Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 108: Four Level 3 Zombies

At this moment, Han Feng saw the third-level zombie flying towards the body of the Red Alert soldier, and suddenly flew diagonally backward. It was as if there was a heavy axe in the air, hammering hard on the body of the third-level zombie.

On the ground, the body of the third-level zombie slid several meters away under the force of inertia. After stopping sliding, Han Feng saw that the head of the third-level zombie was shot by Simon...

Staring at the body of the third-level zombie, Han Feng swallowed his saliva. It took less than two seconds from the third-level zombie rushing out to being killed...

Fast, too fast! Han Feng had seen the speed of the third-level zombie's movement, and even his own body could not react in time, that is, his eyes could barely see the movements of the third-level zombie... Unexpectedly, Simon actually...

Seeing the scenes in front of him, Han Feng was shocked. It was not until several seconds after the third-level zombie was killed that Han Feng subconsciously turned his head to see how Simon shot at that position.

Looking back, Han Feng saw Simon on the roof. Simon was chewing gum at this time. After seeing Han Feng's gaze, Simon made a "yeah" gesture...

"Fuck..." Looking at Simon on the roof, Han Feng couldn't think of any words to describe the shock in his heart at this time. He could only say "Fuck" to express his respect.

"Team 3, 4, and 5, after cleaning up the zombies, immediately provide support to Team 1 and 2! Team 6, 7, and 8, continue to intercept the zombies at the intersection!"

"Da Da! Da Da!" After Simon gave the order, the Red Alert soldiers responsible for cleaning up the road accelerated the cleaning speed.

At this moment, the zombies in the school have already rushed towards the gate. Looking at the dense zombies, Han Feng felt a long-lost feeling...

"Team 1 and 2, hold your ground! Don't rush forward, wait for support!" Simon gave orders on the roof, and Han Feng stood in a hidden place to observe and learn.

A minute later, the zombies in the school had approached the locked gate. Team 3, 4, and 5 also finished cleaning up the zombies on the road and came to support.

"Teams 1 to 5, all mobilized soldiers, prepare grenades. Attack the zombies in the target gate. Attack method: carpet bombing! Start!"

After Simon gave the bombing order, twenty mobilized soldiers took out grenades and threw them into the school gate. Grenades were scattered from the gate to the area within a dozen meters.

"Boom! Boom!"

Instantly, twenty grenades exploded almost at the same time! This kind of intensive bombing was the first time Han Feng had ever seen such a dense bombing since he started fighting.

Although the power of grenades is not as strong as that of high-explosive grenades, how can the zombies' mortal bodies resist such a dense attack? !

After the explosion, the shock wave of the grenade swept the zombies within a few dozen meters of the gate. As the flying limbs gradually fell. A breeze blew away the smoke in the air... This was just the calm before the storm... because more zombies in the school were still on their way.

"Teams 1 to 5, the captain's high-explosive grenades are ready! Attack target to cut off the living forces in the back row of zombies! Attack method: fixed-point cluster attack! Start!" When the zombies were about a few meters away from the gate, Simon issued the second bombing order!

Five American soldiers took out high-explosive grenades, pulled the rings, and threw them at the five most densely gathered locations behind the zombies. (-_-) (-_-)

"Boom! Boom!!!"

Five high-explosive grenades exploded, and five clouds of gunpowder rose into the sky. These five grenades exploded almost in the center of the zombie group, and the huge shock wave split the zombie group in two! In an instant, a "vacuum" zone tens of meters wide appeared in the middle of the zombie group.

The shock wave knocked down the zombies in the front and back rows, and the zombies lying on the ground effectively "blocked" the approach of the zombies behind.

"Now! Fire! Attack!" Simon quickly issued the order after observing the advance of the zombies in the front row.

"Da Da Da! Da Da!!"

Five 60 machine guns that had been set up and twenty AK47s fired at the same time. The firepower network composed of twenty-five guns instantly covered the school gate.

At this time, the gate that had been bombed was already fragile. The instantaneous firing became the last straw that broke the camel's back...

When the gate was broken, the battle... officially kicked off!

"Da Da! Da Da!" After two minutes of fighting, the twenty-five Red Alert soldiers from the first to fifth squads had successfully killed the zombies in the front row. It was not until this time that the zombies in the back row followed up.

"Oh..." Seeing the intention of Simon's order and the result of the battle, Han Feng muttered thoughtfully.

"Squads one to five, use the fastest speed to use up the ammunition in your hands!"

"Da Da Da! Da Da Da!" After Simon's order was issued, the Red Alert soldiers' shooting became more intense! Before, it was possible that they had slightly aimed, but now... they were completely fighting without regard for losses.

Hearing this order, Han Feng was stunned... Seeing that there were still a large number of zombies in the school, how could the Red Alert soldiers use up all their ammunition now? !

Without waiting for Han Feng to ask, Simon ordered, "Teams 6, 7, and 8, abandon the task of defending the intersection and return to defend the school gate! Team 90, drive all vehicles over and deliver supplies to the school gate! Quick!"

Hearing this, Han Feng understood... Simon wanted to fight a blitzkrieg, using the strongest firepower to attack the enemy's front, and then the soldiers who had run out of bullets would refill their bullets and continue to advance. Anyway, the Red Alert soldiers' attack range far exceeds that of zombies... This fighting style can be described as "fast, accurate, and ruthless."

When all the vehicles and other teams arrived at the school gate, Simon ordered again, "Teams 1, 2, and 3, you get on the off-road vehicles, your mission is to guard the school gate! The rest of you all get on the armored vehicles! Use the mobility of the armored vehicles to rush into the school! Remember to resupply ammunition after getting on the vehicle! Quick!"

Since we are going to fight a blitzkrieg, then use all available resources! Whether it is an armored vehicle or an off-road vehicle, there are spare ammunition inside, which can be replenished in time for subsequent battles.

After the order was issued, the Red Alert soldiers of each team immediately began to act.

As five armored vehicles carrying Red Alert soldiers rushed in, the zombies in the campus suffered heavy casualties. Don't forget that although the Red Alert soldiers are sitting in the car, the armored vehicle has eight shooting holes for the soldiers in the car to shoot!

In an instant, the five armored vehicles were like five meat grinders, sweeping and crushing all the enemies around them!

"Oh my God..." Outside the school gate, Han Feng was amazed. This kind of fighting style is really eye-opening... Simon's every order seems reckless, but until now, there has been no casualties among the Red Alert soldiers...

Not as bold as Simon, nor as meticulous as Simon... Han Feng knows that he still has a long way to go.

Han Feng hid in the dark and squatted down. He took out a cigarette and lit it, watching this "blitzkrieg" quietly. Suddenly, a strange figure appeared in Han Feng's sight...

Level 3 zombie! It's a level 3 zombie! Seeing the second level 3 zombie squatting by the window on the third floor of a teaching building, Han Feng's heart skipped a beat.

"Simon! Quick! There's a..."

"Bang!" Han Feng's emergency warning hadn't been finished yet, and the sniper Simon had already shot the crouching level 3 zombie in one second... Still one shot to death, still one shot to the head...

"Captain Han? What did you just say?" Han Feng, who was still surprised, heard Simon's voice in his mind...

"It's okay, just now a bird flew over in the sky, it was ugly." Seeing that the level 3 zombie had been solved by Simon, Han Feng didn't want to say anything.

"Oh, you mean that bird, I've been watching it squatting by the window for a long time, and I wanted to wait for it to jump down and snipe it in mid-air. But my patience was exhausted, so I shot it in advance~ You didn't just see it, did you?" Xi

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