The three children who were named by Xiaohu immediately jumped up, pointed at Xiaohu and cursed, and repeatedly argued that they were really not ten years old and that Xiaohu was talking nonsense. Xiaohu did not refute. After saying these three names, they Kneel on the ground and cry.

Li Yichen looked at Xiaohu and didn't say anything. He had some expectations for Xiaohu and even thought about what he would want him to do in the future, so he forced him to stand up and correct these three children. Otherwise, the children around ten years old would be ignored. If you can lie again, can you really deceive him?

Li Yichen remembered that he would deceive his father when he was a child. Every time his father would smile and nod, but he would be secretly happy about it. When he thought about it when he grew up, he realized how naive he was at that time and did not expose himself. , it’s just the father’s tolerance and forgiveness for the child - of course, it may also be connivance.

Ignoring the three children's defense, Li Yichen reached out to lift them up and walked towards the door. At the same time, he turned to the children standing on the other side and said:

"follow me!"

The remaining four children under ten years old looked at Xiaohu who was crying loudly, and then at Li Yichen and their friends who were leaving. They were a little at a loss. After crying for a while, Xiaohu raised his head with tears in his eyes. Looking dimly at Li Yichen's retreating back, he suddenly got up and came to the four children.

"If I were you, I would catch up and join those friends to kill zombies!"

Xiaohu wiped away his tears, looked at the four children and said:

"You are only 9 years old. You can wait for a year before starting to kill zombies, but in this year, you will be far behind us, just like me now."

"A few days ago, we were still the same, but now you all know my strength, right? They are the same as you now, but soon, they will be like me, leaving you behind. When the time comes, you will definitely You will regret it!

"We are all orphans. Unlike those who have parents, they have someone to take care of us. Who will take care of us? We can only rely on ourselves, so we must seize every opportunity to make ourselves stronger! Are you going?"

Xiaohu's last question was very loud, and the four children looked at each other and nodded together, even the little girl was no exception.


Xiaohu patted them and took the lead in chasing Li Yichen and the others...

"Instructor! What happened to these three little guys?"

Chang Guchuan, who was leading the Redemption Army to release the zombies in the carriage between the two walls and let the survivors go and kill them, saw Li Yichen coming with three children and a large group of children behind him. He couldn't help but feel a little agitated. Strangely, he ran over with some members of the Redemption Legion and asked.

"They are over ten years old, but they lied about their age!"

Li Yichen said calmly.

"Oh! Haha! Little guy, have you been caught?"

Chang Guchuan laughed, reached out and rubbed a child who was struggling in Li Yichen's hands, and said to Li Yichen:

"Don't worry, instructor! Leave them to me."


Li Yichen looked at the children following him:

"These are the ones entrusted to you, and the three of them will be expelled from the base!"

"What? Expelled from the base?"

Chang Guchuan was startled and couldn't help shouting. The survivors who were waiting here and preparing to receive zombie killing training all turned their heads and looked over.

"Make them stop!"

Seeing this, Li Yichen simply asked those who were practicing killing zombies to stop and just watch together. By the way, he also made it clear to everyone that this base would never accept betrayal or deception.

Chang Guchuan quickly made a few gestures to the guys who were releasing zombies from the carriage. They immediately closed the carriage, killed the zombies that were still alive, and then gathered the survivors with them.

"What is that guy making a fuss about again?"

Wan Shan, who was upstairs, noticed the situation below, and Li Dong also came over to take a look, and then waved his hand:

"Let's go! Come down and take a look!"

As a result, almost everyone from the entire base gathered...

"I told Chang Guchuan yesterday that everyone in the base who is over ten years old and under 60 years old must come to receive training in killing zombies. Each person must kill at least one! Do you all know this?"

Everyone nodded together. Chang Guchuan was organizing people with the Redemption Legion early this morning. Of course they all knew.

"These children are also in this range, but they all lied, concealed their age, and escaped. I later gave them another chance, and the others admitted it, but these three did not seize it. Chance."

Li Yichen carried three children and said loudly to everyone:

"I have reminded them before that what I hate most is deception and betrayal, so when Huang Jinrong took those people away, I once said that they will no longer be eligible to join our base in the future. This sentence will always be valid. .”

Hearing this, Chang Guchuan's expression suddenly changed, and his body couldn't help but tremble a little. Li Yichen didn't notice him and continued:

"The same goes for you. Remember the rules of our base. It's best not to violate them. Otherwise, no matter who he is, the lightest punishment is expulsion. If the base suffers losses due to his deception or betrayal, I will still I will kill him with my own hands!”

Turning around, he put the three children down and took out nine biological energy blocks from his pocket:

"This is for you. Leave the base immediately. They will allow you to survive in the wild for three days. After three days, you will have to rely on yourself!"

"No! I won't leave! Why do you drive me away? You are not the leader of the base!"

A child yelled, squeezing his neck, then looked at the others and said loudly:

"Uncle and aunt! This man wants to seize our base, and he came to bully us children just to make you scared. If you are bullied by him now, you may be kicked out like us in the future."

"Yes! Uncle and auntie, please help us. My parents are dead, and I don't want to die! Wuwuwuwuwu!"

"Mom! Where are you? I miss my mother!"

The other two children also started crying, crying and yelling.

When Wan Shan heard that Li Yichen was going to expel the three children, he wanted to stand up and plead for them. But after hearing what they said, he couldn't help but frown. He saw the two crying children. While secretly looking at everyone, there was no sadness at all in his eyes, only fear and expectation.

Li Yichen didn't say anything, and directly put away the energy block he took out, and stood there with his arms folded, looking coldly at the survivors who seemed to be moved by these three children...

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