Aoba Office

Chapter 945 No. 005 - Commissioned Murder (11)

"Did they only hear the child's cry and not see the child?"

"No. Alas... My old classmate heard about this and got angry. He thought someone was making trouble, and I was either stupid or helping to make trouble. We had a fight, and some... I arrived at the construction site again Go. All the money has been invested. No matter what, this thing has to be done. When I went over, I was worried when I saw the little girl. She... she looked like this. She was just a little kid, and she just cried to me and asked pitifully if I hated her and stopped helping her. I thought that was it... I pressed Lao Qin and let the person who didn't run away continue to help her find things. . Later, it suddenly occurred to Lao Qin that this thing might be hidden underground. At first, we thought that she was a child who had lost something on the ground. Let’s try to find some in the factory. We searched through the manhole covers and sewers. Under a manhole, we found a snakeskin bag. We didn't know what it was at first, but it was obviously not a child's thing. A worker went down to remove the snake. Carrying the leather bag up, it was very dirty..."

"Mr. Xue?"

"Oh, I... I felt bad at that time... I thought of a situation... Lao Qin opened the snakeskin bag. The zipper was broken. When he opened it, he pulled the bag back. Broken. One hand fell out...the child's body...inside it was the child's was so rotten that only the bones were left, but judging from the size, it was a child. ... We were all scared. I thought about calling the police, but I heard the cry of a child... I don't know..."

"Didn't Mr. Xue call the police?"

"No, hehe... Huh... My child was about the same age as her at that time. I softened my heart for a moment, and I thought about taking it easy... I took money to seal my mouth and told them not to talk nonsense. In fact, I The old classmate did it when he came, and Lao Qin took care of it when someone noticed something was wrong at the beginning. We were going to build a house and open a shopping mall. If there were such bad rumors... those workers would also know about it. Just take the money and shut up, that's all. The story didn't spread... In the end, I didn't hear that kind of rumor. It's not like the old Iron Lane area... Someone in the Old Iron Lane area may have made up the story, and something really happened. , the person in charge should be like us and know how to take care of it..."

"Did you communicate with her later?"

"Yes...I even looked for her specially. She didn't run out that night. I found her in a corner, and she was squatting on the ground crying. I don't know...she knew she was dead, but when she saw the body... ... She said thank you... She said she remembered that she was beaten to death by her father... her father was a beast. I wanted to call the police for her, but she didn't want to. She was very pitiful... I was still thinking about her parents... I asked her what she was going to do next. I was still thinking about whether I should invite a monk to pray for her, and I would buy her a tomb... That night, she talked a lot... I also thought about it. I don’t know why she started talking about it. She wanted to go to many places. Her parents originally promised her to take her out to play, climb mountains, and swim in the sea...I...I collected her body...I bought it. I bought a ticket and went to the beach and rented a boat..."

"Where did you dump the body?"

"In the sea... I threw her body into the sea... Huh... I threw her body into the sea... I watched the bag sink... On the sea... I stood on the side of the ship, and there was a reflection on the sea... I I saw her standing next to me... I didn't know if that was... I saw her smiling, not like I had seen before, not like a child... She smiled... She smiled very sinisterly, very sinisterly... ...That's the kind of thing... I only saw this, and she disappeared... I... I felt at that time that something didn't seem right... When I returned to Minqing, my old classmates and my wife were very worried about me. They thought there was something wrong with me. The people in the old Tiexiang area next to me were all moved away, and there were only some workers here. There were no residents nearby... I don't know... I always felt like this after I came back. There's a problem. Do you understand? It's that kind of thing. The more I think about it, the more wrong it becomes. She appeared and I came into contact with her again and again. In the end, I threw her body into the sea... I thought she was a child. , I pity her, and after thinking about it, there were too many things wrong in this process. I think she has a lot of problems, but she never appeared again... My old classmate and I already had a problem because of some things in the middle. It's a bit contradictory. It didn't go very well for him to find businesses to settle in. We didn't know if there was something going on here, or if some workers had leaked the news about the haunting. The factories were demolished, the ground was dug up, and the pipes were dealt with... At this point, we had no intention of continuing. We transferred the land use rights and closed the company. We never said anything about it again..."


"...Yes. You guys, have you ever..."

"If the body had sunk into the sea, I'm afraid it would not be found now. The body cannot be found and she is now free after being separated from the original hiding place."

"what do you mean?"

"Thank you for accepting our interview today, Mr. Xue."

"Wait a minute! What did he mean by just now? Didn't you find me by chance while doing a special project on the old Iron Alley area? What happened to that child... that ghost...?"

"Mr. Xue, have you heard of the recent social news?"

"...Gu...could it be..."

"Has she ever mentioned that she has a sister?"

"No, no, she didn't say that! Is that really... is it really a thing? You..."

"We're not sure yet. Thank you for the clues."

"...Did I...did I do something wrong?"

"There is nothing right or wrong in what you did in this matter."

On September 7, 2001, the client was contacted. Telephone recording 2001p3.

"...That's how it is, Mr. Han. The clues we have found end here. The only person who knows about this matter is Miss You. If we need to find out the truth of this matter, we only have A side method is to recall the souls of You Fuxing or Ke Xiao and ask them about what happened back then. Our opinion is that there is a high chance that the body is that of Miss You's sister. That body is now difficult to find. Go back. Starting from the corpse, there is no way to deal with the ghost outside the treatment center. Whether we want to recall the soul of You Fuxing or Ke Xiao, or use other means to target the ghost, we need Miss You to be present and provide some information. Assistance. So, we think we can skip the extra steps.”

"...You are going to...enter the ward, and then..."

"Yes. We need to check the ward where Miss You lives. If the ghost can communicate, we will persuade it to reincarnate; if she refuses to cooperate, we can directly save her or eliminate her; the third case is that she chooses to avoid If we leave, we will need Miss You’s help to summon her and solve it completely. This will take a certain amount of time.”

"How confident are you that you can deal with that ghost?"

"If nothing else happens, we will be 100% able to deal with the ghost. We cannot guarantee the situation at the scene. The environment in the treatment center is very unfamiliar and complicated to us."

"Phew... I understand. Can you choose the time to enter the ward? I need to check the schedule and find a suitable one... Please, don't hurt Xiao You."

"Don't worry, Mr. Han."

There are still only three updates today.

I've had a bad stomach these past two days and I'm a little down on energy. Please forgive me. _(:3 ∠)_

Good night everyone~

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