Aoba Office

Chapter 869 Division of Labor

When we arrived at Gongnong Village 6, Director Mao was very enthusiastic and asked us about our well-being.

"... Hey, you are really unlucky. But, it's good that you are fine. Xiaolin, is your sister okay too?" Director Mao asked.

The version of the story that Director Mao knew was the one we told others without supernatural factors: my sister encountered the epidemic when she went to the film and television city to play, and called me, so we went to see it together, and were involved in this incident, forced to be isolated, and stayed in the hospital for observation.

I thanked Director Mao.

Director Mao had no grudges against us, but when Xiao Yao saw us, her face was ugly, her eyes were evasive, and she avoided us when she walked.

It seems that she was worried that we still had that terrible "epidemic".

Director Mao said something to Xiao Yao, but I stopped him.

This kind of worry is also human nature, and there is nothing to blame.

Xiao Yao ran away in a flash, and I don’t know what job she went to do. Anyway, she didn’t stay in our office like before to watch the fun.

There were also residents in the community.

However, they were all visiting the neighborhood committee and didn't know that we were back to work today.

Seeing us, several old ladies were surprised.

"Xiao Lin, are you released?" an old lady asked.

The wording was a bit awkward.

I didn't correct her and answered obediently: "Yes, I have checked several times and there is no problem."

The old lady was not worried about this and said very firmly: "I know, I know, don't think too much. Our Minqing hospital is very reliable. This time, the municipal government is watching. If they say it's okay, it must be okay."

"But, I don't know what this disease is. My son said it was a virus or a mutation, and said that people's blood evaporated. It's very scary." Another old lady said.

Once the chatterbox was opened, they began to gossip among themselves, and the gossip flew everywhere, and they didn't care about us.

We had to listen.

In the afternoon, the property owner finally came to consult about the voting issue.

I took the time to look at the voting rate and the current distribution of votes, and I just felt that the matter was extremely troublesome.

Director Ma is already displeased with us. If we don't do this job well, he will definitely scold us again. If he gets angry, not to mention replacing all of us, even if he inserts one or two more people to do management, it will be a headache.

I waited for the property owner to leave and called Shouzi and others.

"We have to contact them one by one, and we must vote. It's best to guide them on the voting options." I said.

The demolition office doesn't care which plan wins, but a plan that does not win strongly and cannot surpass other plans in terms of support rate may have to go to the second and third rounds of voting, and will be hindered in the subsequent demolition process.

A few of us looked at the current votes. The compensation plan that leads by a slight advantage uses the number of people in the household registration book as the calculation standard for the compensation amount, supplemented by housing area, house service life and other contents.

Gongnongliu Village is an old community, but it is not the kind of shantytown with serious illegal construction. The housing area of ​​each house here is similar, and there is not much difference.

The two main compensation plans that divided the property owners into two groups were to look at the household registration book and the actual residents. The third most popular option was to look at the number of property owners on the property certificate. The first two options were tied, and the third option was not that far behind the first two.

This is mainly because the property owners in Gongnongliu Village are basically divided into two categories. One category is the old employees who were allocated houses by the Municipal Steel Plant No. 3 and have not sold their houses for so many years; the second category is those who have changed hands and bought houses from the former. The two categories have different situations and demands. There are more people in the first category, and among the more numerous people in the first category, there are those who, like the Xu family, have three generations living together in the same house; there are also those who have children but have moved out and only have their names on the household registration book or property certificate.

Every family has its own demands, and it is impossible to come up with a perfect plan that everyone agrees with.

Judging from the internal meeting discussions of the demolition office and past demolition cases, the final plan will take into account the interests of all parties. It doesn't mean that those who only live there but don't have their names written on the property certificate or household register have no right to participate in the demolition compensation. But the amount of compensation received by these different types of people will definitely be different according to the final plan.

We divided the property owners who didn't vote and assigned them to work.

In Gongnong Village 6, someone still has to stay behind, and the others have to go from house to house.

Because of the work rules and regulations, those who go everywhere must be in groups of two.

In this way, the grouping becomes very clear.

"Brother Qi, you stay here. Xiaojie and I will be in one group, and Fatty and Chen Xiaoqiu will be in one group." The thin man said.

No one else objected.

"Well, you divide these families. This is what I think. Arui, you guys should go more. For those who are too lazy to vote, the main thing is to persuade them to vote. If it doesn't work, we will use video voting to be fair, so they don't have to come in person. Daguang, you and Chen Xiaoqiu will go to these families. They should not have decided which plan to vote for, and there are different opinions at home. You should try to persuade them."

Taking into account the personalities of the four of them, I gave Fatty and Chen Xiaoqiu the task of persuading those troublesome property owners. Neither Shouzi nor Guo Yujie has a good temper. If they have too much personality, they are likely to have conflicts when facing those troublesome property owners.

The fat man nodded, the thin man curled his lips and agreed.

However, the thin man muttered: "Brother Qi, are you too worried about me? I won't argue with them in front of them."

"You don't know how to deal with one or two, but how about a dozen or so? There are still a few in here, and I guess there won't be any results in arguing." I carved two marks on the list with my fingernails.

The Xu family lived in the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants, and were also involved in supernatural events. This made the conflict particularly intense, and the demolition debate ended with the death of several members of the family. Other families were not so unlucky, but not much better. This task of doing ideological work is probably from now until the demolition is completed. Maybe when our demolition work is over, those families will go to court to continue their dispute.

The thin man was speechless.

It's getting late today and we decided to start the work tomorrow.

After get off work, I packed up my things and returned to the demolition office. I reported to the old leader about my work.

The old leader nodded, "You are right about the convenience measures you are thinking of. When this round of voting is about to begin, we will have to provide door-to-door services to those property owners who are elderly, have inconveniences, or have other difficulties, so that they can participate in the demolition. Every process. I will discuss this matter with the legal team and look at the notarization procedures.”

After praising him, the old leader smiled and said: "Okay, do your best. Don't be too nervous. Lao Ma is just a bit hasty. Don't worry, I'm still here."

I looked at the old leader and was speechless for a moment.

I have always suspected that the old leader knew something about the Six Workers and Peasants Villages and our situation, but he did not ask. Of course I don't want to accuse the old leader, I'm just a little envious. I definitely don’t have this kind of character now. When I reach the age of an old leader, I don’t know if I will have it.

If I could be so calm and calm, the incident in the studio would have had a different ending...

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