Aoba Office

Chapter 953 Home Cooking (1)

I suddenly felt that what Wu Ling said was very familiar to me.

A powerful ghost teaches other ghosts what to do...

Isn't this the matter of Huixiang's guide?

My spirit immediately became tense.

Such a terrifying evil ghost appeared in Minqing City?

No, no, there is already a terrifying evil ghost in Minqing City.

The man behind that takeaway shop, the man behind that fried chicken shop!

I originally suspected that the person controlling those ghosts might be a figure similar to Bai An, the master of the green-faced ghost. Now that I think about it, there is a possibility that it was another evil ghost who did this.

Will it be the same one?

I was a little surprised again.

Wu Ling has already expressed his guess, which is exactly what I thought.

"...Ye Qing and Xuan Qing have had suspicions before, but they have never caught one. Judging from the actual situation, there is a high chance that such a powerful ghost will appear in Minqing. After so long, Sister You Jing We can't be sure whether we have kept in touch with the other party. Nangong has checked the current situation of You Jing's sister. She was discharged from the hospital six years ago and should have stayed in Minqing City. The last time she used You Jing's ID card was to rent a house. After only renting for half a month, he canceled the lease and disappeared. We will contact the landlord and Han Jiesheng to see if they know anything about the situation," Wu Ling said in an orderly manner, not surprised by the big discovery. And worry about gains and losses.

I couldn't help but express my guess. The takeout order, the fried chicken restaurant, Zheng Wei's mother, and the possible evil spirit behind these things that Aoba handled.

Before I finished speaking, I heard a sound at the door.

The five of us were gathered around our phones, concentrating on it, and only Wu Ling and I were talking a few words.

We all turned our heads when we heard the noise.

Gu Mo's voice also sounded on the phone.

"Where are you? Is someone eavesdropping?"

Gu Mo's ears are really good.

I immediately switched my phone to handset mode.

The thin man was closest to the door and immediately jumped to the door.

The door was opened a crack at some point. The thin man opened it and saw Fengfeng and Jiang You standing at the door.

Jiang You was a little embarrassed, his hand still pressed on Fengfeng's shoulder.

Fengfeng's eyes dodge.

"Hey, this kid..." Jiang You was in a dilemma. He started to speak, but seemed to not know how to continue.

The young man slowly calmed down and glanced at Jiang You, "I just want to go to the toilet."

Jiang You could only let go, "Okay, go ahead. The toilet is right in front."

"I know." The young man turned around and left.

Jiang You looked at us, pointed at the boy, and smiled bitterly.

In order to cover up his embarrassment, he said casually: "You didn't close the door properly, and the air conditioner leaked out."

"Oh, I didn't pay attention when I closed the door just now." The thin man continued, finally revealing the matter.

This relatively simple unit office building is not an office building. It does not have central air conditioning. Each office is equipped with a small air conditioner and a small fan.

Generally, when the air conditioner is on, the office door will be closed.

When the thin man closed the door, he closed the door tightly. I'm afraid that kid heard something and secretly opened the door, but was caught by Jiang You again.

Jiang You left, and the thin man closed the door again and turned around, with anger on his face.

I felt uncomfortable and worried.

I still remember that the call with Wu Ling was continuing and I picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I asked first, not knowing who was on the other end of the phone.

"Yeah. Are you okay?" Wu Ling's voice came.

Gu Mo's voice immediately picked up, "Isn't it, you? Were you eavesdropped? Who eavesdropped? They won't treat you as a psychopath, right? Hey, the doctor Han we happened to be looking for is still in the psychiatry department. What to do..."

I interrupted Gu Mo and said, "It's the relative's child I mentioned just now who is staying at my colleague's house. He may have some... He noticed the problem and heard the content of our phone call just now."

I was a little unsure of what the kid would do.

If it were Jiang You, he would probably think that we are crazy or have been brainwashed by some criminal elements. Considering the relationship between us as colleagues, Jiang You is not the kind of person who acts in extreme ways. He will probably stay away from us, observe us, and will not say anything. But for a child, or a child who discovered some supernatural phenomenon, it’s hard to say where this thing will go.

Gu Mo laughed loudly on the other end of the phone and joked that the kid might be a "potential stock."

I'm really not in the mood to joke with him.

Wu Ling probably told Gu Mo to shut up, and Gu Mo's laughter stopped.

"Don't be nervous. Being discovered is not a serious matter. People who have never seen ghosts will not believe that there are ghosts in the world." Wu Ling said.

"Yeah." I was still worried, but there was nothing I could do.

"Don't visit that old man yet. For safety reasons, wait until we take action together." Wu Ling reminded him and hung up the phone.

I told the thin man and the others.

The thin man was still angry, "If that kid talks nonsense in front of other people, won't Brother Zheng know about it?"

This is a more serious problem. An opportunity you finally come across may be lost because of this.

But when faced with the child of a colleague's relative, it is really difficult for us to come up with a proper way to shut up the other person.

Not an adult, not an unrelated stranger, nor a close person. This can be said to be the most troublesome situation.

It probably wouldn't matter if it were Aoba's person, he could just threaten him, or admit it openly and lie openly. But we can't be so free and easy.

Knock knock.

There was a knock on the door.

The fat man went to open the door.

His body blocked the doorway, and I didn't see who was at the door for a moment.

The fat man turned sideways, got out of the way, waited for someone to come in, and closed the door.

I looked at the boy who walked in in surprise.

He had a straight face, a serious expression, and pursed his lips slightly.

The thin man whistled, looking like a rogue.

Guo Yujie pushed him angrily.

The thin man immediately fell off the chair.

There is something funny about this scene.

But the boy didn't laugh.

"Sit down. What's your name? Brother Zheng introduced me before, but he didn't say your full name." I ignored Shouzi and Guo Yujie and greeted the half-grown boy.

The fat man dragged a chair to him.

He sat down primly, with his back straight and his hands on his knees.

"Yu Chuanfeng." The young man spoke a little harshly, "I heard you calling. You talked about takeout, fried chicken shop, rice dumplings... Fifth Grandma, she has a problem, right?"

Yu Chuanfeng's eyes were wide open, and he looked at people as hard as he spoke. He clutched his knees with both hands, and his body tensed.

Chen Xiaoqiu asked: "What did you find?"

Yu Chuanfeng glared. But Chen Xiaoqiu was unmoved, and the four of us fully cooperated with Chen Xiaoqiu. Even the silly elder sister Guo Yujie chose to avoid the young man's sight and said nothing.

Yu Chuanfeng was discouraged and gritted his teeth in dissatisfaction.

"I saw... I saw, when she was cooking, there were worms in the piece of meat... When she was cutting the meat, I saw the worms come out, and she cut them in half, and then continued... I I called her and told her when I saw it. She smiled, turned over the meat, and said that I was wrong, but she pushed me out if I wanted to say anything. It was so unhygienic. I told my brother and my uncle and aunt, but they didn’t take it seriously. Later..."

Yu Chuanfeng turned from excitement and indignation to fear.

"Later, I saw her rubbing her legs with steel was all bloody...but she said...she said that in this way, the mud on the radish could be rubbed off..."

Update 38.

Good night everyone~

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