cerebral cortex can just be received by level 1 and level 2 zombies. Because the level 2 zombies' cerebral cortex is not active enough, they can't control level 1 zombies."

After Luna explained, Han Feng nodded thoughtfully, and then asked, "So that means that level 3 zombies use their brains to make level 1 and level 2 zombies obey their commands?"

"Yes, that's right."

"What about the roar of level 3 zombies? That special roar that makes low-level zombies run wild and gives Red Alert soldiers a splitting headache. What's going on?" Han Feng tried his best to think about the problem of level 3 zombies.

"The special roar of the third-level zombie can be regarded as a "horn" or "loudspeaker". The vocal cords emit specific sound waves to amplify, diffuse, and strengthen the brain waves in the minds of the third-level zombies. This can make the zombies riot and give people a splitting headache."

"...Ah? This is a thing?!!" Hearing this, Han Feng was a little confused...Sound waves can enhance brain waves? Oh my god, it's illogical? ! Sound waves are sound waves, and brain waves are brain waves. This feels like comparing your height and weight, using 1g of memory and one kilogram to compare, asking which one is more? !

"Captain Han..." At this moment, Luna was also a little overwhelmed...

"Let me explain it to you this way. When you listen to light music, does your brain feel relaxed?"

"Well... well, what does this have to do with this question?"

"... When the sound wave frequency reaches a certain special vibration frequency, the brain will respond accordingly." Afraid that Han Feng would not understand, Luna explained in detail, "Alpha brain waves are brain waves when people relax and meditate. It runs at a frequency of 8 to 12 cycles per second. When there is sound or music close to this frequency, you will have a physiological reaction of relaxation. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Uh... almost." Han Feng nodded as if he understood.

"Yes, look at it the other way around. It is the special sound waves when the third-level zombies roar to stimulate the brains of the lower-level zombies, thereby producing a series of reactions."

"Oh... so that's how it is." This time, Han Feng understood.

"Anything else? Are there any reports on the research of third-level zombies?"

"The rest of the research report is not very important. It is nothing more than strengthening the defense of the third-level zombies, making their hearing more sensitive, and other physical indicators."

"Okay, I know... By the way, why do zombies evolve?" Han Feng suddenly thought of this question again.

"This question is classified as a comprehensive research project of the g virus, and no research results have been achieved yet. Please wait patiently, Captain Han."

"Why do zombies know our hiding place and attack us inexplicably every time?"

"Captain Han, this question is unknown for the time being. Maybe after the comprehensive research project of the g virus is completed, there may be some answers."

Han Feng's two questions were "rejected" in a row. In desperation, Han Feng said, "Okay, remember to notify me when the project research is over."

"Okay, Captain Han."

After finishing the conversation with Luna, Han Feng stood up again and walked out. But this time, Han Feng did not go to find Hu Hu, but walked out of the dormitory building and came to the repair workshop.

"Number two, how is the accommodation problem of the survivors solved?" Han Feng asked after finding Sniper No. 2.

"Report to Captain Han, everything is in progress. I plan to separate the dormitory buildings for soldiers and survivors, which will facilitate management and vigilance."

"Okay, let's do as you say." After saying that, Han Feng felt like a "hands-off shopkeeper".

Just as No. 2 accompanied Han Feng to stroll in the repair workshop, Lin Lan's voice came from outside, "Han Feng, you are here, I've been looking for you for a long time."

"No. 2, move all the things in the car out and put them away. This workshop will be used as a warehouse. You must always send someone to keep an eye on it." After instructing Sniper No. 2, Han Feng hurried towards Lin Lan.

"The matter of these six girls has been clarified. They are..."

"Let's eat first, and talk while eating." Seeing Lin Lan, Han Feng remembered that she hadn't eaten yet. He interrupted Lin Lan's speech and took Lin Lan to the restaurant instead.

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