Aoba Office

Chapter 857 Nangong Yao (1)

"I seem to have seen that female ghost." Guo Yujie typed and immediately sent a new message, "While we were looking for Lin and the others, we dispersed a little. At that time, I met a The woman in Republican costume. I thought she was from the production team. She wanted to stop filming the show, but I didn’t know what to do. I just said that in this case, the show could not be continued. "

I couldn't resist the black line.

"Didn't you realize she was a ghost?" The thin man asked several questions.

"No. She doesn't have that kind of..." Guo Yujie sent a string of ellipsis, "I didn't think it was a ghost. I didn't notice it at all at the time. Maybe I was in a hurry to find someone and didn't notice it."

The thin man made several more emoticons of vomiting blood.

I could only describe the appearance of the female ghost and her clothes.

Guo Yujie affirmed: "She is the one I met."

"So, the female ghost is probably not dead?" Chen Xiaoqiu asked.

I rubbed my forehead and said, "Contact your brother-in-law. Let him report this issue through Xuan Qingzhen and cancel the show."

These film and television dramas must be approved by the Ministry of Culture. If it gets stuck on purpose, then "Love Has Fallen" will never be filmed again. No producer would spend money or time on a show like this.

This is the quickest and most effective way.

If someone wants to completely eliminate the female ghost, they can also use this drama to lure the female ghost out and save her.

My abilities are not suitable for this. That female ghost was not an evil spirit. She didn't even harm anyone's life, she just harassed the crew members.

Chen Xiaoqiu agreed.

The thin man said something to Guo Yujie.

Guo Yujie realized that she was wrong and reflected on it.

She always said what she wanted, even to herself.

In fact, it's not just her. I should be the one who needs the most reaction in this incident.

None of the five of us performed very well.

I didn't see the performance of Nangong Yao and Gu Mo, but based on the time I was traveling with them, and what Shouzi and the others said later, although these two people are logistics personnel in Qingye, their mobility is not weak. . At least it's not like the five of us who are headless, they are much more professional than us.

I want to exercise my abilities, but I don’t know where to start.

Lately I have been lying on the hospital bed with nothing to do, so I asked Nangong Yao.

Nangong Yao thought for a while, "Actually, there is no specific training. It's just that I have seen it too much, so I can face it calmly. You haven't lost family or friends before, so it's not surprising that you are so nervous."

I felt a chill in my heart.

The expressions of the thin man and the fat man also became stiff.

Gu Mo hummed twice.

Looking at him wearing headphones and lying down playing games, no one would think for a moment that he was laughing at us. No, he should be making fun of himself more.

I saw that the expression on Nangong Yao's face was as calm as ever.

Just like what he said just now, the more he sees it, the more he can calm down, and he can even say it in an understatement.

I have no interest in continuing the conversation.

Shouzi quietly checked Nangong Yao's family background and sent a message to the group.

The thin man found out only one person at the helm of a large company whose surname was Nangong.

There are only a few entries in encyclopedia information and company registration information on the Internet.

I didn’t see Nangong Yao’s name. The three names I saw were Nangong Xun, Nangong Yi and Nangong Xuan. Nangong Xun has the most information. He is the chairman of Sihai Fund and Sihai Fortune, and is also the largest shareholder. The next two Nangong family members each control part of the company's equity. Together, the three of them account for more than 80% of the shares.

Those web pages contained a brief comment that Sihai Fund and Sihai Wealth were family businesses in disguise. Without infighting within the Nangong family, these two large companies would be firmly in the hands of the Nangong family.

I was in a daze.

Because the name "Sihai" is really familiar.

For someone like me who doesn’t pay much attention to the financial industry, I can’t tell the difference between Sihai Fund and Sihai Wealth. But I know that several software programs on my mobile phone have investment from Sihai Company. This is a venture capital company that holds an unknown number of company shares in the industrial and Internet industries.

Shouzi sent another message, which was a search result about "Sihai".

There is much more information about Sihai Fund and Sihai Fortune than about the Nangong family.

The origin and development of this company are also the history of the Nangong family, which can be traced back to the last feudal dynasty. At that time, Nangong Yao's ancestor, Nangong Yong, established a bank named Sihai. In the old days, Sihai Bank was transformed into the first bank in my country. The name of the Nangong family did not appear at this time. Instead, there were several names that I recited in the history of middle and high school until I felt like vomiting. Later, during the Republic of China, Sihai Bank began to shrink its business. During the war, its main action was to fund the army, and it also contributed greatly to the founding of the country. Sihai Bank quietly disappeared into history. Only with the rise of capital and the arrival of the information age did it reappear in the media as a venture capital company. It was only after this that the reporter found out and someone noticed that Sihai had invested in industry earlier and had been doing venture capital business, accumulating unpredictable wealth. And this company is actually a family business.

In some news, the names of other Nangong family members appeared.

I looked at the names "Nangong Min" and "Nangong Huai" and my heart skipped a beat.

The thin man dug out a few words from the forum post.

Nangong Xun, Nangong Min, and Nangong Huai are obviously three brothers, but the two brothers passed away due to accidents one after another, and the Sihai shares they held were inherited by their respective children. When those two people died, they were still young and their children were still young. But now, the two children have grown up and have full wings. If they are determined, they may compete with their uncle.

In the post, it is not optimistic about the future of Sihai Wealth, asserting that the Nangong family will inevitably fight among themselves, and thus dragging down Sihai Wealth.

Shou Zi sent a message and said: "That Nan Tian, ​​online information says he is 24 years old, but if you calculate his age, he should be thirty, right? He debuted the year before last and became famous very quickly without any negative news. This may be the operation of Sihai Wealth. Tsk tsk tsk...This is the really rich generation, rich and willful.”

I felt something strange here, and couldn't help but look at Nangong Yao on the bed opposite.

Nangong Yao is looking at his mobile phone. From his face, I can't see any mood swings, and I can't guess what he is looking at.

I thought of what Nangong Yao said to Nan Tian.

He was kicked out of the Nangong family. Was it his father's fault? Or... what about the other two families?

Nangong Yao suddenly raised his head and looked at me.

I was startled and a little embarrassed.

Nangong Yao glanced at me, the fat man and the thin man, and smiled slightly, "If you are curious, you can ask me directly. Things in my family are actually not that complicated, they are just a little more supernatural than the fights in ordinary TV series. factor."

Update 8.

As an uneducated person, it is particularly painful to name Nangong's family. I really want to name them Goudan, Quandan and Dandan... Today’s update is late, it’s all the Nangong family’s fault. ( ̄▽ ̄“)

Good night everyone~

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