Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 114: The mystery of Fox's amnesia

"Your sister Lin Lan is amazing, isn't she? She can not only cut small animals, but also castles, attics, rockets..." Han Feng's eyes seemed to be looking at Hu Hu, but his eyes were looking at Lin Lan. I have said so many difficult things. Even if you have good knife skills, you can't handle it~

"Let you show off..." Han Feng smiled mysteriously...

"You are really trying to embarrass me, right? Come on, here, I give you the knife, cut out Liu Rui for me!"

"Who did you say she was just now?" Han Feng did not respond to Lin Lan's move, but looked at Lin Lan "seriously", and then continued, "She was rescued by me from elementary school. Can you imagine? In an environment full of zombies, she can actually survive until now!"

After a pause, Han Feng added, "There were four level 3 zombies in the school at that time..."

"Oh my God...you..." When Han Feng finished speaking, Lin Lan also looked at Hu Hu with an unbelievable look, and continued, "What have you eaten and drunk these days? How did you..."

"There is a bucket behind our classroom, which is used to wash mops. The water has just been changed, so it is not dirty. If you eat...eat the snacks hidden by classmates...eat..." At this point, Hu Hu fell into deep thought again. His frowning brows showed an extremely uncomfortable expression.

"Huhu! Huhu!" Seeing Huhu like this, Han Feng's heart skipped a beat! He thought it was bad, Huhu must have lost her memory before, and now she is forcing herself to remember!

"Huhu is stimulated by the zombies, so she can't remember anything now! Don't ask her about the previous questions in the future!" Han Feng's words showed unprecedented seriousness.

"Then if you don't tell me clearly, I... I don't know." Seeing Huhu's uncomfortable look, the female policewoman Lin Lan also wilted...

"Huhu is fine... Huhu is fine. It's just a little painful, big brother, please don't be mean to me." Huhu rubbed her head with her hands and pleaded with Han Feng in a pleading tone.

"Huhu, why are you so silly? I'm not mean to me. You have a headache, right? Let's go back and rest for a while, and then go out to play, okay?" Faced with such a cute little loli, Han Feng's heart melted. Worried about Huhu's headache, Han Feng decided to let Huhu rest first.

"Luna, is there a solution to amnesia?! Can the gene-mental recovery potion cure her?" Han Feng asked Luna in his mind when sending Huhu back to the lounge.

"Report to Captain Han, amnesia is not strictly a problem of mental exhaustion. After system testing, her mental power is completely fine. What needs to be concerned about now is her mental health. As I said before, she has been too stimulated."

After listening to Luna's explanation, Han Feng gave up the idea of ​​using mental drugs to treat Huhu.

"Then...is there any other way?"

"Sorry, Captain Han...the combat laboratory cannot study human mental illness or psychological trauma. After the Han team builds the hospital building, the hospital's medical team can start research."

"Huh? Hospital?! I can build a hospital?!" When Han Feng heard Luna say to build a hospital, he was stunned for a moment! Is this still the Red Alert game he played back then? !

"Due to the commander's insufficient authority, I cannot answer the commander's question. Please ask the commander to build a heavy factory." Suddenly, the system's mechanical sound sounded.

Bending over and supporting Hu Hu, Han Feng recalled the plot of the game... In Red Alert 2 - Glory of the Republic, engineers can enter the hospital building. Once the hospital is stationed with engineers, it will become a building of your own color, and the passive skill is to continuously restore the health of your own soldiers. But the hospital building cannot be built by yourself? ! ! !

Since the system can build a hospital... what about the oil well? Can the oil well that "a nod" is 50 gold coins also be built? ! ! ! Thinking of this, Han Feng thought more and more that it was possible...

A few steps away, Han Feng had gently carried Hu Hu to the bed and said to Hu Hu, "Lie down for a while, I'll talk to your sister Lin Lan at the door. If you feel uncomfortable, call me, do you hear me?"

"Yeah. Hu Hu nodded and hummed in response.

"So good~" After touching Hu Hu's little head, Han Feng got up and walked out, and did not forget to close the door when he went out.

"What should I do? Do you have any solution for a situation like Huhuhu? "After finding Lin Lan, Han Feng asked anxiously.

In Han Feng's opinion, Lin Lan must have fought in wars! And one of the compulsory courses for soldiers today is to treat problems such as battlefield syndrome. Especially since Lin Lan is an instructor-level figure, he must be much better than himself, a "novice".

"Are you talking about Huhuhu's amnesia?"

"Not entirely... Think about it, in an environment full of zombies, blood, hunger, water shortages, lack of sleep, etc...."

"Oh! It's just that after you fight and kill people, you must have some psychological problems!" After talking for a long time, Han Feng found that Lin Lan's eyes were getting more and more confused. Anxious Han Feng began to forcefully explain "without choosing words".

"You have psychological problems!" Han Feng talked for a long time... It seems that Lin Lan only understood this sentence...

After "swearing back" at Han Feng, Lin Lan rolled his eyes and said, "You are talking about post-war psychological syndrome, right? "

"Um... OK, OK! They're almost the same."

"Almost the same? Not so much!" At this time, Lin Lan finally waited for his "counterattack"!

"Do you know the difference between amnesia caused by post-war psychological syndrome, dissociative amnesia caused by psychological trauma, and amnesia caused by mental health?! Are they similar? They are much worse! Do you dare to take the medicine I prescribe for you?!" Staring at Han Feng, Lin Lan's words were like bullets from a machine gun, hitting Han Feng's "illiterate" heart one by one...

"I...how would I know..."

"Yes!! How would I know!!!" Obviously, Lin Lan's words were revenge for Han Feng not telling her about Hu Hu's amnesia, and by the way, she also avenged the "vicious" treatment she had just received.

Finding that he couldn't argue with Lin Lan, Han Feng retreated and said, "I'm sorry! I was wrong! What should I do now?! Can I just watch Hu Hu suffer? She is so cute! So sensible! So..."

"Shh! Stop talking, you are the only one who talks too much... Wait, let me think about it." After saying this, Lin Lan sat down and started playing with the fruit knife in his hand. But his eyes were full of contemplation...

"Not like... not quite like..."

"What's not like?!" A few minutes later, Han Feng heard Lin Lan's murmur and hurriedly asked.

Raising his head, Lin Lan looked at Han Feng and said, "The closed environment, blood, zombies, hunger, lack of water, and no rest... These are indeed similar to the battlefield environment, but I don't think Huhu should be post-war psychological syndrome."

Without waiting for Han Feng to speak, Lin Lan continued, "Post-war psychological syndrome, also known as "post-traumatic stress disorder." The clinical manifestations of this disease are nightmares, personality changes, emotional separation and numbness, insomnia, avoiding things that trigger traumatic memories, irritability, hypervigilance, amnesia, and easy to be frightened. However, normal people will basically fade away after a few months, and psychological counseling and psychotherapy can alleviate most of it."

"Well, then?" Taking advantage of the gap in Lin Lan's speech, Han Feng interrupted.

"Then? Then can you see that Hu Hu has the appearance of personality changes, emotional separation, numbness, escape... and other problems?"

Han Feng was asked by Lin Lan, and thought for a while and said, "Uh... No. She is a normal little girl, right? Although she is a little clingy, I think it's because she was used to being afraid. Now that she has a safe environment, of course she feels safer by sticking to her "lifesaver"?"

"Yes, I didn't find Hu Hu having nightmares last night. So I thought Hu Hu didn't have such a problem..." Lin Lan explained herself a few words angrily.

"Since it's not this battle syndrome, what about the other two?" Hearing that Hu Hu should not belong to this disease, Han Feng began to ask about the other two diseases.

"Psychological trauma dissociative amnesia refers to the extreme trauma caused by a special event that leads to lacunar amnesia. People with this disease will only lose their memory of a certain situation, but remember everything else. This disease can be improved through psychological counseling or self-adjustment."

"Not like... not like this..." After hearing the appearance of this disease, Han Feng shook his head.

"Yes, if... suppose you asked her what a zombie looked like, and she said she didn't know, it might be this disease. But now she has even forgotten what she ate in the past few days!" Following Han Feng's words, Lin Lan also expressed her confusion.

"This is not it, the next one."

"As for mental hygiene amnesia... it's more complicated to explain. You can imagine a person with mysophobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder, who suddenly forgets that he is a mysophobia person one day, and starts not to take a shower and not pay attention to hygiene. Or you have something in your heart that you hate very much, but suddenly one day you start not to hate it, and forget that you once hated it... That's probably it. This is a disease! You have to take medicine!"

After listening to Lin Lan's third amnesia, Han Feng thought about it and shook his head, and then said, "It's still not like..."

"Then there are the last two possibilities, and I know the last few amnesia conditions..." When saying this, Lin Lan's eyes flashed a strange light.

"There are two more possibilities? Tell me which two!"

Looking at Han Feng, Lin Lan said word by word, "Alzheimer's disease and... pretending to have amnesia!"

"Ah? You said Hu Hu is..." Hearing the last two possibilities, Han Feng's eyes widened!

Alzheimer's disease? Absolutely impossible! How young is Hu Hu? She looks like a teenager, and no matter what she says or does, it is impossible for her to have Alzheimer's disease!

Hu Hu is pretending to have amnesia? Why...

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