Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 109: Survivors among the Zombies

Following Han Feng's question, Luna said, "Report to Captain Han, it seems... a human.

"Human? ! There is actually a human among so many zombies? ! ! " When Luna confirmed that this was a survivor, Han Feng exclaimed in surprise.

You know, there are at least nearly a thousand zombies in this elementary school! Not to mention the low-level zombies of level one and level two, there are four level three zombies! It is not certain how many level three zombies there are in places that cannot be seen in the building!

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How did this survivor survive in such a horrible living environment?! βœͺ

Han Feng's heart was full of questions, and he muttered, "The zombie outbreak has been more than ten days... How did he survive..."

After thinking for a while, Han Feng contacted Simon and asked, "Simon! Look at the teaching building... on the third floor, can you see a survivor? ”

Looking at the four-story building in front of him, Simon replied, "Report to Captain Han, I can only observe the west side of the teaching building from my position. I can't see the front. The place you mentioned happens to be my blind spot."

"Can't see..." After a pause, Han Feng continued, "If you can't see it, then attack quickly. Since we know there are survivors, rescue them quickly."

Seeing this tenacious survivor, Han Feng felt compassion. According to the radar display, the survivors and the supply box are in the same room. From this point of view, it is really "God's will".

"Okay, Captain Han." After replying to Han Feng, Simon gave the order, "Two armored vehicles are now heading to the teaching building quickly! Block the front and back doors. Leave one person in the car, and the rest of the people get off with equipment! Prepare to clean up the zombies in the building!"

"Remember to bring a rocket launcher when you get off the car! In case of emergency. "After Simon's order was issued, Han Feng followed up.

At this time, the task of killing zombies on campus has slowly come to an end...

Two armored vehicles have stopped at the two entrances and exits of the teaching building as instructed. The remaining three armored vehicles are still cleaning up the few remaining zombies.

"The Red Alert soldiers who get off the car should first clean up the zombies that can be observed on the first floor of the teaching building, and remember not to enter!" When Simon gave this order, he took into account the existence of level 3 zombies in the building. In order to avoid unnecessary losses, Simon did not let the Red Alert soldiers rush in this time.

"Da Da! Da Da Da!" As soon as he got off the car, the Red Alert soldiers opened fire at the teaching building.

"Except for the first, second and third squads, the rest of the squads speed up their attacks! Prepare to support the teaching building!"


"Boom! Boom! ! "

As soon as Simon finished speaking, several rockets swept out! They pierced into the zombie group from different directions.

The explosive power of rockets is much higher than that of high-explosive grenades. After this wave of attacks, the remaining zombies are only a few, and they can no longer form a large-scale offensive.

There are limited zombies in this elementary school, and there is no help from zombies outside, so the zombies are killed one by one. As the battle progresses, except for the zombies in the teaching building, there are basically no surviving zombies. As for the third-level zombies... it seems that they have never appeared again.

"Team 123, go back to defend the teaching building! I'm guarding outside. If there are any changes, I will notify you." On the rooftop of the residential building, on the rooftop, Simon issued orders, trying to annihilate the zombies in the building in one fell swoop.

At this time, all the Red Alert soldiers have gathered on the campus. When the last zombie outside fell to the ground, the Red Alert soldiers were ready to rush into the teaching building...

"Team 12, guard the two entrances and exits of the teaching building. Teams 3, 4, 5, and 6, 20 of you will enter the main entrance of the teaching building, set up a firepower network first, occupy the terrain and fight steadily! Teams 7, 8, 9, and 10, 20 of you will enter the back door of the teaching building, and join the four teams at the main entrance to attack the zombies in the building! "

Simon gave the order to attack the building, and in an instant, all the Red Alert soldiers took action...

Watching the Red Alert soldiers rush into the teaching building, Han Feng said to Luna, "Connect the vision, connect to any Red Alert soldier in the target teaching building."

When Han Feng opened his eyes again, the screen had already cut into the teaching building.

"Da Da! Da Da! Boom!" For a while, there was a lot of gunfire in the teaching building, and from time to time, there were also a few grenades exploding.

Han Feng used the Red Alert soldier's sight to carefully look for the third-level zombies that might be hidden in the zombie group.

"Is there really no more? "After searching for several circles, Han Feng, who did not see the figure of the third-level zombie, muttered in a low voice.

"Eight teams in the teaching building, quickly clean up the zombies on the first floor! And stay highly alert, always pay attention to the zombies upstairs!" Simon added orders when the fighting in the teaching building was in full swing.

A few minutes later, all the zombies on the first floor of the teaching building were killed, and even the zombies in the classroom were kicked open and wiped out.

The gunshots gradually stopped until it was quiet. Feeling the cessation of gunshots, Simon ordered "Tenth team, grenades ready! Attack the target on the second floor!"

"Wait a minute!" Just as the four mobilized soldiers were about to throw grenades, Han Feng stopped their actions.

The reason why Han Feng stopped was because he did not see any zombies rushing down from the upstairs from the eyes of the Red Alert soldiers. With doubts in his heart, Han Feng informed Simon, "Simon... There are no zombies on the second floor, at least no zombies have rushed down. "

As for the reason, Han Feng was also confused. He wondered in his heart, could it be that... there are still level 3 zombies upstairs? To protect himself and not let the zombies go downstairs?

"Team One, you guys take the lead and go up to check the situation." Just when Han Feng was confused, Simon ordered a team to go up and investigate.

Hearing Simon's order, Han Feng quickly added, "You guys should pay attention, the teams behind should be ready for support at any time!"

"Connect the view, switch to the captain of Team One." In order to see the situation on the second floor clearly, Han Feng switched the view.

As Team One slowly climbed the stairs, Han Feng could only feel one word, that is - quiet...

Yes, too quiet. This environment formed a sharp contrast with the previous combat environment. Han Feng was not used to such a change for a while.

Until Team One climbed the second floor, Han Feng still did not find anything. Calculating the time, Simon ordered, "The rest of the teams follow up, be ready for battle, and stay alert."

When all the Red Alert soldiers climbed the stairs, Han Feng instructed one of the mobilized soldiers, "Open the door of the classroom." According to Han Feng's instructions, the mobilized soldier stepped forward and opened the door of the first classroom. Empty...

Looking at the mess and bloodstains in the classroom, Han Feng ordered "Continue."

When the door of the second classroom was opened, Han Feng still did not find any zombies. There were only scattered desks and knowledge points written on the blackboard...

Something is wrong...Han Feng felt that this scene was familiar with him, holding a cold sweat.

The third-level zombies in the large supermarket had played such tricks before. Every store was empty, the purpose was to lure Han Feng to go deeper slowly, relax his vigilance, and then the zombies would come back crazily.

Thinking of this possibility, Han Feng immediately said to Simon, "Simon, you stand high and see farther. Have you found anything?"

"Report to Captain Han, there is no discovery, everything is normal." After listening to Simon's report, Han Feng frowned...

After thinking for a while, Han Feng ordered, "Open all the classrooms on the second floor!"

As the doors opened one by one, Han Feng's frown tightened! There was not a single zombie on the entire second floor!

"Team One

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