Apocalypse: The Fat Lady Strikes Back

Chapter 693 Suspected Milky Way

Ban Yue focused on highlighting the word captive and deepened the tone of the word captive, and then used a branch to point outside the circle, and said to the resurrected captives:

Outside, remember, you can't go out. Once you go out, you won't have a second chance to be resurrected. You can judge for yourself.

Listening to Ban Yue's words, it was quite light, but the warning in this tone was quite obvious, that is to say, although the other party was the security inspection brothers in the southern region, the 15-city alliance could give a chance of resurrection.

But after being resurrected, I still stubbornly want to continue to make troubles. I'm sorry, but now I am short of life energy to save people.

Those security checks drawn in the circle, you look at me and I look at you, some security checks want to be angry, but they suddenly feel that they have no reason to be angry.

If Qiao Ayaka hadn't given them a second chance to be resurrected, they wouldn't be standing here today, imprisoned.

Therefore, with the support of powerful medical resources without the resurrection ability on one's own side, everyone who was resurrected after death is not qualified to be angry, and even less qualified to try a second resistance.

Because they knew clearly that they couldn't resist at all, and that they could be resurrected proved that Qiao Lingxiang was here, and the price for Qiao Lingxiang's resurrection was to absorb life energy.

So they either stand well in this circle as a person, or go out of the circle as life energy.

And outside this circle, the revived Z city garrisons have completely different mentality from these security brothers. I saw the Z city garrisons laughed loudly while straightening out their equipment and weapons , raised his hand to say hello to Ban Yue and the busy medical garrisons, and shouted:

Sisters, I'll leave this to you, let's move on.

After finishing speaking, those garrison boys who had just been revived rushed to the front line in high spirits.

Because of their majestic figures, passing by, three or four refrigerated trucks came in from the center camp. A security checkpoint stretched its neck in the circle to watch, and found that the medical garrisons were coming out of the refrigerated truck. Carried down the corpses one by one.

When there is a security check in the circle, they shout:

Hey, this is my brother, we are on the same team.

A medical garrison who was carrying the corpse looked up and stared in the circle. The security check who called out glanced and said loudly:

What are you shouting for? Don't worry, everyone will come back to life. If you come back to life, let your brother come in to accompany you.

While speaking, the corpses that had just been carried down were neatly placed in the open space one by one.

Wisps of white smoke slowly rose from the entire camp. The city of Z has almost been desertified. The place where the center camp was set up was almost completely deserted. Therefore, in fact, the life energy Has been being transformed by Qiao Ayaka.

But the farther you go to the north of City Z, the fewer sand monsters, because the land north of City Z has not been deserted, so it is good to stock up a little more life energy now.

In the folk teams lying on the sand in the distance, ready to take action, the deputy captain felt something was wrong. He pointed to a woman in a black dress coming from the opposite side, and said to his captain:

Look, captain, a woman walked out of their center camp, still wearing black clothes!

The captain with the high-power binoculars had already seen Qiao Lingxiang, and he said to the vice-captain beside him without surprise:

What's wrong with a woman coming out? What's wrong with wearing black clothes? There are still many women in their camp, and most of the medical staff are women.

The deputy captain felt something was wrong and said:

No, this woman still has cigarettes on her body!

It's very strange, Qiao Lingxiang walked towards them, as if she was a celestial girl, with the white smoke from the special effects, and the white smoke that was billowing with fairy spirit was getting thicker and thicker, and many white smoke came from all directions , moved closer to Qiao Lingxiang's body, and then spun around her, forming a white, increasingly conspicuous, huge whirlpool of clouds and mist.

The leader of the civilian team who was about to attack the center camp subconsciously sensed a danger. He gritted his teeth, stood up without doing anything, and shouted to his subordinates:

Damn it, go ahead, it's just a woman, we're afraid she won't make it? She can't be Qiao Lingxiang!

A group of folk team men who had been prepared for a long time jumped up from the sand and rushed towards Qiao Lingxiang.

The reason why this folk team has grown bigger and bigger is that it has reached a scale of 500 people, and they still have their own ability to survive.

For example, everyone in this folk team is a person with supernatural powers, and they don't need ordinary people without supernatural powers to hold them back

Therefore, when rushing towards Qiao Lingxiang, those folk teams almost showed their own abilities.

Some of them hadn't rushed to Qiao Lingxiang's side, the ground under Qiao Lingxiang's feet began to crack, and countless stones hit Qiao Lingxiang's body, but before she got close to Qiao Lingxiang's body, she spread her five fingers and smashed the stones into pieces. Arrows, bullets, etc. were in a mess, and all the things that attacked her were received into her space.

Before the civilian team on the opposite side could react, about a hundred people in the front-line civilian team began to evaporate slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Countless white smoke flowed out from their bodies, and the few people in the front, before running two steps forward, only had one set of clothes left, and fell to the ground.

Their bodies quickly turned into floating life energy, joining the vortex of life energy like a sea of ​​clouds surrounding Qiao Lingxiang's body.

Suspected galaxy.

Such a scene is undoubtedly quite magnificent. More than 500 people formed a crowd and rushed towards Qiao Lingxiang. Huge, various pedigree abilities also rushed towards Qiao Lingxiang.

However, it was just a wave. Their abilities hit Qiao Lingxiang's body, and they just beat Qiao Lingxiang so that she couldn't move forward, but they couldn't cause any damage.

Or you can put it this way, because the damage they caused to Qiao Ayaka was healed by Qiao Ayaka in a very short period of time, so it looks like it didn't hurt Qiao Ayaka at all.

This damage effect disappears very quickly.

And once Qiao Lingxiang's ability came back, it was like a tide. From the first few people to the last few people, in just a few tens of seconds, everyone had only one set of clothes left, and disappeared. On this sand.

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