Aoba Office

Chapter 941 No. 005 - Commissioned Murder (7)

"Well, I shouldn't have said this in the first place..."

"Don't worry, Manager Hao. Your identity will not be published when we write this article."


"Please tell me."

"Well... I heard what the people below said. In 1997, construction started. In 1995, our Second Bureau began to make preparations, starting from the project bidding, to the reserve of various engineering materials, personnel organization and deployment, on-site Survey of the construction environment... I have been following this project from the beginning, but at the beginning, I was not the supervisor. At that time, I was just a secretary. Now speaking, I am an assistant, running errands and doing chores for the superiors. You need to know a little bit about everything. I came here once for on-site inspection. It gave me a very strange feeling... The old district of Tiexiang is the earliest residential area, probably the earliest residential area in Minqing. I didn't know about it either. But that house looked different from other places. It wasn't a community like today, nor was it the same as a shantytown... It was a residential area converted from farmland, and some of the people living here were Some of the farmers whose land was expropriated at the time were employees of the old factory next to it. However, the old factory stopped working at that time and closed down. The factory was later demolished, and it was also demolished by our Second Bureau. But I didn’t participate.”

"Yes. Did you encounter anything when you participated in the on-site investigation? You just said that you felt that the old Tiexiang area was strange?"

"Yeah, it's very strange. It's... how should I put it... it's very dark. Basically, there are three-story houses. There are more three- and four-story houses, and there are only a few five-story houses. There are zero, zero, total, more than thirty in total. , there are still more than fifty. The distance between the houses is very small. Maybe it is because of the poor lighting. When you look up, there is no space for the clothes drying racks, but the road there is not very comfortable. It's great. There are potholes and subsidences on some roads, but no one is taking care of them. The sewers are blocked, and bad water comes out of the manhole covers... Some of the drainage outlets of those houses are underground sewers, leading directly to the underground sewers; There is a hole in the wall, and the water flows directly from the second and third floors. The wall is all colorful and has things growing on it. There are also external water pipes. The water pipes lead from the upper floor to the ground floor. On the outer wall of the house On one side, there is a sink next to the ground, which leads to the sewer. During our investigation, we also checked the sewer. During the construction, it took a lot of money to clear the sewer garbage and rebuild the sewer. A lot of effort.”

"According to your statement, it's because of the irrational architectural layout and the messy and messy surrounding environment that causes people's psychological depression. Is that true?"

"...Huh, I don't know either. I understand what you said, and it makes sense. But I think it's not just... I just felt uncomfortable during the on-site inspection. Later, the government demolition was completed, and people moved out one after another. Our construction team moved in, built simple prefabricated houses, and drove the construction vehicles in... I was also on site at the time, and some residents who had not yet moved out were watching the excitement, and they... asked our people very strangely, If we demolish the house and build a new one, will all the ground underneath be dug up? This is for sure, and there is nothing to hide. They are even more strange... They are talking behind our backs. I know how to tell you about this... Hey, it's like, someone is saying bad things behind your back, behind your back, but you are in the same room, they are like that. I am quite talkative. , I like to make friends. I asked a resident there. He didn’t want to tell me at first, so he just pretended to be stupid, and then he started talking after smoking two cigarettes.”

"What did he tell you?"

"He said something was buried under the ground. It's not the corpse you're asking about, it's cultural relics."


"Didn't I say before that the old area of ​​Tiexiang was farmland at the beginning? The farmland was renovated. During that reconstruction, the farmland was dug up and the foundation was laid. It was discovered that there was a problem with the soil layer under the farmland. That's why it was called Tiexiang. There turned out to be a passage under the ground, and traces of an ancient passage were dug out. I don't know what it was used for. Some fragments of iron tools were also dug out. Later, the house was built in a mess. It was said that a master was invited, and it seemed that a master from Universal Mountain came to see it and figured out what pattern the house should be built in. The iron alley in the middle had to be left alone, and the road should not be known to ordinary people. , is a road to hell.”

"You mean that the remains excavated during the construction process were a Huangquan Road built in ancient times, and there were iron fragments left in it?"

"That's right. Hey, I'm sorry, what I said was a bit confusing. There are still many things going on here. Aren't those archaeological experts invited here? They can't figure it out. They just study it. Stop work and let them study it. Later, I got curious and asked people in the bureau. The project was stopped for a while, and no one could tell what happened. Some people said that there was an accident and someone was killed while driving the piles. The higher-ups sent people to investigate; it was also said that a murder occurred in the construction team. The police investigated the case and sealed off the construction site. That man, the resident told me, was that the archaeological team came to study at that time. There was a college student walking up and down the road. There were not many college students in the country at that time. At night, he fell behind and was fascinated by it, so he kept walking along the road. The man disappeared, and when he tried to look for him, he couldn't find him. At the end of the road that was excavated at that time, in front of a dead end, he saw the tools he was carrying. Later, he looked for him everywhere and called the police. But they couldn't find out the details of that road or what happened to the iron tools. They discussed it for a while and felt that it might not be a cultural relic, that the road had no value, or that it might have been suppressed by the superiors. , the archaeological team withdrew, and the construction team continued to work. Then something strange happened. There were two sections of earth walls on both sides of the road that could not be dug or smashed with anything. Then there were workers. It disappeared on that road. After a few messy things happened, the superiors thought of asking someone to come and take a look, so they invited the master from Universal Mountain to look at the road and the iron tools. It is said that Huangquan Road must be filled in, avoided, and construction work is carried out. In the future, people walking on it will not be able to walk along the road from beginning to end. The houses in the old Tiexiang District will look like that. "

"This sounds like a story, and there is no evidence to prove any part of it."

"You can't say that..."

"Did your project team encounter similar things during the construction process?"

"Well... I just talked about the sewer... When we dug up the ground and cleaned the underground pipes, we saw a section of the sewer. That pipe was the sewage pipe of the sewer, but there was no connection at both ends. It was empty. , buried under the ground, not just a single one, but several connected together. I remember that one of the team leaders at the time, Lao Liu, talked to me while drinking, and he was scolding the brains of the people who laid the cans before. There was a hole. He ordered people to dig out and lift the pipe away. The doctor said he died of a cerebral hemorrhage after hanging the pipe for a week or two. One of the blood vessels... burst."

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