Aoba Office

Chapter 944 No. 005 - Commissioned Murder (10)

"Did anything happen that night?"

"Yes, something happened. That night, I was woken up in the middle of my sleep... I can't say I was woken up. I just woke up suddenly. When I just woke up, I saw that it was still dark outside. I wanted to continue sleeping, but I turned over and felt something was wrong. There were only four people living in my cabin. Lao Qin was opposite me, and there were other people sleeping in the lower bunks of the two bunk beds. Lao Qin and another person would snore. They snored intermittently, and sometimes they would stop snoring, as if they had stopped breathing. At that time, I heard a sound of running outside the house. The laughter of a child.”

"Both voices belong to the same ghost?"

"It should be... Lao Qin and the others only saw one child, the same little girl. The voice I heard must be the same one. I saw her later... I heard the voice and wanted to wake up the old man opposite. Qin. At that time, I thought it was a kid from nearby who was very nimble, but Lao Qin and others didn't catch it. Then as time went by, they started to think randomly. Something happened, so during the construction, I thought I saw the child. "

"Did you wake up Mr. Qin and go to check the situation together?"

"No. Lao Qin was sleeping soundly. I was also afraid that the child would find out, so I didn't scream very loudly. I probably screamed three or four times and got up from the bed while screaming. When I was looking for shoes, I lowered my head. , I raised my head and saw the little girl standing in front of me. I was so scared that my heart stopped suddenly. It was so late at night... I looked at the door specifically at that time, either on purpose or not. Subconsciously...the door was closed. I...I looked carefully at the little girl. She was not floating, nor was she transparent, but she suddenly appeared...she was standing in front of me, and she was still smiling at me. I spoke……"

"What did she say?"

"...She called me uncle, and she asked me...she asked me if I was new here, and what I was doing when I walked around the factory during the day. She...she seemed like a normal person. Yes, a normal child, but how could a normal child appear in that place?”

"What did you say then?"

"I didn't dare to provoke her. I just thought it was very, very ordinary. I asked her what her name was, where she lived, and if she wanted me to take her back..."

"You told her that you wanted to send her back?"

"Huh...yes...yeah...I didn't expect...she was very happy when she heard this. She said it was great, she had wanted to go back for a long time. She said she didn't know the road, no I didn't know what to do, but her parents never came. She looked like a lost child, very pitiful. I asked her where she lived, and she said a lot... She was like a child, living in San. There was a tree with the word "福" posted on the door of her house... I asked her how she got there, but she couldn't tell me clearly. I suspected that she had been accidentally killed and left there. I came here. The nearest neighborhood is the old Tiexiang area. The old area was a bit messy, and it was a mess during that time. I wanted to take her to the old area of ​​Tiexiang to see it first. look."

"Did you leave the factory with her?"

"No, no, not that night. That night, I took her out. I didn't dare to touch her, so I just walked in front, and then looked back from time to time. I didn't dare to wake up Lao Qin and the others at that time. She and I When I walked to the door of the construction site and reached the iron gate, I opened the door, but she didn't follow... She was standing inside the door, so I had to call her. She looked like... a little girl, and she was wearing a blue pair. Skirt, standing there with her head lowered... Behind her was the construction site, and there was no sound at all. The iron door was very loud when I opened it. It was a big iron door like the one at the construction site, and it was difficult for me to push it. There was no one, no one came out to look at the construction site. I didn’t know if there was something wrong with them, or they were too scared to come out... I felt at that time that she and I were the only ones left there, just me and a ghost. I didn't dare to make a sound, I waited there, waiting for her to react...she..."

"What did she do, Mr. Xue?"

"She started to cry. She grabbed her clothes and started to cry. I have a son, no daughter, and I saw the little girl like this... I asked her what was wrong, and she said she couldn't leave... She said there was something She knew where she had left it, so she couldn't come home like this. She said it must be why her parents didn't come to pick her up. I asked her what it was and where it was left, but she didn't know. In the factory. She thanked me and said I would take her home, and then she disappeared. "

"Did she show up again later?"

"Yeah. I thought she was the kind of poor child who died in an unfortunate accident. Oh, it's because I watched too many movies... I started the next day and asked the construction team to search inside the factory, on the ground, in the grass, and in the factory buildings. We were all searching inside, looking for anything that didn't belong to us, something that others had left behind. They didn't know what I wanted to do. So I told Lao Qin that he wanted to send that ghost away. It would be great to send the ghost home and let her go. After we started looking, no one saw her, but we searched the entire construction site and found nothing. This has delayed the construction progress. At the construction site, my wife started to get suspicious. I didn’t dare to tell her at that time. She approached my old classmate. My old classmate had just come back from abroad and the negotiations with that big brand were not going well. , the original factory has not been demolished, and the other party wanted to see something practical. My old classmate came to the construction site to see me, and I told him to come and see both things. He was also the boss. , he couldn’t tell from me, he could also ask from Lao Qin. At that time... haha, after he heard what I said, he asked me if I was drunk in broad daylight. He also asked me if I was drunk. Is there someone else out there? He made a lot of guesses, but later he realized that something was wrong when he saw that Lao Qin and I were both serious."

"Your old classmate doesn't believe in ghosts, does he?"

"Yes, he doesn't believe it. I can see that he cares about our friendship and this investment. He wants to find someone to do it to make us feel at ease. If he does it, he can solve this matter. Of course we supported it. He invited people from nowhere, set up the altar, lit incense, and found a monk to chant sutras for a day. After finishing those things, I felt...a sense of relief. I thought it was over. My old classmates took me away that night. When I was sleeping at home, I received a call from Lao Qin in the middle of the night. They all heard it. The child is crying..."

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