Aoba Office

Chapter 958 Abnormality (4)

Wu Ling glanced at the thin man and said, "The cursed mirror you believed in before..."

The thin man's expression stiffened.

"Not many people know, and those who know know many versions. Among those who know, there are even fewer who believe that the mirror is cursed and that the ghost of the deceased stays on the mirror. So, if you are not affected by your ability, That mirror will not have special power, nor will it form a spirit. In another situation, if it is a ghost story that is known to the world, some people believe it, and some people do not believe it. The different emotions of so many people will become very unstable, and sometimes it is impossible to capture his existence. He may appear, kill someone who believes in him, and then completely disappear until the second time. What did he do to make him appear again? "Wu Ling said, "Furthermore, unstable spirits cannot be eliminated. They don't even have a fixed form of existence, and there is no possibility of being eliminated."

I suddenly thought of something and glanced at Nangong Yao, "If that game... there are still many people who like games, online games, mobile games, various types of games... is that kind of spirit possible to reappear? "

Nangong Yao nodded, "Yes, it is possible that there is a spirit related to games in the world now, but it is not the one you destroyed. The one you destroyed is attached to a game disc, a game that became popular in the past. The game absorbs similar ideas and forms a spirit. As each game becomes outdated, it develops a certain character... Another spirit related to the game may not be like this. "

Guo Yujie asked somewhat innocently: "So, all the spirits and ghosts in this world cannot be eradicated?"

"Yes." Gu Mo replied lazily, "People have to die, and there are always such things."

This is a frustrating reality.

Gu Mo used the analogy of human death, which I think is more like a crime. There are laws and police, but people still commit crimes. Thousands of years ago, some people would kill a stranger for a bite of meat, and now some people will kill a stranger for a hundred or two hundred dollars.

This is inevitable, a disaster that cannot be eradicated.

The atmosphere was low for a while.

Mainly because the four of us were a little down, Chen Xiaoqiu looked fine, and the three people from Qingye showed no reaction at all.

"The formation and state of spirits are different, which leads to an idea." Wu Ling naturally brought the topic back on track, "The guide you saw should be working on that idea. He wants to let himself Become the new spirit of Huixiang.”

I sat up straight suddenly, my surprise indescribable.

"What he did was to change the mindset of the people in Huixiang. He restrained and ordered the ghosts in Huixiang, and then affected the people in Huixiang. However, this influence was very slow. Over decades and hundreds of years, It requires many generations of subtle changes and the cooperation of the social environment. In addition, the original spirit of Huixiang will not sit idly by. The city god of the Zhou family may not be as free as the guide, but he can exercise his original power. The duty is to respond to people’s wishes and prayers and make the troublesome ghosts disappear.”

When Wu Ling said this, I thought of the story that the taxi driver told about his childhood. Although I don’t know whether it is true or not, his mother suspected that he had burned incense when he saw something unclean. He himself also said it casually. I mentioned the local City God Temple. This is what Wu Ling said, an idea that can form a spirit.

"Due to history, coincidence, etc., some concepts are common to all places. This idea will be particularly strong. Minqing also has a City God's Temple, but the City God's Temple in Minqing does not have the bonus of the historical sages in Huixiang. It is just a simple City God. Concept. Therefore, the City God’s Temple in Minqing does not have much supernatural power.” Wu Ling said, “The City God’s Temple in Huixiang has the bonus of the Zhou family’s sages in history, so it is no longer so glorious and great. , the local city god also lost his power. As you can see, the hill where the Zhou family’s ancestral tomb is located collapsed, the Zhou family was finished, and so was the city god.”

Wu Ling's explanation reminded me of everything that happened in Huixiang.

Mr. Zhou, a descendant of the Zhou family, was immoral in his private life. His illegitimate son killed him, and he was controlled by the guide to go to the Zhou family's ancestral grave.

This is a kind of blasphemy.

Regardless of whether it is an ancient concept or a modern concept, this is a disgraceful thing and violates morality and law.

"People in Huixiang don't know this." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

Wu Ling nodded, "But it doesn't matter. The Zhou family has become the concept of City God in Huixiang. Many locals may not know the Zhou family, only the City God. The connection between the two is very close, but it is one-way. . The people of Huixiang believe in the City God, not the Zhou family; the Zhou family received some feedback that the dead Zhou family blood can stay in the ancestral graves, and at the same time provide more power to the City God. Because of your appearance, the situation in Huixiang has changed. Soon. If you hadn’t killed the guide..."

Wu Ling looked at me and said, "People in Huixiang will gradually find that worshiping the City God Temple will no longer be useful. The guide will probably deliberately create a few haunted incidents in the future to completely change the minds of the locals. I don't know what he will do specifically. To do... it may be to make himself into another city god, or it may be to make himself into a god of death or a ghost. He probably won't combine himself with some existing consensus, and will give him another name, like He told you, "The Guide". In this way, you can avoid being influenced by the ideas generated by those consensuses, and make rules according to your own ideas to guide people's ideas. He will have more power than ordinary ghosts. . He will also become more difficult to destroy for ordinary ghosts. If there is no carrier, then no one else can directly destroy him except for the ability you have. They can only slowly weaken it by changing the minds of the locals. His strength."

"To do this, you have to put in a lot of effort and risk running into his territory." Nangong Yao added.

After listening to this, I only felt a heavy heart, and I didn’t feel happy that I had eliminated the guide in advance.

Chen Xiaoqiu said: "You mean, the situation with Mother Zheng is similar to that of the guide?"

Wu Ling replied: "Her situation should be said to be similar to that of the ghost in Huixiang. The ghost who wants to turn herself into a spirit is not her. There are still some things we haven't figured out yet. But , except that Yu Chuanfeng has special abilities, this is the most likely situation and the most consistent with the current situation. The only problem is..."

Wu Ling frowned slightly, "We have never figured out how he did it. Nangong and I are not from Minqing, but Ye Qing, Liu Miao, and Wu Gu are, so you should be too, right?"

Guo Yujie nodded and answered Wu Ling's question.

"Have you ever thought of a consensus among Minqing people in Minqing City that fits this situation?" Wu Ling asked.

"What's the consensus? Ghosts cooking? Corpses stewed in soup?" the thin man asked doubtfully.

Wu Ling tapped his fingers on the table, "That's the problem. None of you have this consensus, which is not in line with the conditions for the birth of a spirit. If a spirit is not formed, he can influence so many people purely by his own power - using illusions He can't detect any abnormalities in the dishes, and he can control people's consciousness, so that he can't feel anything abnormal in his own body - then he should be a particularly powerful ghost, and he can be called the strongest ghost in history. . This makes no sense. Master Xuan Qing has read through almost all the history books, and there is no famous person in history who died with such obsession. Nangong also checked Minqing's death and population records, and found no suspicious target. . And the only thing he has done so far is...not to create a spirit, not even trying to create a spirit..."

"So, he is just a big pervert who likes to put poison in people's food?" The thin man sighed with unclear meaning.

Update 40.

I originally wanted to use the word "poison in the shit"..._(:3』∠)_

Good night everyone~

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