Aoba Office

Chapter 779 Desire (5)

·"I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong! Please, stop!"

Wu Mingle screamed at the top of his lungs, blowing away the memories that emerged.

I came to my senses and woke up from Wu Mingle's memory.

That man must be the target I'm looking for!

But who he is, or what he is, I have no idea now.

In Wu Mingle's memory, his face was a little blurry.

And the rule he told Wu Mingle was definitely fake! If I hadn't taken action, Wu Mingle's wish would have been successful. I can definitely feel this. It was me who sabotaged the Green Faced Ghost's actions and affected Wu Mingle.

What the man said was full of suggestiveness and a sense of bewitchment.

Perhaps what Wu Mingle thought at first was to use this method to improve his grades so that he could be admitted to the graduate school of Minqing University. Furthermore, it was just to guarantee a postgraduate degree. I don't think she was thinking of using this method to satisfy her little desire to breathe out from the beginning. The unscrupulousness shown by Wu Mingle could not be formed in a day or two.

Just when I thought this, I heard Wu Mingle gasping.

She lay naked on the ground, no longer screaming or moaning.

The painful feeling should have disappeared from her body. I no longer feel strong pain.

Wu Mingle closed his eyes. There are tears on the face, maybe because of pain, maybe because of fear, maybe because of regret.

However, judging from the way she gritted her teeth the next second, the last possibility was that she just regretted that she had violated the rules, not that she deliberately harassed that woman.

I hope that the dream can go back to the beginning of everything as soon as possible, to the time when Wu Mingle came into contact with that man.

I don’t know if my control over my abilities has improved, or if the “dream” itself made such a choice.

The next second, the montage effect appeared.

I quickly saw time go back.

As I expected before, Wu Mingle used this method step by step.

What I saw was not the first time she used this method to harm people.

She prayed that she could get a job in school. Among the applicants in the same batch, one had skin allergies and performed ugly during the interview. Another had a car accident and did not miss the interview...

She cursed the groom's girlfriend at the time, causing her family to owe a huge sum of money. She had to run around borrowing money, leaving the groom behind...

She made a wish to make the groom in her class fall in love with her...

She hoped that she could pass the postgraduate entrance examination and pass the graduate interview in linguistics at Minqing University, but she got her wish...

There were bits and pieces in the middle. She wanted money to exchange for a mobile phone, and she found the money; she was bumped on the shoulder by a classmate in the morning, and the classmate fell and ate shit in the afternoon; she disliked the unpalatable food in the cafeteria, so the chef and dishes were changed the next day...

Wu Mingle's life can be said to be smooth sailing, and all his wishes come true.

And the starting point of everything...

My heart couldn't help but lift.

A cafe that was a little familiar and a little strange appeared in front of me.

It's familiar because the whole place is similar to Wu Mingle's memory just now. It's unfamiliar because some details are incomparable with Wu Mingle's memory.

However, this is not surprising.

As the years pass, the memory fades.

Wu Mingle pushed open the door and entered, glancing around the store hesitantly.

A man sitting by the window waved and smiled gently.

Wu Mingle was stunned for a moment.

I stared at the man for a long time, but I couldn't tell whether he was a human or a ghost, and there was no smell of a green-faced ghost in the store.

Wu Mingle pointed at himself.

The man had already stood up, pulled away the seat opposite him, and turned to look at Wu Mingle.

Wu Mingle walked over hesitantly.

"Miss Wu Mingle, right? Hello. I am Xu Feng, whom you called before." The man introduced himself and asked Wu Mingle to sit down.

Wu Mingle breathed a sigh of relief, "Oh, hello, hello. I didn't expect you to be so..."

"Too young, right?" Xu Feng smiled and sat down in his seat.

After the waiter came over, Wu Mingle looked at Xu Feng secretly while looking at the menu.

I look at the two of them and I really can't see any problem between them. They are all ordinary people and do not have any sense of supernatural phenomena.

I couldn't help but circle around Xu Feng twice.

Need to get started?

Is it really Seo Feng?

I can't decide.

Judging from Wu Mingle's memory, there is no doubt that it was Xu Feng. But this person doesn't look like that kind of expert.

Did Gu Mo say something wrong? Those green-faced ghosts may be just a phenomenon. Xu Feng is not an expert, but he has special abilities. He might be a similar person like us.

I thought.

Wu Mingle ordered a cup of ordinary coffee and handed the menu to the waiter. She was a little nervous, clasping her hands on her knees and wringing her fingers.

Xu Feng took a sip of coffee and said calmly: "Ms. Wu, have you made a decision? Do you have any important wishes that need to be fulfilled through this method?"

"Well...I am now a senior and about to graduate..." Wu Mingle looked embarrassed.

"For work?" Xu Feng smiled with a calm attitude.

"Well, no, it's not... It's good to have a job, but if I can go to graduate school... I haven't decided yet... It's just..." Wu Mingle hesitated.

The waiter brought the coffee.

Wu Mingle held the coffee cup in both hands.

It is difficult for me to connect this girl with the resentful and vicious women I saw before.

Wu Mingle has changed beyond recognition in just a few years. Taking into account her crazy state, it is even more unlikely that she is the same person.

However, after watching Wu Mingle's life for several years, it is clear to me that she did not become hateful because of the blows of life, but because her ability to have no bottom line became too wanton and distorted her character.

Wu Mingle is not an ignorant child. Of course, Xu Feng's temptation cannot be entirely blamed for this change. She herself should bear most of the responsibility.

I looked at Xu Feng.

He is in his twenties or thirties, with an ordinary appearance and ordinary temperament. He can only be described as polite, not charming. Now I am sitting on the chair, sitting in the same posture as most people, with my body slightly relaxed. I am not particularly imageless, nor am I particularly impressive.

I can understand why Wu Mingle forgot what this person looked like. Even if this person changed Wu Mingle's life, he is too easy to forget.

Xu Feng spoke again: "It doesn't matter if you don't think about it. I'm just lending you some power. After you decide, as long as you make up your mind, it will come true."

This sounds nonsense.

Wu Mingle looked at Xu Feng suspiciously, "Just, like this?"

"Well, that's how it works. There is a premise here, that is, I do not provide this power for free. I hope you can understand this, I also have to eat." Xu Feng laughed twice.

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