Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 102: Genes - Rapid Recovery Potion

Lin Lan, who had been listening, did not interrupt Han Feng's words. When Han Feng finished speaking, Lin Lan began to express his doubts, "According to what you said, even the best doctors in the world may not be able to save Wei Peng's injuries. Why can you guarantee that Wei Peng will recover?" come over?"

"Um... this..." Hearing Lin Lan ask this, Han Feng was speechless for a moment and didn't know how to reply.

After thinking for a while, Han Feng said, "Don't ask about this in detail. I have my own way."

After hearing what Han Feng said, Lin Lan stopped worrying about this issue and asked instead, "By the way, you said level three zombies can use sound waves to attack?"

[Remember the domain name of this website Taiwan Novel Network→𝓉𝓌𝓀𝒶𝓃.𝒸ℴ𝓂]

"Before, the third-level zombies would roar to increase the attack power of lower-level zombies. I always thought that its roar could only affect the same kind, but I didn't expect that it could change the sound waves and interfere with even normal humans. That kind of sound is really It would be so painful, if not..." At this point, Han Feng paused.

At this moment, Han Feng suddenly understood. Why was the Winter Soldier able to resist when being attacked by sound waves... Probably because the Winter Soldier was deaf... The power of sound waves was greatly reduced to the Winter Soldier who had no hearing at all.

Lowering his head, Han Feng's mind was filled with images of the Winter Soldiers risking their lives...and then a feeling of sadness swept through his body.

Seeing Han Feng who was grieving, Lin Lan did not ask any more questions, but took out the cigarette from his pocket and handed it over.

"Thank you." Han Feng said thank you after taking the cigarette. For the next ten minutes, Han Feng and Lin Lan chatted about each other.

After smoking a few cigarettes, Lin Lan stood up and said, "Since you said you could save Wei Peng, I won't ask any more questions. I'll go up and stay with Wei Yun. You can stay by yourself for a while."

Seeing that Lin Lan was about to leave, Han Feng responded, "Okay, you go up, I will take care of the rest."

Watching Lin Lan's leaving figure, Han Feng contacted Luna in his mind and asked, "Luna, how long will it take before the gene-rapid recovery potion is released?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, there are still 28 minutes left until the end of the research. ♦♦  ♦♦"

"Well... I understand. By the way, how is Xiaopeng doing now?" After getting the specific remaining time, Han Feng asked about Wei Peng's situation again.

"Wei Peng's vital signs continue to decline, but there is no problem in persisting until the end of the study."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng breathed a sigh of relief. I thought to myself "Looks like the worst didn't happen...thank God."

The next twenty minutes or so were the most difficult period for Han Feng. Every few minutes, Han Feng would ask about Wei Peng's situation. Fortunately, Luna is part of the system and won't be impatient.

"Reporting to the Korean team, the research on the combat laboratory gene - rapid recovery potion is completed." Finally, after a long wait, Luna reported that the combat laboratory has finally completed the research on the gene!

"Okay!" After hearing the news, Han Feng immediately became energetic, shouted and continued, "Quick! Bring the medicine! Give it to Xiaopeng!"

"Report to the Korean team that the combat laboratory requires 20,000 gold coins to produce the potion."

Han Feng, who was in high spirits, was stunned for a moment when he heard what Luna said...then he asked, "Twenty thousand? Gold coins?"

"Yes, 20,000 gold coins." Luna said affirmatively.

"So expensive?! Can't it be cheaper? Is it easy for me to save some gold coins?" Han Feng said helplessly as he looked at the 25,630 gold coins in the system.

"Buy! I'll buy it no matter how much!" Han Feng said simply, gritting his teeth.

This cheating system... you don’t have to pay for research, but you ask me for money when I need to make potions, go to hell...! ! ! Although his heart ached, Han Feng still understood that, let alone 20,000, even if it was 200,000, he would still buy it for Wei Peng! Not enough money? Even if you go deep into the zombie camp, you still have to raise the money!

"The production of Gene-Quick Recovery Potion requires a total of 20,000 gold coins. Please confirm."


"Okay, Team Korea, Gene-Quick Recovery Potion is being made, please wait.

In a few words, Han Feng's gold coins instantly returned to four digits...

Looking at the 5,630 gold coins displayed in the system, Han Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head, thinking that it was a good thing that he was attacking the lair of level three zombies this time... otherwise the gold coins would not be enough to buy medicine.

In less than a minute, an American soldier ran towards Han Feng carrying a small box.

"Report to the Korean team! Gene - fast recovery potion!" The American soldier ran to Han Feng, saluted, and then reached out and handed the box to Han Feng. When handing over the box, the American soldier did not forget to introduce it.

After Han Feng took the box, he first observed it.

A silver-white box, about the size of a makeup box. The surface of the box is smooth, with nothing on it...even the weight is very light. But Han Feng knew that this box was worth 20,000 gold coins! This money can completely build another combat laboratory weighting factory! This is one of the most precious things Han Feng has bought since he had the system.

With a "pop" sound, Han Feng gently pressed the button on the box. After slowly opening the box, Han Feng saw the medicine in the black sponge layer. To be precise, it should be an injection.

Inside a thin needle is a green fluorescent medicine.

"Is this a medicine worth 20,000? Oh no, injections?" Han Feng asked, looking at the injections in the box.

"Yes, this is the injection form of gene-quick recovery potion." Luna explained.

After hearing Luna's answer, Han Feng frowned and asked, "Where is this stuck? Butt?"

"Anything is fine, as long as it's under the skin. Push it all the way in, and the dose of this injection will save Wei Peng."

After Luna finished explaining how to use it, Han Feng asked, "How long will it take for this potion to take effect after it enters Wei Peng's body?"

"Report to Team Han that this injection will take effect instantly after entering Wei Peng's body. Wei Peng will recover as strong and fast as the original owner of the blood recovers. The intensity of recovery will not exceed that of the original owner of the blood. "

Hearing Luna's explanation, Han Feng understood, and then asked, "So... Wei Peng will have the super power of rapid recovery in the future?!!!"

Han Feng instantly became excited when he thought that Wei Peng would have such a super power in the future! If possible, I will buy more injections of this kind in the future! Then give one to each of Lin Lan and Liu Rui! In this way, you don’t have to worry about being injured in the future. Even if you are injured in the future, as long as you don’t die, you will recover!

"Report to the Korean team that this injection will not bring permanent rapid recovery to Wei Peng. The amount of this injection is only enough for Wei Peng to recover."

"...Damn...profiteer..." After hearing what Luna said, Han Feng muttered in a low voice. I thought to myself that the system is indeed still a system... the pitfalls are still the same, but this time the pitfalls are in a different way...

"Okay, as long as we can save Wei Peng..." Han Feng took out the injection and muttered silently. Then he took the injection and walked to the armored vehicle where Wei Peng was.

After boarding the cabin of the armored vehicle, Han Feng squatted down, gently picked up Wei Peng's right arm, and inserted the needle of the injection into Wei Peng's body.

"Huh..." At this time, Han Feng was extremely nervous. After taking a deep breath, use your fingers to push the medicine in.

Although Han Feng believed in the system, Wei Peng was seriously injured in front of him... Whether he could really recover and whether there would be any sequelae... Han Feng was not sure at all. To put it bluntly, Han Feng was betting that this injection could completely restore Wei Peng.

After a few seconds, the entire injection was empty. After pulling out the needle, Han Feng was sweating profusely.

After putting the empty injection aside, Han Feng began to stare at Wei Peng...

One second...two seconds...three seconds...

"Hey, hey, hey? It's moving! It's moving!" Han Feng shouted excitedly when he saw Wei Peng's slightly concave chest rising slowly.

Ten minutes later, Wei Peng's chest was basically the same as a normal person! No more signs of dents or injuries.

Han Feng, who was slightly relieved, said to himself, "It's okay this time... It's okay..."

After a pause, Han Feng asked, "Luna, how is Xiaopeng doing now? How long will it take for him to be completely fine?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, Wei Peng's vital signs are recovering rapidly. The health value has increased by 47, and the full recovery time is expected to be 26 minutes."

After listening to Luna's accurate report, Han Feng smiled... "Haha... Xiaopeng is going to recover! Xiaopeng is going to recover!!!" Han Feng clenched his fists and said excitedly.

It seems that recovery from Xiaopeng's physical injuries is already a matter of time. But...what about Guo Yongxing? Looking at Guo Yongxing on the side, Han Feng felt very uncomfortable.

"Luna, how many gold coins are needed to cure Guo Yongxing..." Looking at Guo Yongxing, Han Feng asked.

"Report to the Korean team that the gene-quick recovery medicine cannot affect Guo Yongxing."

"Huh? Why? Isn't this medicine said to be able to save people as long as they don't die? Guo Yongxing's physical condition is much better than Xiaopeng, why can't he be treated?" Han Feng asked incredulously after hearing Luna say that this medicine couldn't treat him.

"Report to the Korean team that Gene - Quick Recovery Potion only targets physical injuries and cannot treat mental damage. Guo Yongxing is in such a state because of mental exhaustion. So... Gene - Quick Recovery Potion, ineffective.”

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng was shocked.

Although Han Feng understood, there were still some things he didn't understand, so he asked, "Spiritual power? Depleted?"

"Yes, mental power will be exhausted. Under normal circumstances, people become sleepy because of insufficient mental power. Also, you will fall into a period of weakness after using superpowers, which is also a phenomenon caused by lack of mental power. Overuse Superpowers and pain in the brain are also caused by an extreme lack of mental power.”

Luna said a lot, fearing that Han Feng would not be able to respond, so she paused to give Han Feng some time to think.

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