Aoba Office

Chapter 952 Searching to no avail

There was silence in the office for a long time.

If Guo Yujie's association is correct, then this matter has become very dangerous and difficult.

We discovered that the rice dumplings were spoiled before we discovered that there was something wrong with the fried chicken restaurant. There is something wrong with Zheng Wei's mother, and the haunting of the fried chicken restaurant probably happened at the same time. And this means that not only the small shops that are open now, but also the chefs working in the long-established restaurants and catering businesses may have problems. Every food we eat has risks.

I had a headache.

"It should be very simple to confirm." Chen Xiaoqiu said, "Go and visit Zheng Wei's mother and you will know what the situation is."

I breathed out, "You're right."

Zheng Wei's mother is hospitalized. As colleagues who have learned the news, it is natural for us to go and visit her. This should not arouse the vigilance of Zheng Wei's mother or the evil spirit that might be hiding behind this incident.

I was thinking about how to tell Zheng Wei to make things more natural. At the same time, I was also thinking about how I should deal with Zheng Wei's mother if there was really a problem.

It is definitely impossible to "eliminate" the old man in front of Zheng Wei.

My cell phone rang at this moment.

The call was from Wu Ling.

I perked up.

I thought it would be easy for Wu Ling to save You Jing and then solve her sister's problem, so I opened my mouth to tell Wu Ling the doubts we had just discovered.

Wu Ling's voice was calm, but it told me bad news.

"...I couldn't find the iron alley in the newly built community. The terrain there has been changed, and the iron alley may have been filled in. You mentioned that You Jing was trapped there, and you did see You Jing trapped there until today. Or is it a conjecture?”

I was stunned and thought about it carefully. My dream ended after You Jing arrived at Tiexiang.

While I was thinking about it, I said: "I didn't see it with my own eyes, but I felt... her mood. She should still be in that passage. The terrain change you mentioned... I only saw it once, and then the surrounding environment changed." It’s the way you remember it.”

"You didn't see Huangquan Road, right?" Wu Ling asked.

I thought about the deserted, endless highway I had seen in my dreams, and replied, "No. I didn't see ghosts either. The Yin energy there wasn't very strong."

"In this case..." Wu Ling muttered, "In this case, the situation will become complicated."

"What do you mean?" I felt nervous.

"In fact, we also visited the new location of the old Tiexiang area and the new location of the factory, but found nothing. Our judgment at the time was that the story of the old Tiexiang area was an urban legend and a complete supernatural story. Ye Qing has been to the old Tiexiang area before. For work purposes, he has also been to places such as Luoqujiang and the seaside. Most of these supernatural stories are rumors, and a small part are true. A very small part belongs to history.”

I looked at the thin man and the others and motioned for them to close the door. I turned my phone on speakerphone.

Wu Ling's voice came from the mobile phone.

"In that part of history, the situation will be very complicated. In those places, there may have been evil spirits and vicious ghosts, but they were eliminated or disappeared over time. The stories of the past have been left, and some people believe them, so they have some ideas. Coupled with the residual yin in those places, it will have a bad impact. However, generally speaking, it is safe. Luoqujiang and Tiexiang old areas fall into this category. In history, the lane is Huangquan Road. Under normal circumstances, these places will not have much impact on ordinary people and ordinary ghosts. People who are more sensitive will feel depressed and uncomfortable in these places. But if you are destined... you can understand it. Some kind of coincidence happens that connects them to these places and they become special.”

I heard the clouds and mountains shrouded in mist.

What Wu Ling said does not seem to be supported by any systematic theory, but is just a summary of experience.

Wu Ling has continued talking.

"In the case of You Jing, we can now confirm that it was her sister who bewitched her. She made You Jing's body contaminated with filth - that is, the act of killing and mutilating corpses, and may also have the negative impact of patricide. You Jing was also psychologically and mentally shocked, and she completely agreed to her sister's request and gave up her body. After that, according to your account, she obeyed her sister's request and killed and dismembered herself. Her biological mother has committed a crime. She has been a real ghost since then. In a state of mental instability, she returned to her former home and was trapped in Iron Alley. The ruins of Huangquan Road and her own memories. Each of these events are shackles on her soul, and they have sunk her into a space that we cannot fathom. So, now, we can't find You Jing. "

When Wu Ling said this, he changed the subject and said, "Next time you enter the dream, be more careful. If you don't escape from the dream immediately, you may be pulled into that different space by You Jing."

"Is this also a different space?" I was a little surprised.

But thinking about the events that Aoba once dealt with, that story solitaire, and the different space that was triggered when telling ghost stories, some concepts about different spaces seemed to have formed in my mind.

If the key to cracking the artificially constructed alien space cannot be found, such as the baby corpse that Wu Ling found in that incident and in the alien space of the medical hall, he will be trapped there forever, or even be killed there.

Wu Ling is a talented and bold person, but I have no such confidence at all.

Now when Wu Ling said it, I felt a cold sweat break out from behind.

"Yes, that is a kind of different space." Wu Ling simply confirmed my question and returned to You Jing's matter.

"Mogu and Nangong checked the area. The situation there has deteriorated a lot compared to twenty years ago. The influence of Iron Alley should have weakened. If this happens, it means that the entire world is deteriorating."

"Wait a minute..." I interrupted Wu Ling hastily, "What is the deterioration you just mentioned? Didn't you check that there are no ghosts there?"

"There are no ghosts, but there are souls that have not yet been reincarnated and are wandering there."

I remembered the noise I heard when I was possessed by Gumo. Is that all those things?

"Their minds are much clearer than before, that is to say, they are more like ghosts. However, none of them have seen You Jing. Only two old people talked about things that happened twenty years ago." Wu Ling continued , "You Jing's sister turned into a ghost three or four days after her death, regained her consciousness, and gained the power to move freely. At about that time, a ghost passed through the old Tiexiang area. They said I don’t know what the ghost looks like, but I remember the terrifying sense of oppression. The fact that You Jing’s sister was able to come up with the whole plan and have such mobility must be related to that ghost.”

Update 37.

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