Aoba Office

Chapter 920 Wu Ling (12)

Wu Ling was under suspicion, and the most nervous person was not her, but the old man from the Wu family.

The old man from the Wu family looked like he was about to faint and glared at Wu Ling in disbelief.

Wu Ling was calm, "It's the first time I'm using it. There's no problem in theory."

No one else believed it just because of Wu Ling's words.

The man in the robe gritted his teeth, as if he wanted to say something, and suppressed his blush, but in the end he didn't say anything.

The Taoist priest said: "In this case, let's consider other options."

The three people excluded Wu Ling and did not involve Ye Qing, so they discussed it alone.

The old man from the Wu family pressed his chest and pointed at Wu Ling.

Wu Ling didn't say anything, he just continued to concentrate on completing the remaining part of the formation.

Ye Qing stood at the edge of the formation and watched.

A few minutes later, with a hiss, something arced across the sky and landed on the ground with a bang.

The thing that landed rolled twice on the ground and stopped.

It was a bare head with no hair, nose, or ears. The whole head seemed to be a round flesh-colored sphere. Only those eyes were still black and white.

The nose and ears were not cut off, but were strangely stuck into the head and fit on the head, as if they were born with such deformities.

However, ten minutes ago, this was the head of a monk with a solemn appearance.

When everyone saw the head clearly, there was another hissing sound in the sky. What flew over this time was also a head, but it had been skinned off, leaving only the flesh and bones inside.

Then came the third head, which disintegrated in the air, as if it had been precisely anatomically divided, with skin, bones and muscles separated and fell to the ground.

Everyone's expressions were extremely ugly.

The fourth monk's head did not appear.

The other of the two monks walked back from the road he had left in despair, covered in blood.

"That's a monster... We are all going to die... We are all going to die! Hahahahahaha!" The monk laughed and opened his hands as if to embrace something.

Suddenly a black shadow passed across the sky.

A giant bird with a wingspan of more than three meters flew over from nowhere, flew by like lightning, and directly took the monk's head away.

The monk's headless body shook, then fell straight to the ground.

The big bird spread its wings and flew high, and made an eagle's cry that penetrated the sky.

I kept raising my head, looking at the giant bird that disappeared after flying into the sky.

Is this also an illusion?

What is the monster down here? Really a ghost?

What happened here reminded me of the Junli Hotel. Bizarre and illogical.

Is it something similar?

However, everything that happens here seems to have some strange style.

I can’t tell, this is a kind of...

"It's done." Wu Ling stood up and seemed to be in good spirits. She looked at the others, "I'm starting to summon it now."

Others were noncommittal.

Wu Ling did not wait for anyone else to give a positive answer. He walked to the edge of the formation, knelt on his knees, cut his wrist with a knife, and dripped blood on the outer outline of the formation while muttering something strange. language.

I just feel that this language is somewhat familiar. Although I don't understand it at all, I must have heard it somewhere.

As Wu Ling continued, the formation turned red.

Her recitation had the flavor of prayer, and she raised her head, closing her eyes and facing the blue sky.

The wound on the wrist was not deep, and the blood dripped down drop by drop with a rhythm.

The color change of the formation is also gradual, full of the charm of change.

As the color of the formation completely changed, a ray of sunlight came directly from the sky. Just like dark clouds penetrated by sunlight, only that beam of sunlight fell right in the center of the formation.

There is something magical about this scene.

My heart is full of expectations and I am 100% confident that Wu Ling can succeed.

Looking at the other people, except for Ye Qing's face, I couldn't see it. Everyone else had the same expectations as me, but I don't think so.

Wu Ling's voice was interrupted suddenly.

Others didn't react yet, but I suddenly turned my head and looked at Wu Ling next to me.

It shouldn't end like this, that's my gut feeling. It's like a foreign song. You don't understand the lyrics, but you know where the ending is when you listen to the melody. It's not the end yet.

It was also at this moment that I remembered where this sense of familiarity came from.

It's a scripture from the Wu family, or a spell.

It's not the Wu family now, but the Wu family in ancient times.

The two spells may not be exactly the same, but they use the same language and dialect, possibly some ancient dialect.

Whatever it was, now it's interrupted.

Wu Ling opened his eyes, and a wound appeared on his exposed neck.

She coughed and held the blood pouring from her throat.

I really didn't expect Wu Ling to be in this situation.

The amount of bleeding was as if Wu Ling had his throat cut!

My heart was beating wildly, and my first reaction was to ask Ye Qing for help.

Ye Qing was indifferent and stared at the sunlight.

There was a tingling sound.

In the sunshine, the carpet was torn open, and a hand stretched out from under the carpet. That hand was full of holes.

The big guy crawled out from under the rug. His eyes were gone, his mouth was open, and the nails and metal rings on his body were gone.

Ning Guowei and others screamed in panic.

At this sound, the big man emerged from under the carpet and stood in the sunshine.

Red liquid spurted out from every hole in his body.

For a moment, I actually felt that this guy had turned into a human fountain.

My consciousness wandered for a moment, and I was pulled back by Ye Qing's laughter.

I looked at Ye Qing and didn't see his face, but I heard the laughter just now correctly.

Ye Qing lowered his head and looked at Wu Ling.

I quickly looked over.

Wu Ling knelt on the ground, still covering his throat with his hands, but blood was no longer spurting out like a fountain.

"What did you summon?!" the man in the robe yelled angrily.

Wu Ling couldn't answer.

I squatted next to Wu Ling and tried to examine her wounds.

The bleeding seemed to have stopped, but Wu Ling's expression looked painful, his face was pale, and his body was shaking slightly.

"Dead, dead again..." Ning Guowei muttered to himself, looking like he was crazy.

The staff couldn't bear it anymore and ran out.

The human fountain has ended and the sunlight has disappeared. The shriveled human body fell into the blood-soaked carpet, with a few drops of blood splattered on it.

"If you all give up, I will take over now. I'll give you five minutes to get out of here." Ye Qing said.

"It's just this little girl who failed. I haven't given up yet." The man in the robe said.

As soon as he finished speaking, there were only two "hisses", and the dagger held by the man in the robe turned into two colorful snakes, which bounced towards the man in the robe's face and bit his two eyes.

"Ah -" the man in the robe screamed, and with a strong movement of his hands, he pulled out the two snakes from his eye sockets, and also pulled out his own eyeballs.

He let out a cry of pain and covered his eyes. The skin on his face gradually showed veins, but they were not the normal color. Starting from his head, these veins also appeared on his neck and the back of his hands.

The body covered by clothes may also be covered with these strange symptoms.

His voice became hoarse, his body twitched twice, and then he slowly fell to the ground, motionless.

Update 29.

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