Aoba Office

Chapter 778 Desire (4)

I didn't see clearly what it was, and I didn't even know if it was because I was blinded for a moment, or if the green-faced ghost's skin was trembling during his normal breathing.

Wu Mingle was in high spirits, but there was no awards ceremony in this lottery. The returned shopping fees would be directly credited to the customer's account, so the scene could not be said to be very lively.

After confirming the award, Wu Mingle and the groom were leaving.

The two talked and laughed.

The green-faced ghost stepped on the escalator, jumped to the ground, and followed Wu Mingle.

I quickly wanted to catch up, but when I took a step forward, I found myself stepping into another space.

One bedroom should be a woman's bedroom. The bed sheets and quilt covers, as well as the cosmetics on the table, all prove that the owner of this room is a woman.

There were voices outside the room.

Wu Mingle's voice.

"Well, we are getting married. You must come for the wedding banquet then. I will send you an invitation. Please send me the address."

I turned around and saw Wu Mingle, and also saw the green-faced ghost squatting on the sofa next to Wu Mingle.

Wu Mingle was talking on the phone, and his voice suddenly became louder: "What? She's getting married too?"

While Wu Mingle was talking on the phone, he picked up a glass of water on the table, turned and walked into the room.

I saw the dissatisfied look on her face.

"Has she finally been unable to sell and found a spare tire, or has she grabbed a long-term meal ticket? Let me tell you, she was kept by someone when she was in college, and she even had a prostitute in high school. ... What am I talking about? Many people say this. Her classmates all know that the thought of being in an office with such a person makes her feel disgusted." Wu Mingle curled her lips in disgust and said in a sharp voice. So what? She just became a full-time housewife after she got married, and she did all the things she did, but they were disgusting! Who knows what I kept in her sexy desk and cabinet? Let me tell you, the smell of her perfume can kill you."

Wu Mingle placed the cup on the edge of the computer table and pulled out the chair.

The green-faced ghost jumped off the sofa, jumped into the room, and occupied the corner position.

Wu Mingle said: "Okay, that's enough, let's not talk about it anymore. Hmm."

Wu Mingle hung up the phone, put the phone on the table, and turned on the computer. She looked irritated, gritting her teeth at one moment and snorting with disdain at the other, but her expressions were quite colorful.

Wu Mingle was still muttering: "If you don't get married sooner, you won't get married later, but now... you have to bump into me... that bitch..."

After turning on the computer, Wu Mingle did not operate it.

She cursed to herself for a while, raised her hands and clasped them together, resting her elbows on the computer desk and resting her forehead on her hands.

"Let that woman be miserable. Let that woman make a fool of herself. Well... let her make a fool of herself on the day of the banquet. Please, let her make a fool of herself, let her make a fool of herself, let her make a fool of herself..."

Wu Mingle kept mumbling.

I felt disgusted in my heart and turned to look at the green-faced ghost in the corner.

The green-faced ghost climbed down the wall and got closer to Wu Mingle.

At this time, I paid more attention to the green-faced ghost's belly.

It crawled close to the ground, its belly rubbing against the floor. That piece of skin seems to be particularly tough. Scraping the floor like this is no different from a balloon scraping the floor. Even the sound it makes is very similar.

Wu Mingle did not stop this kind of "prayer" without any sense of ritual.

The green-faced ghost had already approached Wu Mingle, climbed up along the chair, and clung to Wu Mingle's body with his limbs, as if he wanted to tear her body apart.

If Wu Mingle just wished for winning the lottery and wishing for good luck, I would also like to see her earlier experiences. But Wu Mingle now obviously wants to curse other people, and the green-faced ghost can even do this, so I can't just sit idly by.

I walked behind the green-faced ghost and stretched out my hand to the green-faced ghost.

Looking at the green-faced ghost's sharp nails, I kept simulating the subsequent attack in my mind. I have to succeed once and kill the green-faced ghost quickly, otherwise, I may not be able to escape intact after being counterattacked.

For a moment, I hesitated. For a woman whose name I don’t even know, for Wu Mingle, is it worth taking such a risk?

Even Wu Mingle's curse was just to make that woman look embarrassed, not to kill her.

Of course, I don't know exactly what the green-faced ghost will do. A serious blow may make a person decide to commit suicide. This is not much different from murder. Regardless of the original intention, it is unforgivable for a human life to be lost because of someone's malicious intent.

I gritted my teeth.

The green-faced ghost's nails pulled at Wu Mingle's neck and chest, as if he wanted to cut her throat and carve out her heart. Its fangs were aimed at the back of Wu Mingle's neck, and its head was slightly raised, ready to attack.

I suddenly reached out and rushed towards the green-faced ghost, holding down the green-faced ghost's shoulders with both hands.

The cold touch under my palm made me shiver.

The cold quickly turned into warmth, just like human body temperature, but it made people feel even more uncomfortable.

The green-faced ghost suddenly turned around, opened his mouth, and let out an angry cry. Its body was also struggling, but to my surprise, its strength was too weak, just like a kitten, as if I could break its bones with just one force. Even its screams are like threats.

Those scarlet eyes turned in circles, looking for the target.

It can't see me!

I was pleasantly surprised, and silently thought about going back in time, going back in time...

To be honest, this is the same as Wu Mingle's prayer, a bit funny, without that high and mysterious feeling.

The green-faced ghost's cry became shrill.

I suddenly felt my hand go empty and my body staggered.

The green-faced ghost lying on Wu Mingle's body that I was holding down just now has disappeared!

Without any warning, it disappeared!


Wu Mingle screamed and suddenly fell from the chair, covering his face.

Her emotions were so strong that I was caught off guard and felt directly with her.

It was a stinging pain, like a sharp instrument cutting into the skin.

Wu Mingle was rolling on the ground in pain, covering his face for a while and his stomach for a while.

Her screams slowly became fainter, and she lay weakly on the ground as if all the strength in her body had been drained. The open mouth let out a silent cry of pain.

I quickly cut off this connection with Wu Mingle, but at this time, a picture appeared in front of me.

That is Wu Mingle's memory. Her memory rushed into my mind.

In the coffee shop, there is a man in a suit, with a mysterious smile, and a pair of slender hands holding Wu Mingle's hand. There is a power transmitted from that hand.

"From now on, all your wishes will come true. Remember, your wishes can only be limited to yourself and cannot be directed toward other people." The man whispered softly and let go of the hand.

"Can't... target it directly?" Wu Mingle repeated.

The man smiled but said nothing, "You are a smart girl, you must know what to do."

There are only two updates today. Goodnight everybody.

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