Aoba Office

Chapter 798 No. 004-Chicken Head and Human Body (7)

"He...he called me some time ago...I was shocked when I received the call. I really haven't contacted him for a long time. He went abroad at that time and never told us. His home was robbed and when the police contacted me, I found out that he had gone abroad. He called me and tried to pretend to be stupid, saying that he was traveling abroad and asked me if I wanted to bring anything. Yes, he didn’t know it and thought he was marrying into his wife’s house. He didn’t care about his own family and only thought about his mother-in-law when he had something to do.”

"What did he say to you?"

"There's nothing... it was just a bit of nonsense at first, and then I scolded him a few times, and then he talked about his situation. He was doing business over there, and wanted to return to the country to ask about the situation in the country. If you don't come, I I don’t know about these things... He must have fled back then. If there was a robber at home, he must not have been robbered. It was someone who came to the door. "

"What did he do?"

"I don't know either. He didn't say anything. He just said he offended people. It must be more than just offending people. I don't want to get involved in his affairs."

"Mr. Qian, since you are willing to cooperate with our interview, it is difficult for us to deal with such vague words. We may still need to conduct investigations through other channels in the future to enrich the content of this report..."



"Hey, this matter... Actually, in his early years, he ran a transportation company and did smuggling."

"What's being smuggled?"

"I don't know either. It seems like a toy. But it's definitely not just a toy. His older brother-in-law has connections in foreign countries. I guess he has smuggling tobacco and alcohol. His older brother-in-law got the goods and his The transportation team sent it to other places for sale. This is what we know.”

"Do you know the whereabouts of those toys?"

"What? All the toys have been sold. His son kept a few of them, and some were given to other children in the family. Apart from these gifts, the others should have been sold."

"Do you know anything else?"

"No, that's all I know. Really, that's all. There must be a reason why he fled abroad. I don't know what happened specifically."

"Then when he contacted you, did he tell you when he would be back?"

"No. He just wanted to inquire about the situation through me."

"Can you call that number back now?"

"Ah? You want to..."

"We found the number, but when we called it, no one answered. I'm afraid your cousin doesn't answer numbers from strangers."

"This, I..."

"You are currently engaged in import and export trade, right?"


"Will your cousin's incident affect your work?"

"...I, I know...I'll call him now. I haven't contacted him, and there's a time difference there..."

"Please call."



"Hey, brother, have you checked it out for me? How is the house?"

"Ah Yong, that's it..."

"Hello, Mr. Qian."

"Who? Brother, what's going on? Who is on your side?"

"This is, this is..."

"We are newspaper reporters and we want to interview you about something. Please don't hang up the phone yet. You also want to know about the situation in the country, right?"

"...What are you going to interview?"

"Your house, I mean, your house in Minqing City has been in trouble recently. Someone broke through the empty door and entered the house."

"Sniff-then, what next?"

"When you first went abroad, someone broke into your house and moved away everything in the house. Something similar happened again recently. In addition, the person who called the police who witnessed the criminal said that the criminal was wearing a A hood, a chicken hood.”

"What? What are you talking about? Chicken hood? What the hell?"

"She also heard some sounds, recorded sounds played by the sound toy."

"What on earth are you talking about? Are you mentally ill?"

"Mr. Qian, what happened back then? You took your family out of the country in a hurry?"

"None of your business!"



"It's okay. We have asked everything we want to ask. Thank you. If we need anything later, we will contact you again."

"Oh... what you just said..."

"Those are some of the situations we investigated."

"That's it..."

June 11, 2001, audio file analysis. Audio file 00420010610G.wav.

"...What? What are you talking about? Chicken headband? What the hell?..."

"There's no sound. There's no sound on this guy."

"So, Liang Qiyi is the only one who encounters ghosts."

"She must have seen it. It's really unlucky."

"I should say, quite lucky."


"Qian Yongqiang is going back to China, and those things should go to Qian Yongqiang and his family. Every wrongdoer has his own owner."

"Boss, do you think they are creditors?"


"But...just because his son broke the toy?"

"Idiot, have you forgotten that this guy is smuggling? Forget about smuggling toys, the toys to be smuggled also contain other things. How do you think he got the things through customs?"

"Hidden inside toys?"

"That's right. Cut up a big plush toy, stuff it with cigarettes and alcohol, stuff it with cotton, just to be on the safe side, sew it up again, and it's almost done. In addition to the weight, add some toys made of other materials to get through it. It’s still possible. Tsk tsk tsk, young man, use your brain.”

"You are not just using your brain, but you are also very crooked, right?"


"Now, shall we wait for the other party to return to China? After he returns to China, what if those toys are still staring at Liang Qiyi?"

"Then only how many can appear and how many can be disposed of. When Qian Yongqiang returns to China, ask him where he disposed of those toys. That may be the source."

On June 13, 2001, I received a call from the client. Telephone recording 2001p3.

"Hello, Miss Liang."

Swish, swish... swish...

"Miss Liang?"

"Shh. Did you hear that? That voice... that voice..."

"Yes, I heard some noises. Miss Liang, what did you encounter?"

"I don't know either. There's something in the room. It's in my room. It keeps going in circles, but I can't see it. Listen!"


"Ms. Liang, let's go there now."

"No, don't come over, don't come over!"

"Miss Liang?"


"You guys will scare me when you come here. I'm fine. It's just that something new came out of the room."

"Miss Liang, what is Xiaoguai?"

"It's my cat. He's a very well-behaved cat."


"Ms. Liang, there is something in your room now. We need to confirm it to ensure your safety."

"It doesn't matter, it won't hurt me. It just takes a walk, a walk..."

Good night everyone~

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