Apocalypse: The Fat Lady Strikes Back

Chapter 694 Is this the only backbone you have?

Ban Yue stood in the distance and looked at the place where Qiao Lingxiang was. The life energy became more and more vast. She lifted her head and took a breath, bathed in the pale life energy. Very good.

There is a familiar sense of security that not only lingers in Ban Yue's heart, but also surrounds the hearts of everyone in the camp.

The cold corpse lying on the ground began to slowly lift its stiff fingers. Someone sat up covered in blood, and someone lowered his head, looking strangely at the hole that had been punched out on his body.

Hey, everything is fine.

There was a medical garrison next to him holding a branch in his hand, checking the security of City Z who had already stood up, pointing to the big circle drawn by Ban Yue with a straight face, and said:

Over there at the security check in City Z.

Then, with a gentle smile all over his face, he looked at the Z City garrison who sat up, and pointed to the Buji place arranged on the other side, where several large long tables were placed, and piled on the table. Water, food, massager, stone bomb, torsion ballista. There is also a smart screen next to it, and movies are played on it.

Just listen to what the medical garrison said to the Z city garrison:

The garrison goes to the supplementary place, and if there is anything that needs to be taken by yourself.

City Z security check: .?

The treatment for the security check and the garrison is too big. The security check is just a circle, and there is not even a stool in the circle. The garrison side has everything you want, and there are movies to watch.

At the security check, in a somewhat aggrieved state of mind, the mighty and ambitious civilian team that came to attack the center camp did not even figure out who their opponent was, so they all died, and it was true If they are all hanged, it is absolutely impossible for a single person to leave alive.

At this time, the Shang family in Z City had received news that the garrison of Z City was almost over, and they had already occupied the entire Z City.

In other words, this means that the security check in City Z has been completed.

At this time, the Shang family and the city garrison commanders who supported the Chang Jincheng faction had already retreated to the north of Z city. Inside a villa belonging to the Shang family.

After discussion, everyone has the same idea at present, they have to evacuate, and they have to evacuate City Z as soon as possible.

Shang Zhengxin didn't quite agree with those city garrison commanders' opinions of retreating. He sat on the sofa and asked unwillingly:

Do we have to leave? Z City is our home, leaving Z City, doesn't it prove that we have failed?

His wife, Chang Zhaoling, also said in a bit of embarrassment:

Didn't we already send someone to beat their center forward? As long as we persist and wait for the garrisons in your cities to rush over, we will surely win.

It's still far from the point of evacuating City Z, right? Although the security check is over, the Shang family has hired a lot of civilian teams, and they can still fight. Those cities that support Chang Jincheng's faction still have so many garrisons, they can also fight.

How come it's time to evacuate City Z immediately?

In the living room, a garrison commander looked at Chang Zhaoling as if he was looking at an ignorant child. He said to Chang Zhaoling:

It's already reached this time. The civilian team we sent out to play center has not yet returned. So just in case, we have to withdraw.

However, no news doesn't mean it's bad news. It doesn't mean that there must be something bad if there's no news. Even if it's bad, it hasn't reached the point of retreating from City Z, right?

It was Shang Zhengxin's eldest son Shang Lingjie who said this. The Shang family is a family of merchants, and merchants are born with a gambler's mentality.

They felt that if there is no news, it is not necessarily bad news. Maybe the civilian team they sent out has already opened up at the center camp, but because they played too well, they didn't have time to give them news of victory. Woolen cloth.

However, another city garrison commander jumped out to refute Shang Lingjie's words. He only heard the city garrison commander say to Shang Lingjie angrily:

My lord, it's better not to take it for granted. The battlefield is not a shopping mall. Some people say that a shopping mall is like a battlefield. This completely underestimates the danger of the battlefield. Of course, for you people in the shopping mall, you are willing to wait for an unknown result here. But for those of us who are desperately fighting on the battlefield, waiting for this unknown result is likely to be the worst result.

What he said was immediately recognized by all the city's garrison supreme commanders present, and some supreme commanders went on to say:

A bad result, it is not as simple as a few people who die, it is very likely that tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, tens of millions of people die, so once there is any unknown situation that cannot be fully controlled, we will Be prepared for the strong men to cut their wrists and throw the city to retreat, this is for everyone to be responsible for.”

When encountering the crisis of destroying the city, the garrison is uncertain. Abandoning the city for self-protection and choosing to retreat is the most commonly used in garrison, because before abandoning the city for self-protection, the garrison needs to safely transfer the civilians in the city.

After all, in fact, the garrison only protected the civilians in the city from the beginning to the end, not a city.

But in this battle, the 15-city alliance fought quite restrainedly, and the first step with strong destructive power was useless. The forwards were still the garrison of Z City's own city. It's comforting to tell.

Then there is no need to transfer the civilians of City Z, because neither the attacker nor the security check of City Z wants to implicate innocent civilians.

What's more, according to the news from the outside, the Z City garrison attacked while helping the security check to clean up the corpses, and they were doing their best not to smash the security check corpses.

The purpose is actually to facilitate Qiao Ayaka's resurrection of these security checks.

So this battle has been fought like this, the 15-city alliance has shown full sincerity, they will not do anything to the civilians of Z city, from a certain point of view, the garrison of Z city looks more like wanting to take back what they guarded City Z, that is, to take back the civilians he wants to protect.

Therefore, it is correct tactically to abandon the city to protect oneself now.

From the current point of view, abandoning City Z and retreating to a relatively safe city in the central region north of City Z is the best choice for the Shang family and the top garrison commanders of the cities in the city.

So in the end you still have to retreat? !

Chang Zhaoling stood up frantically. She was already skinny. She swayed and looked at the city's top commanders. Chang Zhaoling shook her head like crazy, and suddenly shouted:

Don't leave here. Although I'm not a garrison, my father taught me that I would rather die in battle than be a homeless dog. You guys, do you only have this backbone?

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