Aoba Office

Chapter 957 Abnormality (3)

Nangong Yao took out his mobile phone and after operating it for a while, he handed it to us.

I saw a list, and each item described the same object. Nouns like crystal ball appeared two or three times.

Obviously, this is a supernatural item influenced by Slender Man.

The thin man's face was very ugly, he covered his head and said: "How can you find these crystal balls? I don't remember how many psychic shops I have been to with her. Some of them are not shops, but houses in residential buildings. House."

"We have also considered this, so we are not ready to take action for the time being. Mr. Tan already knows his abilities, and subconsciously, his ideas are also changing. The objects that he originally exerted power are gradually losing their original power. So. Don't worry, after this transition period, we will find a way to solve the remaining things." Wu Ling said.

The thin man patiently read the complete list, his expression did not improve, but he drew a few lines on the screen of Nangong Yao's phone.

"These, judging from the description, should be some of the ghost stories she told me."

I took my phone and came over to look at it, and Guo Yujie and the others also leaned over.

"An oval mirror with a carved frame?" Guo Yujie thought.

After the name, there is also some data such as the size and diameter of the mirror.

"It's the story I just told. It's just the bloody original version." The thin man said.

He told the story, an old-fashioned ghost story.

A young lady was combing her hair in front of the mirror late at night when someone who had a grudge against her chopped off her head with a knife. The mirror reflects the entire process and becomes a cursed supernatural object, attached to the ghost of the noble lady, killing all young women who are reflected in the mirror late at night.

Guo Yujie looked at the thin man with an expression that looked like an idiot.

The thin man explained loudly: "She found a lot of documents, including news clippings from the time, some records collected in the local library, police investigations, and court judgments. The murderer was a servant of her family, and the official document said it was this The servant was scolded by her for mistreating her, so she was sentenced to death by hanging. However, there is also some unofficial information that she put it on her husband. The cuckold was killed by her husband. Her husband settled the matter with money and had a scapegoat hanged. By the way, there is also a ghost story that the ghost of the servant remains on the gallows. If you encounter the gallows, you will be bewitched and hang yourself. There are many versions of this ghost story, one is this, and there are several others. It is said that the ghosts were generated by the random execution of slaves in other places. The guillotine, lynching equipment, and the derived haunted house... these are the sources of ghost stories that have been studied, and that period of history is all true. "

I can understand this kind of research, it belongs to the category of history and folklore.


"But, you believe that mirror can kill people." Guo Yujie said.

In history, there may really be such a noble lady. In that dark period, many slaves were killed at will by their masters, and there was no way to redress their grievances.

But there really are ghosts that remain to this day and are still killing people in revenge; there are cursed items that are passed down and used to kill people wantonly... This is really ridiculous for the good young people of the new era who have never seen ghosts and don't believe in the supernatural. matter.

The looks in our eyes at the thin man were very subtle.

"You are really superstitious." Guo Yujie said.

"It's been influenced. I believe in occult science." The thin man said casually, "There are many things that science cannot explain, and everything is possible. By the way, now it proves that I am right! There are really ghosts in this world, you guys I’ve seen it all!”

The thin man almost got angry.

"Those are two different things." Guo Yujie spoke on our behalf.

Believing in ghosts before you have seen them, and believing in ghosts after seeing them are two different things.

The thin man was speechless.

"Are these things from abroad?" Wu Ling took the phone and confirmed with Shouzi in a serious manner. He did not mean to laugh at Shouzi's past.

The thin man nodded dejectedly.

Wu Ling looked at it and handed the phone back to Nangong Yao.

Guo Yujie asked curiously: "Is that cursed item real?"

Wu Ling replied: "If it is the carrier of a certain ghost, then it may be true. But this situation is rare. Generally speaking, people become ghosts after death because of obsession. They want to complete It is rare to just kill everyone who is close to you out of pure resentment. Among ghosts, those who are sane are stronger than those who are not sane, and they are less likely to be so aimless. Killing indiscriminately.”

I looked at the thin man and then at Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao happened to be looking at the thin man. He probably noticed my gaze and looked at me for a moment. He lowered his head and operated a few times on his phone.

I looked at the thin man again.

I suspect that Wu Ling's words have changed some of Shouzi's ideas. Some of the supernatural stories he believed in before may no longer be believed.

Guo Yujie complained about the thin man: "Did you hear that?"

"It turns out I didn't know that." The thin man argued.

Chen Xiaoqiu coughed dryly and asked, "So, what's going on with Mother Zheng?"

We are here today because of the matter of Zheng Wei's mother. The topic was distracted before and we forgot about the main business.

"You just mentioned the possibility that Yu Chuanfeng's ability is affecting him." Chen Xiaoqiu reminded.

Wu Ling said: "Yes. One possibility is this. The second possibility is more complicated and will become very bad."

Wu Ling's expression became more solemn, and Gu Mo, who had been eating food and watching the show, also put down his chopsticks with a serious expression.

"I heard that you went to Huixiang and saw a ghost who claimed to be a guide?" Wu Ling suddenly asked me.

My heart skipped a beat and I nodded in affirmation.

"Isn't that ghost's existence special? You should have felt it at that time." Wu Ling asked again.

I still nodded and briefly talked about the guide.

Wu Ling listened carefully, and after I finished speaking, she said: "Huixiang should have spirits. The history of the Zhou family and the status of the city god in the local area are enough to form a spirit. This spirit is what I share with you. As you said, the spirit is formed by human thoughts. Some traditional supernatural views, the city god, the underworld, social consensus, the most basic morality, worshiping ancestors and worshiping sages can all form spirits and pass through certain forms. , stabilized.”

The thin man interrupted Wu Ling's narration, "Wait a minute, according to what you said, aren't there many spirits in this world?"

"You can say that. But most of these spirits are weak. Because the ideas are not strong enough, because there are too few people with such ideas, and maybe because the ideas are conflicting. Just like the views of the sages in history, everyone is different "The most important thing is that everyone knows that the person is dead. Without establishing them as some kind of eternal form, such as a god, this kind of simple admiration cannot form a spirit," Wu Ling said. , and also gave an example, "The images of gods such as the God of Wealth, the God of Poverty, and the God of Love... that have survived to this day are basically some kind of special spirits. If you study history, this kind of god related to humans is not It comes from primitive society's belief in natural phenomena, but from the allusion of a certain historical figure. The historical figure has died and his soul has long been reincarnated, but this image that was artificially created and recognized by many people will become a spirit and remain. to date."

Update 39.

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