Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 113: Guangling Tower

"Light...Guang Ling Tower, can...be built?!!!" Excited heart, trembling mouth. With great excitement, Han Feng spoke intermittently.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" Han Feng complained in excitement.

"I wanted to tell you when I introduced the combat laboratory, but you always interrupted my report... Then you changed the topic and I forgot about it."

At this time, Han Feng no longer cared about what Luna said. He just wanted to see the Allies' most powerful technology - Guang Ling technology.

After entering the system, Han Feng clicked on the shield-shaped fortification.

really! Under the walls, machine gun bunkers, and sentry guns, an icon of the Light Tower suddenly entered Han Feng's "sight."

"Guang Ling Pagoda... Guang Ling Pagoda..." Han Feng murmured as he stared at Guang Ling Pagoda.

You know, in the game Red Alert 2 - Glory of the Republic, the Allies' strongest defense is the French cannon, and the defensive power of the Lighting Tower is second only to the French cannon!

The attack speed of the Light Tower that can emit lasers is instantaneous. Any individual soldier under this beam of light can only become "flying ashes"!

Looking at the Guangling Tower in his mind, Han Feng said, "Luna, please introduce the Guangling Tower."

"Reporting to the Korean team, the Prism Tower is an advanced defense weapon for the Allies in Red Alert 2 - Glorious Republic. It was designed by Dr. Einstein's Prism Technology and the Prism Technology Research Center of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. Its function Similar to the Soviet army's magnetic storm coil and Yuri's mind control tower.

After briefly introducing the origin of the Guangling technology, Luna continued, "The Guangling Tower is composed of a huge six-piece prism. Its principle is to emit a beam similar to a laser to strike the enemy."

Luna gave a "textbook" introduction. Although Han Feng knew it when he played the game, he still listened with interest. After all, this thing would be his own soon.

After a pause, Luna added, "The attack power of a cluster of light prism towers is much higher than that of a single one, because adjacent light prism towers can provide assistance, and each beam of assistance light can increase by 150."

"Wait? I know that the adjacent Light Ling Tower will add damage to the attack... What is the specific data?" Hearing this, Han Feng, a hardcore player of the Red Alert game, was also confused. It is only known that the Light Tower will transmit energy to attack, but Han Feng does not know the more specific data.

Following Han Feng's question, Luna explained, "The attack of a single light prism tower is only 120 points, which means that using assistance will cause more damage than attacking separately from several light prism towers. This kind of assistance can be provided by up to eight light prism towers." Prism supply, so theoretically the attack can reach 1560 points. Even the Apocalypse tank with the highest armor of the Soviet army cannot withstand such a powerful attack. "

"The attack of a single Light Tower... 120 points? What unit is this 120 points? Joule? Kilojoule? Or pulse or something?" Han Feng was confused even after hearing the previous question. This time Luna said this I don’t even understand the attack value.

"Um... It's troublesome to explain this attack value. Generally speaking, it is the total damage to enemy units, and the result of the calculation method for measuring our attack strength... How about asking the combat laboratory to come up with a very specific damage value calculation sheet? ?" In order to make Han Feng understand it simply and clearly, Luna explained it concisely. ♦♦  ♦♦

"No, no, no... I understand, I understand." Although there were still some doubts in his heart, Han Feng still managed to understand. Then he said, "Luna, please continue the introduction."

"Okay Team Korea, once the Guang Ling Tower is built, it cannot move and consumes extremely high power. When not attacking, the Guang Ling Tower will enter a shallow low-energy consumption mode on its own, consuming 30 electricity per hour. Degree. You can also enter attack mode under the instructions of the Korean team. In attack mode, the power consumption is 100 degrees per attack."

After hearing what Luna said, Han Feng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead... For Han Feng, who was "frugal and frugal", this was simply an invincible "electric mouse"!

"The Guangling Tower is ten meters high, the building area must not be less than twenty square meters, and the building height must not be less than fifteen meters. The building distance cannot exceed one kilometer around the main base or temporary base."

"Is there any more?" After hearing the construction needs, Han Feng continued to ask.

"The construction of Guangling Tower takes 30 minutes and requires 8,000 gold coins. No more, Team Korea."


With Luna's concluding remarks, Han Feng's previous excitement also fell into a "trough"...

"8,000 gold coins... How ruthless do I have to be to build this big thing..." Han Feng lowered his head and said depressedly.

At this time, Han Feng only had 6874 gold coins... Not to mention building a heavy factory that could make tanks, he didn't even have enough money to save Guo Yongxing's genetic medicine...

"Alas... we still have a long way to go..." Han Feng sighed to himself as he looked up at the starry sky.

"Forget it, don't be in a hurry, let's rest first." Han Feng put out the butt of his unknown cigarette and walked towards the building with his legs up.

After washing up, Han Feng found Liu Rui, Lin Lan and others, said hello, and then returned to his lounge.

Lying on the bed, Han Feng remotely ordered the sniper Simon, "Tonight you arrange patrols and duty for soldiers. If you find suspicious people approaching here, you can decide whether to attack on your own."

"Yes, Team Han!"

After Simon's reply rang in his mind, Han Feng asked again, "In addition to inside the prison, you should also pay more attention to whether there are zombies approaching outside the prison. During this period, the police dog Gale is also within your scope of deployment."

"Okay Team Korea, received."

After Simon replied, Han Feng felt relieved... He thought that with the protection of this "great god", he should be absolutely safe.

After charging his mobile phone, Han Feng lay down. Perhaps because he didn't sleep well these days, Han Feng fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow...

"Bang bang bang" a series of knocks on the door woke Han Feng up from his sleep!

"Don't sleep, brother-in-law! Get up and eat! I'm waiting for you!!!" Outside the door, Wei Peng, who was responsible for waking Han Feng up, shouted loudly.

Han Feng sat up in shock from the bed and looked out the window, and found that the sun had risen at some point... The bright light illuminated the earth.

"Okay, okay! I'm up! I'm up!" Han Feng hurriedly responded to Wei Peng outside the door, and then he got out of bed.

Picking up the fully charged mobile phone, Han Feng saw that the time displayed on the phone was more than ten o'clock. And the signal... was still empty.

"I felt like I just fell asleep... How come the sky is bright so soon..." Standing in place, Han Feng rubbed his eyes and woke up.

After opening the door, Han Feng went to the bathroom to wash up, and sat down at the dining table a few minutes later.

At the dining table, several people chatted about the little things that happened in the past few days. After dinner, Han Feng, holding a cigarette, went out of the building to take a walk to digest the food as before.

"Simon, was there no problem last night?" Han Feng was idle, so he strolled on the road and asked about the situation last night.

"Report to Captain Han, last night, a total of three people approached the building where you were. After being warned by the soldiers, they left. No zombies were found outside the prison."

"Very good, you go and rest. You have been on duty all night. Sleep for a while and keep your strength." After hearing Simon stick to his post all night, Han Feng felt a warm current in his heart.

"Okay, Captain Han, notify me at any time if there is any situation."

"Okay, you rest." After replying to Simon, Han Feng continued to walk.

"Luna, let the 50 Red Alert soldiers of the Second Squadron go out for "hunting". Try to collect 10,000 gold coins today."

"Okay, Captain Han, are there any other instructions?"

"Well... let them

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