Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 103: Liu Rui's superpowers

"Psychic power...mental power..." After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng frowned in thought. (-_-) (-_-) A few seconds later, Han Feng asked, "Since it is a matter of mental power, wouldn't it be great if I let the combat laboratory study the blood of people with mental superpowers?"

"Yes, study mental power through the combat laboratory and then make medicine. Only in this way can Guo Yongxing be saved."

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Hearing Luna's agreement, Han Feng smiled and thought to himself, if you want something else, you may not be able to get it, but there are evolutionaries related to spiritual power around you!

"Luna, just wait, I'm going to find Lin Lan for some blood!" As he spoke, Han Feng turned around and wanted to go to the American soldier for his saber.

"Report to Team Han, Lin Lan's blood... I'm afraid it won't work."

"No?!" Han Feng asked differently when he heard Luna interrupting his actions.

"Lin Lan can use his mental power to control the zombies ten meters away from him! Can't such a strong mental power be enough?!!!" Han Feng was confused. Even such a strong mental power can't do it, so what should I do?

"To be precise, Lin Lan is only slightly stronger in mental power, but her superpower is telekinesis, not mental power. The combat laboratory cannot extract or purify it into mental potions."

"..." βœͺ

Hearing a new term, Han Feng stayed where he was...

Raising his head, Han Feng looked at the sky, thinking to himself, I don't understand what mental power is, and now there is another telepathic power? ! Oh my god...what the hell is telepathy! !

"Reporting to the Korean team, telekinesis refers to affecting the movement patterns of objective things through a certain kind of special consciousness in the human brain. Normal telekinesis can bend iron keys, move objects through the air, etc."

After listening to Luna's words, Han Feng said thoughtfully, "You mean... Lin Lan's superpower is just telepathy? Not mental power?!"

"Yes, Team Han."

"Uh... ok..." He muttered in a low voice, and Han Feng had no choice...

Wei Peng is a speed evolver. Lin Lan is a telepathic evolver... Then where should I find a spiritual evolver... At this time, Han Feng was roaring in his heart.

Suddenly, Han Feng opened his eyes wide and said, "Luna! Quickly test what my super power is!"

I used to always think about the superpowers of people around me, why did I forget about myself? ! After all, he is also a superpower!

"Report to Team Han that your superpowers are telekinesis and speed."

After hearing what Luna said, Han Feng remembered that when he rescued the girl from the prison, the dagger would "automatically" fly into his hand... Thinking about it this way, this super power is really telekinesis.

After figuring out that he had telekinesis, Han Feng couldn't find anything to do with speed, so he immediately asked, "What about the evolution of my speed? I don't feel how fast I am moving? Look at Wei Wei. Peng, he is like a gust of wind when he runs, why am I not as fast as him?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, your speed ability is weaker than your telekinesis ability, and your speed potential has not yet been fully activated. What you have now is only a small part of the speed bonus, not an overall speed increase."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng stood there and thought about it carefully...

"Speed?...Speed..." After muttering silently, Han Feng remembered that he could accurately see every movement of level three zombies before. Although his body's reaction could not keep up, the speed of his eyes could indeed keep up. Fast moving objects!

"Haha..." Thinking of this, Han Feng laughed awkwardly. It turns out that speed is reflected in the field of vision capture... I used to think that my brain was functioning supernormally when I was about to die...

"Oh, right? Isn't it true that one person can only have one kind of super power? How can I have two kinds?" Han Feng, who understood, asked.

"Team Han...who said everyone can only have one superpower?" This time, Luna did not answer Han Feng's question directly, but asked a rhetorical question.

"Uh...haha~ I think they are all the same~" After being countered by Luna, Han Feng hesitated and said haha.

"When there is enough mental power in the brain, it can fully support the load of two superpowers."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng was happy. According to Luna, her mental power is the strongest! Although he is not mentally powerful and cannot research medicine for the combat laboratory to save Guo Yongxing, one more super power is much better than just one.

Han Feng looked at Guo Yongxing in the armored vehicle and said, "Brother... when I find a person with psychic powers, I will save you! Just wait..."

After whispering, Han Feng took a few steps back and closed the car door. Then he turned to Wayne who was standing aside and said, "Take a few people and stay here. No unauthorized person can come near! Anyone who violates this rule will be killed on the spot!"

"Yes! Korean team!" After receiving the order, Wayne immediately asked several American soldiers in the car to get out of the car and stood guard beside the car.

In order to allow Wei Peng to recover quietly, Han Feng could only ask red police soldiers to perform such tasks.

Seeing that everything was arranged, Han Feng turned around and walked towards the building...

Going upstairs, Han Feng found Lin Lan and Wei Yun and said, "Xiao Peng has taken medicine now. He will be much better in a while. Don't disturb him now." After saying that, Han Feng suddenly thought of Liu who was unconscious before. Rui, then asked, "By the way, where is Liu Rui? Is he feeling better?"

After Han Feng finished speaking, Lin Lan replied, "Liu Rui is in the room opposite and is still unconscious... there shouldn't be any big problem."

"Okay, I'll go see him." After saying that, Han Feng turned and walked towards the house opposite.

After opening the door, Han Feng found that Liu Rui had woken up. At this time, he was leaning on the head of the bed, looking at something unknown.

Seeing someone coming in, Liu Rui asked first without waiting for Han Feng to speak, "Where is Wei Peng? Is that kid okay!"

Hearing Liu Rui's question, Han Feng smiled and said, "He will be fine, don't worry. By the way, how do you feel now?"

"Wei Peng is really injured?!!" Liu Rui ignored Han Feng's question, but sat up straight in an instant and asked again.

"Huh? What's wrong with you? Are you okay?" Seeing Liu Rui's reaction, Han Feng frowned and asked, "What did Lin Lan and Wei Yun tell you? It's really worrying... Knowing that you were unconscious, they still told you this..."

"No... No... I haven't seen them today." Staring at Han Feng, Liu Rui interrupted Han Feng who was talking.

Hearing Liu Rui say this, Han Feng thought that Liu Rui might have heard the previous conversation downstairs, so he asked this question.

Just as Han Feng thought of this, Liu Rui suddenly said, "Where is Guo Yongxing? When will he wake up?"

After hearing Liu Rui say this, Han Feng's hand raised in the air seemed to be frozen.

"Impossible... Why do you know..." At this time, Han Feng suddenly thought that the room where Liu Rui was was on the other side of the building. The armored vehicle could not be seen from the window at all! It was impossible to hear the previous conversation at such a long distance.

What's even more weird is... Guo Yongxing was not mentioned at all in Han Feng's previous conversation with Lin Lan and Wei Yun! So... How did Liu Rui know the news of Guo Yongxing's coma? !

"You... How did you..." Staring at Liu Rui, Han Feng asked in shock.

"Winter Soldier is dead... You... Don't be too sad..."

Liu Rui still did not answer Han Feng's question, but said something that shocked Han Feng even more!

Why! Why did he know about Winter Soldier! You know, in the eyes of others, mobilized soldiers are all the same! Let alone others, I can't even tell them apart. They just have different code names! And... I never told anyone about the Winter Soldier's death, not even Lin Lan at the time.

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