Aoba Office

Chapter 868 Broken (2)

This answer is really something I never dreamed of.

I thought it was Xu Tie's son. What did Xu Guangming do, who had died and turned into a ghost? But it turned out to be Xu Gang's son...

Chen Xiaoqiu didn't say anything, but I had already thought of Xu Bingjie's motive for doing this.


There is a breath in my heart that is rushing randomly.

When I was feeling guilty and regretful about what happened in the film and television city, someone had already easily killed others and taken their lives.

This feeling is really indescribable. It's not that I've reshaped my outlook on life, but I feel angry. He could obviously live a peaceful life, but he chose an extreme approach.

"For his father?" The thin man asked the question, "Revenge? Isn't it?"

Chen Xiaoqiu nodded, "I caught Xu Bingjie overnight yesterday. He almost escaped from the country. After he was arrested, he explained everything."

In Chen Xiaoqiu's narration, Shouzi and I heard about a greater family tragedy.

Xu Gang was fostered in the home of his second uncle since he was a child. He was separated from his parents and younger brother. He wanted to be close to his real family, but there was always a barrier. Although his second uncle was kind to him and treated him like his own son, he was not a real family member after all. His father and his second uncle's family treated him more like a guest, one who refused to leave.

After Xu Gang became an adult, he still curried favor with Xu Guangzong and hoped to gain his father's love.

After marrying his wife, his behavior became somewhat restrained.

His wife is a strong and shrewd person. It was okay to be filial to the elderly, but she was firmly opposed to using money to support the bottomless pit of Xu Tie's family.

The couple quarreled over this, and then both parties took a step back.

Xu Bingjie grew up in such a contradictory environment since he was a child. His father asked him to treat his grandfather, uncle and cousin well, but his mother could scold his grandfather, uncle and family as parasites in front of his father.

Only when Xu Bingjie came of age, studied abroad, and stayed away from his parents and family for a period of time did he clarify his thoughts.

"He felt that Xu Gang was very sad. Xu Gang's tragedy was caused by Xu Guangzong and Xu Tie's family. It was also their fault that Xu Gang committed suicide in the end. This resentment that had accumulated over time exploded after Xu Gang committed suicide." Chen Xiaoqiu lowered his voice, probably feeling sorry for Xu Bingjie's choice.

"If there hadn't been the green-faced ghost...if Xu Guangzong hadn't died at that time..." I also felt regretful in my heart.

The difference of one thought is also the difference of a thin line.

If Xu Guangzong had not died and Xu Gang had not committed suicide, this barely maintained family would have continued to live on. When Xu Guangzong passed away peacefully, the Xu Gang and Xu Tie families would no longer have anything to do with each other.

Whether it was Xu Guangming or Xu Bingjie, both of them had murderous intentions in their hearts. I believe in that saying, no matter what happens to a truly kind person, he will never choose to hurt others. But I also believe that if there were no Bai An and no green-faced ghost, no matter how much disputes and hatred there were, it would be difficult to translate them into actual actions.

All three of us were a little down.

Guo Yujie and Fatty were shocked when they entered the office.

Guo Yujie asked worriedly: "Has Director Ma come here to scold me again?"

"No, it's about the Xu family." I said.

The thin man was a step ahead of me and told me about Xu Bingjie's killing of Xu Tie and his wife.

"What will happen then? How many years will he be sentenced? Or..." Guo Yujie asked.

Chen Xiaoqiu shook his head, "The specifics will have to go through a trial before a verdict can be made. However, based on what the police have investigated so far, and Xu Bingjie's own confession... leaving aside the motive, he committed a premeditated murder."

Chen Xiaoqiu paused, and then continued: "He dressed up as Xu Guangzong, entered the hotel, tricked Xu Tie and his wife into opening the door, and then... The cause of death of Xu Tie and his wife was suffocation, but before that, they were abused However, there were many scars on his body. The police who interrogated Xu Bingjie said that he might be mentally disturbed."

"Does any reporter know?" Fatty asked.

Chen Xiaoqiu lowered his head and said, "We are already preparing to conduct an interview. However, it may not be reported. What Xu Bingjie said is very extreme, without any remorse or reflection."

"That's it." Guo Yujie looked confused.

"I said, there is nothing to sympathize with such a person, right?" The thin man suddenly said, exhaling loudly, "What should I think? If a person like him didn't kill Xu Tie today, he might also kill Xu Tie tomorrow because of the bus. There’s nothing to sympathize with if you stab the people around you!”

"I don't think so." Guo Yujie said, "He is just walking a tightrope. He could have been pulled, but because of the Green Faced Ghost incident, he was pushed instead and made him like this."

"No one has the obligation to pull him away, right? He has problems at home. It can only be said that he is unlucky to be born in this kind of family. His father is like that. He can't figure it out even when he is old, which harms his son. His grandfather is even worse. Well, he deserves to be killed by his precious grandson. If his uncle and his wife were killed by him, it would be a good reincarnation." The thin man spread his hands.

Guo Yujie snorted, "Why are you so annoying?"

The thin man chuckled, "Okay, don't talk about this kind of thing. Hey, in this case, who owns the house now?"

When it came to our own jobs, the five of us had the same opinion, and we all looked constipated.

"I'll go ask the legal people." The fat man volunteered.

The demolition office has a special legal team that provides consultation on legal matters during demolition and sometimes makes decisions. For example, in the case of the Xu family, the original property owners and heirs were all dead, and the inheritance issue became the key to the subsequent demolition.

As for the Xu family's situation, I don't know if it can be regarded as the "curse of the six worker-peasant villages."

The fat man ran out and the four of us stayed in the office.

I'm a little hesitant to talk about the "Water Park" file now.

The thin man looked at my expression and asked.

I took the opportunity to tell the story.

"Why do I feel that what you are talking about sounds familiar?" Guo Yujie asked doubtfully.

"Big World Water Park, have you never been there when you were a child?" the thin man asked.

Guo Yujie shook her head, "I don't remember. I used to go to the swimming pool when I was a kid."

"You may have seen reports about fatal accidents in amusement rides. I think I've heard about it. Um... By the way, at that time, I remember one year, my dad originally wanted to take me to play. I won’t go there after that, and I won’t go to other places either. That may be the reason.” The thin man thought about it and said.

The conversation turned to amusement parks.

I have nothing to say in this regard.

When I was a kid, I rarely went to amusement parks like that. It should be said that I have almost never been to those amusement parks.

People in our family are actually a little bored. After my sister was born, she didn't change much.

This time, my sister graduated from high school and was interested in going out to play, but on her first day out...

I sighed silently in my heart.

The fat man came back soon and gave us a victory sign.

"They will take over and contact Xu Gang's wife. We don't need to worry about it for the time being." Fatty first told the good news, and then the bad news, "I met Director Ma and he glared at me. . Maybe we will be blamed for this.”

"It's obvious that the feng shui of that place is bad, and we are also affected." The thin man complained.

But these words can only be complained.

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