Aoba Office

Chapter 919 Wu Ling (11)

My mind went blank.

This kind of big scene was something I never expected.

This thing seems to be as powerful as a love tree. So, what I thought before, because they bully the weak and fear the strong, so these professionals sometimes spring up like mushrooms after a rain, and sometimes disappear without a trace, seems to be a fallacy that is not valid.

The big man let go of his hand in a daze, and Ning Guowei sat down on the ground.

Everyone else also looked unhappy.

I subconsciously looked at Wu Ling.

Wu Ling just looked up at the situation and continued his work.

Ye Qing crossed his arms across his chest and turned his head slightly, as if he was looking at Wu Ling, and then at the place where the smoke was rising.

The smoke looks a bit like a mushroom cloud, but if you look closely, you will find that it is gathered Yin Qi.

Then, something roared from there.

I felt my eardrums hurt and my head was buzzing, but I soon regained consciousness.

"It's coming out... Something big is coming out..." The big man muttered to himself, and after a quick start, he jumped up and ran away for his life.

Ning Guowei lay on the ground panting, looking helplessly at the people around him.

Several people looked solemn, but they seemed to have no intention of running away.

Looking at each other, probably exchanging opinions, they began to formally discuss.

"Little girl from the Wu family, how confident are you that you can summon this thing?" the Taoist asked.

Wu Ling raised his head, "I'm about 70 to 80% sure. I don't know what it is yet."

The old man of the Wu family took a breath.

The Taoist priest nodded, "Then let's set up here. The original plan remains unchanged. You call the things here and we will attack."

The two monks haven't come back yet, and they don't know what the situation is. The remaining three people greeted Wu Ling, but had no intention of greeting Ye Qing.

Ye Qing took two steps back to give them space to arrange their arrangements.

The three of them, the Taoist priest, sat cross-legged on the ground and meditated; the man in the robe held two daggers and walked around the circle drawn by Wu Ling, chanting; the man from the Republic of China took out a few coins from his pocket. There was a cloth bag filled with unknown powder. He would sprinkle a handful of it from time to time and say something.

This scene looked ridiculous, but as they moved, I found that the surrounding Yin Qi was reduced a lot, like mist being blown away by the wind.

This should be considered a real skill, right?

I looked up at the sky and found that this dispersing effect did not stop here in the square, but continued to extend outwards.

I kept observing the sky until I heard footsteps, then lowered my head and looked in the direction of the sound.

There are roads in all directions of the square. This should be the center of the entire resort, so it is also accessible in all directions.

From the direction Ning Guowei pointed before, a figure appeared on the path.

The crutch was held in the hand of the visitor and dragged behind him, making a long rubbing sound. Footsteps were dotted on it, messy and irregular.

The figure was swaying, and there was no blood or wounds on his body, but when he got closer, he raised his head.

Ning Guowei and the resort staff screamed, and some were frightened to the point of crying.

The old man's face was gouged off. The entire head is missing a piece, and half of the brain can be seen, as well as some muscle tissue.

Such an image is enough to scare people into nightmares.

The old man's body shook twice and he fell heavily to the ground.

The things in his head were scattered on the ground before his body.

The staff screamed again and ran away crying.

The expressions on other people's faces were as usual.


I turned back quickly and looked at Ye Qing who was laughing.

Ye Qing's shoulders were shaking slightly, as if he couldn't suppress his laughter.

I suddenly had that creepy feeling again.

I turned to look at Wu Ling.

Wu Ling just glanced at it casually and continued to draw the huge and complicated formation diagram.

Everyone else's expressions showed disgust.

I looked at Ye Qing again. He had stopped laughing and put his hand on his chin, as if he was observing the corpse.

The old man of the Wu family was originally with Ning Guowei and others, but now he moved his body, apparently wanting to stay away from Ye Qing.

I even think Ye Qing is a little abnormal. Mentally abnormal.

Twenty years ago, was Ye Qing mentally abnormal? During this period, what else was Ye Qing doing in the government's expert database? Have you returned to the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants? Are you with Master Xuan Qing? Or just one person doing things?

I do not even know.

I stared at Ye Qing, but Ye Qing had no reaction.

I didn't know whether I should open my mouth or not to talk to Ye Qing at this time.

More than twenty years later, Ye Qing was normal, but it did not mean that the Ye Qing in front of him was normal. After all, Ye Qing is only a teenager now, right? Middle school boy, rebellious stage? Moreover, who knows if the Ye Qing who will be more than twenty years later is really normal? He could also be a potential lunatic.

He brutally killed a big boss behind the scenes in the Gyeongju Manufacturing Bureau, and also killed the property owners of the Six Workers and Peasants Village.

Furthermore, twenty years later, Ye Qing and I barely had a cooperative relationship, but now we have no relationship at all.

I was hesitant, with some curiosity and inquiry in my heart.

But no one present could satisfy my curiosity.

The old man came over and fell down in front of everyone.

Not long after, the fat man crawled back, dragging his lower body with his organs and flesh extending out a bloody path. He stretched out his hand for help to everyone, and then with a bang, it exploded in front of everyone and turned into a ball of flying flesh and blood.

Ye Qing seemed to be a little impatient because of this. He moved his body, walked closer, and looked at the magic circle drawn by Wu Ling.

The old man of the Wu family became nervous because of this.

The Taoist priest who was sitting cross-legged on the ground stretched his legs and stood up as if he were on an elevator, staring at Ye Qing closely.

The man in robe pointed his swords at Ye Qing.

The man from the Republic of China also stopped moving and put his hand into his pocket, as if he was holding something and was ready to take action at any time.

Ye Qing just looked at it twice and asked calmly: "Aren't you a descendant of the Wu family in Qingzhou?"

When everyone heard this question, their movements froze, and the atmosphere relaxed for a moment.

The old man from the Wu family's eyes flickered and he took a step forward.

I saw everyone's performance, but like everyone else, I focused on Wu Ling and Ye Qing.

Ye Qing's question made my heart tremble.

What did Ye Qing see?

Things that Wu Ling doesn't even know...wait, does Wu Ling really not know?

Many parts of the previous dream jumped past, and I did not see all of Wu Ling's life. Wu Ling should have no parents in the Wu family, so how did the Wu family arrange Wu Ling's identity? The Wu family's local power can help a person without a hospital birth certificate prepare a set of identity documents, but there must always be a reasonable explanation. Whether it is externally or internally.

Wu Ling stopped writing and said calmly: "I have studied many things, including family collections of books, information from public libraries, supernatural events at home and abroad..."

"Oh. That's it." Ye Qing muttered, lowering his head as if looking at the formation.

The man in the robe was surprised and asked: "Aren't you using the magic passed down from the Wu family in Qingzhou? Are you reliable?"

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