Aoba Office

Chapter 785 Li Xingfang (3)

I was in darkness, hanging in the void.

Looking along that line of sight, I saw a pair of eyes full of hatred.

I don't know this person... No, I should say I don't know this ghost.

This ghost looked to be only seventeen or eighteen years old, still a teenager, covered in bruises and half-clothed. He just stared at me, staring at me resentfully.

This sight, if it had any substance, would make one's hair stand on end.

This is not the evil spirit of evil spirits, but pure hatred.

Next to the boy, another ghost emerged from the darkness.

It was a middle-aged woman, her limbs were a little twisted, and there were traces of blood from her mouth down to her chest. Her eyes, plaintive and miserable, stared at me pleadingly. Although it wasn't resentment, I still felt uncomfortable with being locked in such a look.

Then something appeared behind me.

My body turned slowly and uncontrollably.

Another ghost, a male, a young man, with a big hole in his stomach, and his intestines fell out of it. His eyes were cold and he stared at me without saying a word. That piercing sight irritated my heart.

In the darkness, many figures emerged one after another.

They surrounded me and stared at me without saying a word.

I knew this was in a dream, that I was possessing someone else, but this silent pressure was more disorienting than Wu Mingle's intense fear.

I felt as if I had become a sinner and was undergoing a silent trial.

These ghosts didn't speak, but their eyes were already accusing me of the evil I had done to them.

I want to escape.

As long as I am separated from the possessed object, I can be a bystander and leave this oppressive feeling.

Just when I was about to move, those ghosts moved first.

A gap opened in the circle surrounding me.

In that gap, the middle-aged woman took the young girl's hand and walked out of the darkness step by step.

I heard the possessed subject's heavy breathing and pounding heartbeat.

Judging from the movements and expressions of the two people, they seemed to be mother and daughter.

As they emerged from the darkness, their blurry outlines became clear, and so did the scars on their bodies.

The girl's skirt was torn open, exposing her bruised skin. His body was covered in blood. Her wrist was bleeding, and the wound was an irregular hole. The blood flowed out from it, leaving bright red all over the ground.

The middle-aged woman's clothes had also been torn, and there was a clear fingerprint on some of the flabby muscles. There were no obvious fatal wounds on her body, but she also left bloody footprints along the way.

"Ugh——" The object I possessed let out a whimper.

The mother and daughter looked indifferent.

I fell to my knees with the possessed object, tears welling up from my eyes.

After a long time, a voice sounded above the head.

"Dad, when will you come to save us? When will you come to avenge us?"

A cold, girlish voice without any emotion.

I felt the same as the possessed person, and felt as if my heart was being grabbed.

In an instant, I broke free from the possessed object's body.

I saw the man kneeling on the ground.

The rickety back was mixed with white hair and the head was shaking slightly.

This figure looks familiar.

"You can't save us, can't you help us get revenge?" the girl continued, "What they said is true. Dad, you are not a hero, you can't do anything."

The man slowly straightened up.

When I saw his appearance, I wasn't surprised, but I still felt a little bit in my heart.

The dream was suddenly swallowed up by darkness.

Complete darkness again, pure darkness.

The sound of crying came from the darkness.

I searched passively in the darkness and walked in this empty darkness.

Soon, I saw a ball of light, and in the halo was a boy covered in bruises.

"You..." the person I possessed spoke, "Are you okay?"

He was at a loss and wanted to get closer, but hesitated.

The boy raised his head, his face full of tears and blood, "Help me... help me..."


He got up from the ground, turned around, and staggered into the darkness.

My body stayed in place for two seconds before chasing the boy forward.

The darkness slowly receded into the streets.

I walked past the gate of a school and arrived at a small shop next to the school.

The boy stopped at the door of the shop and stared timidly at the man in the shop.

It was a rental bookstore, but it can no longer be seen in Minqing City. The owner of the bookstore is a tall, thick-set man. He is sitting on a small bench, flipping through the rough-edged books in his hands and shaking his body.

The boy seemed to have mustered up the courage and squeezed out the words through his teeth: "That's him! I didn't steal the book! He falsely accused me and beat me! He beat me to death and robbed me of my money! It's him !”

He spoke louder and louder, his voice trembling, but there were still tears falling down his face, his face was fierce and his heart was filled with tears, and he was pitiful and pitiful.

I heard another voice, that of a young man. The sound came from my body.

"Did he kill you? Do you... have any evidence?" The voice was hesitant and hesitant, just like his actions when he chased the boy just now.

"I was beaten to death by him! I was beaten to death by him!" The boy couldn't believe it and let out a louder cry, a mournful cry.

"Oh, okay...I, I understand..." The man stuttered a little. After taking a deep breath, he slowly stabilized and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely find evidence and bring him to justice!"

The dream suddenly changed.

"Xiao Li, the bookstore owner has been interrogated. He beat the deceased and robbed him of his money. But the fatal injury to the spleen was not caused by him. He knocked the person unconscious and threw him away. It's behind the store, which is not where we found the body." The man in uniform said, waving his hand, "Follow this line and continue to check to see if anyone saw who took the deceased away."

"Yes, Captain." The young man stood up and replied.

However, the next second, in a dark dream.

"He was the one who killed me! Why did you let him go? He was the one who killed me!" The boy screamed hysterically and looked at me in disbelief.

"We have found out the situation. He hit you in the lower abdomen and face, and pinched your neck, but the fatal injury to the spleen was not caused by him. Colleagues from the Forensic Department have made comparisons. We are not letting go Let him go, he is on bail pending trial, and next..." the young man explained good-naturedly.

"How could it's him? It's obviously him!" The boy yelled on the spot, tears welling up again. He asked in a panic: "If it's not him, who is it?"

No one answered.

Darkness engulfed the boy.

The surroundings lit up, and it was the uniformed policeman again. This time he said a little tiredly: "It's been confirmed, he did it."

"Do you have all the evidence?" The young man was in a daze.

"This is the evidence. His son's money was robbed and he would not get it back. When he took his son home, he was angry and moved his hands, that's it. He had a criminal record and the divorce was due to gambling and domestic violence. . His son is also too young to handle, and was sentenced to a reliable mother, but he keeps in contact with that kind of man and asks for money from his mother to fill the hole of such a scumbag." The policeman shook his head.

The surroundings fell silent and darkness replaced light.

The boy stood in the darkness, staring at me resentfully.

There are only two updates today.

Goodnight everybody.

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