The performance of the three children was quite successful, at least many women had tears in their eyes.

"They are still children, how pitiful they are? Why can't you give them a chance?"

Finally, a woman stood up. She came to the middle of the three children, squatted down and wiped their tears with her sleeves. Li Yichen looked at the joy in the eyes of the three children and said lightly:

"I've given them a chance, and the other kids took it, but these three didn't!"

"Then give it again! It's just three children!"

The woman shouted loudly, and Li Yichen suddenly laughed:

"Then what? Do you want to continue giving them endlessly? I'm not their parent, so why should I indulge them?"

"Anyway, you are an adult, why do you care about these children? Who didn't make mistakes when they were young? They are not sensible yet. Why is a person of your age so narrow-minded? Can't you be more broad-minded?"

the woman shouted again.

"I can have a broad mind, but I won't pretend to be trash!"

Li Yichen said coldly:

"Since you think they are still young and ignorant and you can tolerate them, then you can take care of the three of them."

"Okay! I'll take care of it!"

The woman said without thinking.


Li Yichen nodded, then took out the nine energy blocks again and threw them to the woman. The woman quickly caught them, but saw Li Yichen pointing outside and saying:


The woman's face suddenly stiffened:

"What's the meaning?"

"Don't you want to take care of them? Then leave with them!"

Li Yichen said calmly.


The woman looked back, then turned back and shook her head:

"No! I'm not leaving! I want to stay at the base!"

"Stay at the base?"

Li Yichen narrowed his eyes:

"You said you raised them, not the base."

"I... I can still support them if I stay at the base!"

The woman panicked.

"How can you support them? What do you have in this base? Even the food you eat and the place you live in are given to you by the base. How can you support them?"

Li Yichen said, then suddenly pointed at the huge building and the two walls:

"Everything here was built by me. I rescued you from the zombie tide and the people from the Tiger Shark Base, and built a solid base to bring you here and give you a safe living environment. , the it just a word of being narrow-minded?"

After looking at the woman, Li Yichen pointed to the children on one side and said:

"I made it very clear to them before that everyone must report their actual age, and when they are ten years old, they will kill zombies. These children also hid it before, but they admitted their mistakes and stood up. Only The three of them don’t have it. My base doesn’t want people like this who can’t do anything and just want to hide behind and eat and drink. No matter what age he is, I don’t want him!”


The woman looked at the three children, then at Li Yichen's face, and said quickly:

"I'm sorry! I didn't know! I didn't know they were like this. I was wrong. Just kick them out. I don't care! I really don't know."

"I don't know? If I don't know, you just jump out and say so much? If I don't know, you can just stand there and condemn others?"

Li Yichen looked at the woman:

"I don't want to talk to you anymore, leave! I built the base. If you think I'm not good, then leave. There's nothing to say about this!"

Having said this, Li Yichen turned his head again, looked at the other survivors and said:

"The same goes for you! If you want to stay in this base, you must abide by the rules of this base. If you find it unacceptable, you can leave. I will not stop you. If you choose to stay and violate the rules, you will be punished at the least. Expulsion, serious one, I will kill him!”

The survivors looked at each other, but no one said anything. Li Yichen looked at the three children again:

"You have some acting talent, but you don't have it. Don't pretend to be pitiful in front of me. Even if you can make everyone in the base sympathize with you and plead for you, I will not keep you. Instead, I will drive them away with you. ! I have zero tolerance for betrayal and deception, and I have zero tolerance for people who don’t know anything, even those who blindly stand on the moral high ground!”

After hearing Li Yichen's words, the pitiful expressions on the faces of the three children disappeared, and they looked at Li Yichen with hatred.

"If you look at me like this again, I might kill you. Moreover, you'd better leave the base within five minutes. Otherwise, you can try to see if I can kill people!"

"Instructor! I..."

At this time, Chang Guchuan, who had been struggling, finally made a decision after hearing Li Yichen's previous words. He slowly came to Li Yichen and said with a cry.

"I have to leave the base too!"

Hearing Chang Guchuan's words, Li Yichen couldn't help but be startled, and then looked at the three children:

"You want to plead for them too?"

When the three children saw this, joy appeared on their faces, and they quickly left the woman behind and came to Chang Guchuan's side.


Chang Guchuan's eyes were a little averted, but he finally looked at Li Yichen, took a deep breath, and then said loudly:

"I lied to you too!"

"Huh? When?"

"What's going on Kawako?"

"No! Kawako, tell me clearly. When did you lie to the instructor?"


Li Yichen frowned and asked, and all the members of the Redemption Legion rushed up and surrounded Chang Guchuan asking questions.

"I...I gave away all the...rewards you left for everyone to use!"

Chang Guchuan looked at Li Yichen and said with red eyes.

"No! I told Li Dong to tell you that I will use all of it!"

Li Yichen frowned.

"No! I had already sent it before him, and I lied to them was you who said it!"

Chang Guchuan replied.

"Oh! Let's go! You don't need to explain. He will definitely drive you away anyway. What nonsense are you talking to him about? You are an enhancer. There will be people in any base where you go, so why should you be angry with him?"

At this time, a childish voice sounded. Everyone looked down and saw that it was one of the three children. He was pulling Chang Guchuan's clothes and said impatiently that their departure was a foregone conclusion. If they followed Chang Guchuan, they would naturally It's much safer. They have seen Chang Guchuan's skills.

"Get out of here!"

Chang Guchuan cursed, while Li Yichen looked at his watch:

"You have four minutes."

"Let's go with him! You can't control this, right?"

One of the three children pointed at Chang Guchuan. Before Chang Guchuan could speak, Li Yichen shook his head and said:

"He won't leave. The only ones who want to leave are the four of you!"

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