Aoba Office

Chapter 747 Guide (8)

I broke out in a cold sweat. At the same time, I was glad that I had just experienced what happened to Taoist Fa Lian. Otherwise, I would have been in trouble again. I mistakenly thought that I was Zhou Yusheng and died so stupidly. I still had to use my own strength. Ability to help people make wedding dresses.

As soon as I woke up with a start, I felt that the surrounding environment had changed.

I was still in the room, but Zhou Yusheng's body fell in front of me, and the guide was also in front of me, looking down at Zhou Yusheng's body with a smile on his lips.

Just when I felt strange, I realized that Zhou Yusheng had already passed away. He turned on his heels and walked toward the outside mirror.

I was actually led by the guide and followed him into the mirror.

At that moment, I saw the reflection of the mirror in his eyes.

After entering the mirror, I only felt that I was in a vast space, surrounded by darkness and countless light sources.

Those light sources all show regular shapes.

The guide didn't make much choice and headed straight for a light source.

As I got closer, I realized that the light source was a window.

No, looking at the scenery outside, this should be a mirror, similar to a one-way mirror.

This scene made me feel familiar.

That's how it was when I was trapped by the "game". I was also locked on one side of the one-way mirror, looking at Nangong Yao's situation.

However, that time it was the "game" that allowed me to see some tampered scenes, and now I am seeing the past in a dream.

The space outside the mirror is the bathroom, which is clean and tidy, but very narrow.

Outside the open toilet door is the living room.

The guide waited patiently. After an unknown amount of time, someone rushed in in a hurry.

It's that Wang Qian.

Wang Qian was covered in sweat and extremely panicked.

He paced anxiously in the room, pulled his hair, let out a suppressed roar, and cried bitterly.

After a while, he seemed to have made up his mind, but with an expression of hesitation and fear on his face, he walked to other rooms.

The guide took a step forward and turned to another, larger mirror.

The mirror appeared to be a full-length mirror, facing a single bedroom.

Wang Qian pulled off the sheets, shivering, and threw them onto the ceiling fan. He pushed away the single bed, pulled out a chair, stepped on it, raised his head, and tied the sheets into a knot.

I looked at all this and felt a little embarrassed. This traditional way of committing suicide was beyond my expectation.

But Wang Qian was very uncomfortable doing this. In one attempt, the knot was a slipknot, and there was no "gain" except pulling some of the fan out of the ceiling and smashing it into pieces.

Wang Qian lay on the ground crying.

I heard the guide’s laughter, and his eyes seemed to light up.

He also muttered to himself: "This is the descendant of Huixiang City God, hahaha... I thought there would be trouble... patricide, cowardice, tsk tsk tsk..."

The tone of the guide was full of contempt, but also a kind of excitement that I didn't understand.

I wanted to try to catch the guide. I was originally worried because this guide was obviously different from ordinary ghosts. Even when facing ordinary ghosts, I am not 100% sure. Now when facing the guide, I am even more afraid that I will not be able to succeed in the first time. Instead, I will scare the snake away - even though the guide already knows about it in the "future" and "now". My details.

After hearing these words from the guide, I couldn't help but want to watch and see how this situation develops.

However, the development of the situation is really not very interesting.

Wang Qian couldn't hang himself, and cutting his wrists was too painful, so he thought of escaping.

By moving in the mirror, the guide sometimes appears in the real world outside, following Wang Qian closely.

Wang Qian had not escaped far when he met his young uncle on the road.

He grabbed Wang Qian and said eagerly: "Mr. Zhou fainted and was just sent to the hospital. The doctor said it's no longer possible, Mr. Zhou... Come with me to see Mr. Zhou for the last time!"

Wang Qian was originally panicked and his body was stiff with fear. After hearing this, he looked dazed and was taken to the hospital.

In the hospital, Zhou Yusheng was lying on the bed. The doctor said that he died suddenly, but did not say the specific cause.

Wang Qian's expression became even more dazed. Standing among a bunch of sad-looking people, he looked out of place.

In my field of vision, there was a blood hole as big as a man on Zhou Yusheng's body. It was impossible to ignore it, but no one seemed to see it.

I couldn't help but glance at the guide.

The guide was also standing in the ward with a strategizing expression.

The dream time jumped.

This made me nervous.

However, after confirming that my possessed object was still the guide and that the dream was not over, I breathed a sigh of relief.

In Zhou Yusheng's office, people came in and out. Zhou Yusheng's soul stood there blankly, but no one noticed it.

Wang Qian works peacefully here. Except for the reaction when someone mentions Zhou Yusheng, everything else is normal.

Later, the number of employees in the archives decreased, and Wang Qian was left alone, so he was allowed to live in the archives.

Wang Qian lived in Zhou Yusheng's office and remodeled it.

He stood in front of the entire mirror, unaware that he and the guide were looking at each other.

The guide usually pays the most attention to Wang Qian, but he still needs to travel through Huixiang and explain the rules of Huixiang clearly to every new ghost that appears. Other than that, he didn't seem to have done anything, nor did he personally kidnap outsiders.

Wang Qian stared at the mirror for a long time. I don't know if he felt anything, so he hesitantly covered the mirror with newspapers.

When the guide saw this scene, he sneered.

"The City God... The Zhou family is gone, and he is still a loser..." The guide muttered to himself, and his figure flashed through a mirror and appeared in the suburbs.

He was looking at Wailing Grave Ridge.

I can hear the cries on Weeping Grave Ridge.

The guide turned his head and looked in the direction of Waineck Village again, his eyes were sinister and seemed to be filled with fear.

I found that from this point on, the behavior of the guide changed somewhat.

In the jumping dream scenes, the guide uses the ghosts of Huixiang to lure the outsiders. Sometimes, he does not even use the ghosts of Huixiang. He can easily confuse people through his eyes.

Because of the change in the dream scene, I didn't see where he caught those outsiders.

My normally calm heartbeat was now speeding up.

As long as I know where he caught the people, I can rescue Chen Xiaoqiu and the others.

As for those outsiders who were kidnapped earlier... I thought about what happened to Taoist Falian, and I didn't dare to save those people after such a long time.

Gritting my teeth, I chose to turn a blind eye.

But as a result, my mood became increasingly unable to calm down.

Seeing the victims keep appearing, I couldn't bear it anymore.

The dream shook.

I panicked for a moment, and then I realized that there was something wrong not with my dream, but with reality during this period of time.

The guide was almost running in the dark space, and soon passed through a small mirror. After a few steps, he arrived in the mountains.

I saw the cave that became more and more familiar to me, and then I realized that the guide was in Waineck Village and was about to go to the cave.

At the entrance of the cave, I saw the anxious Lu Qiaolan, and I was a little confused for a while.

There are only two updates today. Goodnight everybody.

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