Aoba Office

Chapter 797 No. 004-Chicken Head Human Body (6)

"Hello, Miss Gu. We would like to know about the situation in the Annan Road community where you live. Recently, a burglary occurred in the community. You and your colleagues were the callers at the time, right?"

"It's, uh, it's not... it's not a burglary. There's nothing in the house. It's an empty house."

"How long have you lived in that community?"

"It's been a year... I've been working there for a year, and it's a dormitory arranged by the company."

"Then during this year, you haven't noticed such an abnormality in the building opposite?"

"No. Because I am usually busy, I spend less time in the room, and the curtains in the room are not opened very much... Well, it was my new colleague who discovered this, but she has resigned. You should ask more She. She discovered this first. She discovered that someone was looking at our house first, otherwise, I really wouldn’t know.”

"Did you live there alone before?"

"There are also two colleagues. There are two bedrooms and one living room for four people. The environment is quite good. We didn't find any problems before."

"Have you heard anything since you've been living there for a year? As far as we know, this isn't the first time that house has been broken into."

"No. We are usually busy with work, and in that old community, the neighbors all know each other. It is not easy for us outsiders to blend in."

"One more question. Have you or other colleagues seen the person your colleague saw?"

"No. She shouldn't have lied, right? There's no need. And I went to the house later and found that someone had gone in."

"Okay, thank you for your cooperation today."

"Need not."

June 7, 2001, audio file analysis. Audio file 00420010606G.wav.

"...It's not a burglary. There is nothing in the house. It's an empty house. ..."

"There's no sound in this guy."

On June 7, 2001, Qian Yongqiang’s neighbor Li Ailing was contacted. Audio file 00420010607.wav.

"Hello, Aunt Li, I'm disturbing you again."

"It's okay. What do you want to ask this time? I've thought about it carefully these past few days. There are quite a lot of trivial things, but they probably have nothing to do with those thieves."

"That's right. As mentioned before, the house next door was broken into and emptied out. Do you remember what was going on inside the house at that time? Was everything moved away? Or was it just large pieces of furniture that were moved away? ?”

"It's everything. Everything has been moved away. Hey, that's why I was wondering if the old money and the others had come back."

"Isn't this kind of situation common? Is there anything from the police?"

"They also find it strange. But who can say for sure about this kind of thing? If you encounter a thief who does it like this, then that's it."

"Yeah. So what do you remember the Qian family had at that time? We mainly want to ask Qian Yongqiang's son Qian Tianyun. He had some toys. Do you remember them?"

"Oh, remember, that kid has a lot of toys, and they say they were brought back from foreign imports. Hey, when foreign imports bring them back, do they just say what we say here? It's just old money bragging. For this matter, the kid and the people in the community The children also got into fights. They were fighting several times. I remember one time they got so violent that they were sent to the hospital.”

"Do you know where these toys came from and where they might have ended up now?"

"Ah? How do I know this kind of thing? Why do you think of asking this... I really don't know."

On June 10, 2001, Qian Yongqiang’s cousin Qian Jiaqin was contacted. Audio file 00420010610.wav.

"Hello, Mr. Qian."

"Well, hello everyone. I didn't expect you to be able to contact me..."

"Does Mr. Qian know about your cousin Qian Yongqiang?"

"Know a little bit."

"Mr. Qian Yongqiang took his family abroad in a hurry. After that, his home was repeatedly burglarized, and the police were unable to contact him. Our newspaper believes that there is something that can be explored in depth."


"On the one hand, these people who go abroad do not pay attention to domestic assets, which makes it difficult for some domestic departments to take effective governance measures. For example, Mr. Qian Yongqiang's case. The residents in the community are very panic. But, then The property rights of the house are not owned by Mr. Qian Yongqiang, and after their investigation, they cannot deal with the house. The house has been vacant, which is a safety hazard for the people around it. "

"In this matter, even if there are people living in the house, it is not absolutely safe, right? This requires the security and police of the community. The police must be able to solve the case and find the criminals, and if the doorman can keep an eye on the access control of the community, this kind of thing will definitely happen It won’t happen again and again.”

"You are right. The main responsibility for this does not lie with your cousin."

"Well. You just said one thing, what about the other thing?"

"On the other hand, Mr. Qian Yongqiang suddenly went abroad. According to what we learned from the residents in the community, Mr. Qian Yongqiang was originally planning to go abroad alone, but then suddenly changed his mind and took his wife and son to quickly complete the process. Procedures for going abroad. However, we checked some documents of Mr. Qian Yongqiang. The visa procedures and air tickets for his wife and son were not purchased in a hurry two years ago, and they have been there ever since. It’s expensive to update in time, but in fact, the three of them have never been abroad. They bought their tickets together and there is no record of changes.”


"Mr. Qian, we are reporters who want to dig up news. If it is just speculation, the value of this news is really not great. We may have to contact the police proactively. Our newspaper also has connections in the police station. If the police intervene Investigate, I believe more suspicious things will be found. By then, the initiative will not be with us, nor will it be with you."

"...What do these things you are talking about have to do with me?"

"Okay. Since you think so, it's our fault."


"Mr. Qian, let me remind you. It took us a lot of effort to find you, and it took a lot of effort to make this report. But the results did not meet expectations. The page has been reserved, and the report that should be published will always be published. "

"I don't know anything. They didn't notify me when their family left. Even if you threaten me, it's useless. If you want to find him, you should go to his uncle. He and his mother-in-law It’s so close over there, but my family has become colder. It’s good that his wife moved him to her parents’ house!”

"Mr. Qian, of course there is a reason why we can find you and will find you."


"Since you have nothing to say, let's take our leave now."


Da da da……

"Wait a minute. You..."

"Mr. Qian, do you have any clues you would like to provide?"

"This matter... I really didn't know about it. I didn't participate either..."

Da da da……


"We are not in a hurry. Mr. Qian, you can speak slowly. If possible, we would like to know the current situation of Mr. Qian Yongqiang first."

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