Aoba Office

Chapter 784 Li Xingfang (2)

Li Xingfang's whereabouts are unknown, which is a big deal. If he is carrying a gun when he is missing, it is not just a matter of whereabouts.

Chen Yihan is a sharp person.

After being away on business for so long and experiencing so many things, he returned to Huixiang, dealt with the piled-up affairs, talked with Li Xingfang, and learned about the supernatural events that happened in the past few days. Most people should be attracted by so many chaotic things at this time.

However, Chen Yihan is not an ordinary person.

He noticed that Li Xingfang was not right. He was going to wait until the urgent matters at hand were dealt with before talking to Li Xingfang. Unexpectedly, he could not contact Li Xingfang after dealing with the matters. The people in the police station checked and found that Li Xingfang was not in the police station. Not only could they not find him, but even his gun was not in the police station. Things became serious.

Chen Yihan's first guess was that it was the problem of those supernatural events. Chen Xiaoqiu called my mobile phone.

But what I know is similar to Chen Yihan. Li Xingfang's condition is a little bit wrong. He talked to me, a half-acquainted fellow, and it can be said that he was confiding or complaining. Although this situation is rare, it does not prove anything. Some people complain, vent their emotions, and then it's over. Some people may become more and more angry as they talk, and do something impulsive.

Li Xingfang is definitely not the latter. He has made up his mind to do something.

But what exactly is he going to do?

Holding a gun, playing missing, talking about how he clearly used his ability to find the murderer, but could not bring him to justice...

Is he going to be the kind of dark hero in movies and TV dramas?

This was my first guess.

"I know. I will tell my uncle to pay attention to the cases handled by Li Xingfang." Chen Xiaoqiu said.

After hanging up the phone, I was still uneasy and couldn't fall asleep at all.

I tossed and turned in bed all night. When I got up the next day, I was not in good spirits, but the four of us in our family were in this state, staying up late and excited. My sister's college entrance examination results were a big deal, which made people unable to sleep all night, so it was not surprising.

My situation did not attract the attention of my parents and sister.

After work, I met the four of them and was congratulated again.

With my sister's grades, she will have no problem going to college, and she should be able to get into the first-tier universities.

"Maybe she can go to Minqing University." Guo Yujie said.

The best university in Minqing is Minqing University. Usually, when Guo Yujie said this, we should all be very happy.

The thin man glanced at Guo Yujie at this time, "The incident just happened, and Minqing University is not clean."

Guo Yujie shook her head and looked at the thin man with contempt, "It's because the incident just happened, so it's the cleanest there. I don't know what's hidden in other schools."

The thin man was rarely thoughtful because of Guo Yujie's words.

The topic slowly turned to Li Xingfang.

Like me, the thin man thought of the dark hero.


"What stimulated him to do this suddenly?" The thin man was puzzled.

Li Xingfang only paid attention to the fried chicken shop incident, and his participation was not high. If he said that he was stimulated by the fried chicken shop incident, no one would believe it. Instead, we were worried about eating out because of the fried chicken shop incident. Recently, when eating at the canteen of the demolition office, we have to be careful to taste the food to see if there is any problem.

Chen Xiaoqiu said: "The last case he handled was the one about the stone spirit."

We can't figure this out.

The chat time ends here.

After the morning rush hour, we went to Gongnong Village 6 under the scorching sun outside to continue today's voting.

The voting is related to the choice of demolition plan. For those residents who do not live in Gongnong Village 6, we did not provide door-to-door service this time. If you want to vote, you must come to the scene. In addition to the five staff members of the demolition office, there are also staff members of the neighborhood committee here, as well as many people watching the excitement.

In theory, voting is secret voting, the content of the ballot should be kept confidential, and the property certificate needs to be shown to receive the ballot. But in old communities like Gongnong Village 6, this formal election model is not applicable at all. When voting, not only the whole family of the property owner is watching, but even the neighbors have to make comments. Many property owners themselves don't like the anonymous confidentiality model. If the result of the election is not to their liking, it is a black box operation. Even those who voted for that compensation plan also hypocritically followed suit and cursed the demolition office for being black-hearted, secretly happy.

This is not the first time that Minqing City has done demolition work. After several reforms, the demolition office now recognizes its position as a service industry practitioner, and strives to be open and transparent throughout the process, regardless of how the property owner tosses it. In the end, no matter which plan is selected, the details of the compensation plan are formulated by the demolition office itself, and the demolition office will never suffer.

Today, it is still heartbreaking to watch some family fights. Not all families are so unbearable, but those harmonious families voted silently and ended, and there was no sense of existence. One out of a hundred households is a top-notch family, and naturally the actions of this family will be magnified.

The thin man registered the number of voters, and he muttered every day: "... This family hasn't come yet, they should be arguing in their own home... Oh, this family, they may have beaten their dog brains..."

When we did the bottom-up before, we identified some troublesome property owners. Some of these property owners have already voted, some have voted and had quarrels, and some have never shown up after receiving our notice. Maybe, as the thin man said, he is fighting three hundred rounds within his own family.

When we got off work, we finally helped Director Mao and sent away the quarrelsome family.

Like this, for several days.

There has been no news about Li Xingfang.

He was able to avoid the police's sight for so long. I don't know if I should admire his ability as an old policeman. But the longer things drag on, the less room there is for change. No matter what Li Xingfang did, it was impossible for him to return to the police station now. Suspension and investigation are not possible. He will be directly expelled from the police station.

Due to the incident at the fried chicken restaurant, Minkyung University’s independent admission announcement date will be postponed this year.

My sister has gone out to play with her classmates several times. But because each student's situation is different, some have to wait until the admission notice comes to feel at ease, while others want to go crazy before the results come out. The graduation travel plan of their small circle has not been finalized. Our family trip has also been postponed.

Summer vacation for students is coming. Some schools have already closed early.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter.

I can already hear the chirping of cicadas outside the window and the laughter of children.

After a week of exhaustion, I fell asleep listening to this vague noise.

For a moment, I seemed to hear the sound of the TV outside in the living room, heard my mother and sister discussing where to go on the family trip, and heard my father snoring.

A quiet and normal weekend.

There are no fierce disputes among community residents, no supernatural incidents...

Just when I was about to fall asleep, I felt a cold and vicious gaze pierce into my body.

With a jolt, I woke up, my heart pounding, but when I opened my eyes, what I saw was not my bedroom.

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