Aoba Office

Chapter 940 No. 005 - Commissioned Murder (6)

"Crazy? You mean, Miss You was crazy at that time?"

"Yes, the little girl was crazy and abnormal at that time. She was silent and cried every time. Even if you talked to her, she didn't respond. She was really crazy. Ke Xiao told the beast that the two sisters When we were playing together, the older one accidentally dropped the younger one and hit the power strip. When they came back from playing cards, the older one was so frightened that he didn't say a word, while the younger one still had his hand inserted into the socket. The people were all burnt. They just found a place to throw them away or bury them. Look at this..."

"Ms. You couldn't communicate at the time. They were not at home. How can we be sure that it was Miss You who did it?"

"This...I can't explain clearly. It was quite chaotic at the time. I found the two of them and saw Jingjing's appearance, so I quarreled with them, and then they made a fuss and told them about it. I was also very angry. ...Now that I think about it...sigh...I don't know what happened. Then there was less contact with her. If Jingjing was a normal child like before, I would be willing to adopt her, and my father would agree with her. My mother was willing to take her, but the child was like that at that time...I didn't dare to tell my parents. Later, they woke up and realized that something was wrong. My mother fell ill all of a sudden and almost died. I'm so angry. They don't look good as a couple. They can't be saved. The child is like that too... ugh..."

"But according to the police investigation, Ms. You behaved normally after that, but she was silent and introverted and didn't talk to others very much. Your sister, Ms. Ke, and you did not mention this incident during the police investigation."

"Well, I didn't mention it. Later, I watched quietly and I felt better and could talk. But, that's it... this matter... this matter has really happened for a long time. If you didn't come, I wouldn't have thought about it for a moment. We didn't have long contact with that child. She was born like that and she wasn't even given a name... When I found out she was dead, I beat that beast. My mother was so frightened that she had a heart attack, and I even slapped Ke Xiao. The two of them knelt in front of me and cried, begging me not to tell anyone about this matter. After all, it was their responsibility as parents. If the police found out, they would be arrested. Now that I think about it, there are a lot of loopholes in it. But at that time, it was really exciting. I suddenly became angry when I found out about this, and I felt so angry and distressed. Come on, this is it... After the beast died, I was just worried about Jingjing. And the news... Each of these news was so scary, I had never thought of such a thing. My mind is also very messed up.”

"Mr. Ke, did Ms. Ke mention where the child was buried?"

"What? No, no. It was really chaotic at that time, and I didn't expect this. She is all dead now... maybe it was near the old house. But that place seemed to have been demolished and rebuilt a few years ago, so I don’t know what the situation is now.”

"thank you."

On August 23, 2001, I received a call from the client. Telephone recording 200108231142.mp3.

"Hello, Mr. Han."


"Mr. Han?"



"I, I just opened the desk... I opened the desk drawer, and inside... there was a finger inside... there was a finger inside..."

"Is it a real finger? Can you confirm whose finger it is?"


"Mr. Han?"

"I don't know, my... ring finger, it's a ring finger, there is a ring... I have some impression..."

"Can you remember whose finger it was?"

"... Huh... Huh... Ah, yes, it belongs to Xiao You, Xiao You's mother... I remember... that day Xiao You went through the formalities to enter the hospital, she was here, that hand, the ring... it should be"

"You mean, that finger belongs to Ms. Ke Xiao?"

"Yes... I don't know... maybe I remember it wrong, or maybe... no one in the hospital was injured, neither the patients nor the staff. The finger was real... not a prank, it was real..."

"Please calm down, Mr. Han. We will investigate the situation with the police immediately and confirm the condition of Ms. Ke Xiao's body..."

"It was cut off while still alive."

"That finger was from Ms. Ke Xiao's lifetime..."

"Yes, it was when she was alive...I saw the wound, when she was alive...when she was alive...only that one...was the one who killed her, right? Now...I am being targeted? I am Not being targeted?"

"Mr. Han, does the amulet you wear have any fever?"

"No, there is no fever, no fever. There is no fever on Xiaoyou's body either."

"So, the situation is not bad now. She may be warning and threatening you. Next, please don't act rashly."


"Please rest assured that you are currently safe."

"Yeah. I understand."

On August 23, 2001, the police obtained the progress of the investigation into the murder of Ke Xiao. It was confirmed that the cause of Ke Xiao's death was the same as that of You Fuxing. It was confirmed that one of Ke Xiao's fingers was cut off and was not found at the scene. Attached: Photos of the crime scene investigation transcript.

On August 23, 2001, Ke Xiao's finger was obtained and it was confirmed that there was Yin Qi on it.

On August 24, 2001, the property ownership house where You Fuxing and Ke Xiao lived before 1992 was investigated. The community to which this house belongs was demolished in 1997 and a new residential building has been built. Audio file 00520010824.wav.


"...I'm not sure. I just moved here last year. If you want to ask about what happened before the demolition, you should ask the people who moved away, right? The people here all moved here later."


"...The construction team was from the Second Bureau of Urban Construction, right? In the 1990s, those who built houses were from the Third Bureau of Urban Construction, right? I'm not sure. We only started building properties here last year. Before What’s going on, you have to ask someone from the past.”


On August 25, 2001, Hao Xiangyang, project manager of the Second Branch of the Urban Construction Engineering Corporation, was contacted. Audio file 00520010825.wav.

"Hello, Manager Hao. Thank you for accepting our interview. We also got some news about this incident by chance, so we would like to ask you, as the project leader at the time, if this is really the case."

"As far as I know, there is no such thing. I don't know where you heard about this kind of thing, but it makes no sense at all. If a child's body was really dug up during construction, we would definitely Announce it and ask the police to investigate. Our company was established in the 1980s and has been responsible for most of the construction projects in Minqing. During the construction of the project, we have always abided by laws and regulations, and we rarely have engineering accidents like this. It won’t be handled lightly.”

"Of course, we believe that if you discover this situation, you will definitely report it and deal with it through formal procedures. But is it possible that some workers discovered something and did not report it to you, so that rumors emerged afterwards? Manager Hao, you You must have some stories you want to tell us if you accept this interview? Was there anything special that happened during the demolition and reconstruction of the old Tiexiang area in 1997?

The title error appears again...but this time it's better than the last time "The Man Outside the Door"..._(:3 ∠)_

Because title modification is troublesome, just ignore it. ( ̄▽ ̄“)

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