Aoba Office

Chapter 856 A terrible conjecture

I don’t know whether Nangong Yao is comforting me or stating his sincere views.

No one spoke anymore in the ward.

I don't know when I fell asleep.

After I fell asleep, I had a nightmare.

This time it wasn't a dream, it was a real nightmare.

I dreamed that I and my sister were taken away. My sister was hung up and there were many bleeding wounds on her body. I was tied up and couldn't move.

Mo Wen captured the ghost and forced me to use dreams to return to ancient times and fulfill Liu Che's last wish. I don't know how to save myself and my sister.

I changed the past again and again, but the status quo remained the same.

Every time I woke up from the dream, I saw my dying sister covered in wounds.

"Brother...Brother..." She called me softly, her chapped lips almost unable to move, and her voice became weird because of it.

Nightmares have no logic.

I didn't see the ancient times, I only saw the increasing wounds on my sister's body, and I only knew that I failed again and again.

Mo Wen was becoming irritable, and I was becoming angry and desperate.

Sometimes I know it's a nightmare, and sometimes I can't tell the difference between dream and reality.

Aoba's people disappeared, and Shouzi and the others also disappeared.

It seems that only me, my sister and Mo Wen are left in this world.

"Give up. You can't do it. Forget it, I don't want you to do this. Just bring Liu Che back and I'll let you go. You can do it, right? You've already succeeded twice." Mo Wen only had one head floating in front of me, staring at me coldly, and coldly announced another order.

I don't have the right to say no.

In the dream, I saw Liu Che.

I didn't see his specific appearance, I only knew that the kind man in front of me was Liu Che.

I want to take him away, take him to "my" "now", and hand him over to Mo Wen.

Liu Che seemed to be resisting, and so was Mo Wen beside him.

I failed, and then it was what Nangong Yao called hell.

There is no logical nightmare, but my feelings are real.

The hell in front of me is as absurd as the logic of this nightmare.

I saw classic characters from horror movies, zombies, female ghosts, monsters, and I seemed to see several scenes from movies.

I became a moviegoer, watching a thrilling blockbuster.

Even though I knew this was a nightmare, I still felt adrenaline pumping.

In the blink of an eye, I was running away.

I started running for no reason, walking through the buildings.

I was the only one on the empty road. The buildings on both sides were unfinished buildings, only reinforced concrete, without glass or painted exterior walls.

I felt the fishy wind coming from behind, and something was chasing me, breathing. That hot, humid and fishy smell is not human. And its size is huge.

I ran into an unfinished building and hid in the stairwell.

It feels so familiar...

I had a sense of déjà vu.

Before I could think about it, the building shook.

A claw dug into the hole in the window next to me.

Slowly, a beast's head rose up, staring at me with glowing green eyes.

My body suddenly flew upside down.

A ghost grabbed my body tightly and flew backwards.

As I flew higher, I saw a patchwork of unfinished buildings whose construction had been suspended.

Crawling upstairs was a giant wolf-like creature.

The sun in the sky was strangely black and strangely dazzling.

I was staring at the sun when suddenly a pair of hands stretched out from behind and thrust into my eyes.

"Ah!" I woke up with a start and found myself lying in the hospital.

The pain in my eyes made me touch my eyes.

There's nothing wrong with my eyes.

It wasn't real pain, it was just an instinctive reaction when something stabbed my eyes.

The dream just now...

I lay limply on the bed.

"Brother Qi? Are you awake?" The thin man on the bed next to him muttered, "What time is it?"

"I don't know." I replied in a dry voice.

The thin man said something else, turned over, and went back to sleep.

I looked at the window.

It was slightly bright outside, it must be five or six o'clock.

I can't sleep.

The hell Nangong Yao said actually reminded me of the guide.

In my dream before, I saw what happened to the guide when he was still alive.

He ran for his life in the construction site area of ​​an unfinished building and encountered a huge wolf-shaped monster. Later, he also encountered a ghost and was pulled out of his soul. A fragment of the mirror was inserted into his eyes, which gave him magical powers.

The nightmare was not a complete reproduction of my dream, but the matching parts made me have some bad associations.

I have seen some popular science that I don’t know whether it is true or false. Who's brain is not fully utilized, what dreams reflect reality, what questions you think about before going to bed will be answered in sleep...

I don’t know if the nightmare I just had is like this, but the hell Nangong Yao said is not inconsistent with the experience of the guide.

I thought about this a lot. When everyone else woke up, especially Nangong Yao, I couldn't help but ask him about the specific situation of that hell. I also told him about the guide.

"Do you know you saw the guide?" Nangong Yao asked.

I was stunned, "He is indeed the only living person."

Nangong Yao thoughtfully said, "There are still many living people in the future I see. However, if things continue to develop, maybe it will be like what you said. What I see is only the future within a period of time. How many people are alive in the future?" Years or more than ten years ago, society has not collapsed, and the number of living people is still greater than the number of ghosts, but sooner or later..."

My heart sank.

"In this way, the guide may have similar abilities to Brother Qi. He is another version of Brother Qi, coming from our future..." Fatty guessed.

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." Nangong Yao said.

"Hey, hey, hey!" The thin man ran out of the bathroom, still holding a toothbrush in his hand, "Are you kidding? Doesn't this mean that our world is destined to be destroyed?"

"You can check." Nangong Yao took out his mobile phone and searched for something. After a while, he raised his head and said to us, "The situation in Huixiang has not changed at all."

My face darkened.

"What does this mean?" the thin man asked.

"This shows that if our guess about the guide is correct, what we have done so far has not changed the hellish future." Nangong Yao put the phone back on the bedside table.

The ward became quiet.

The silence was broken by the nurse who came to examine us.

Take body temperature, blood test, urine test...

Afterwards, we had breakfast delivered by the hospital.

We need to spend the quarantine and observation period in this way to confirm that we are not carrying that terrible epidemic virus.

Both Chen Yihan and Xuan Qing were here last night. I believe this observation period will not last much longer.

Somewhat unexpectedly, before we were discharged from the hospital, Guo Yujie sent a message to the group and asked me what the female ghost looked like.

Update 7.

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