Aoba Office

Chapter 746 Guide (7)

The guide had many wounds on his body and was dripping with blood. There were scratches and tear marks on those wounds. He looked like he was attacked by a ferocious beast, no, it should be a group of ferocious beasts.

After he walked out of the mirror in embarrassment, he looked back at the mirror. His expression was not at all the calm and leisurely one I saw when I met him before. Instead, he was fierce and ruthless.

He completely ignored me and the two ghosts in the room.

I was at a loss for a moment because the situation was developing so fast.

I originally thought that Mr. Zhou had some key, and that the old man named Erzi had some clues hidden in him, but now I suddenly saw the real owner. All I had planned before was to find this guide first. What to do next, I haven't thought of yet.

"It's you……"

I turned around and saw the old man named Erzi staring at the guide with resentment.

The guide just glanced at him and then turned his attention to me.

I suddenly felt a chill coming from the bottom of my heart. The feeling was the same as seeing the door at the end of the corridor at Aoba Supernatural Agency.

Pure evil and nothing else.

In my life, except for supernatural incidents, I have never encountered any danger, let alone any extremely vicious people. Even in the previous supernatural incidents, I rarely encountered such things.

Compared to the Nian beast and the stone spirit, the evil in this guide is stronger.

My brain fell into a brief blank.

"Ah——!" Erzi's roar made me jump.

Holding the pen in his hand, he rushed in front of me at some point and passed directly through my body.

I just felt a chill in my heart, and the ghostly energy passed through me.

Erzi pounced on the guide and stabbed the guide in the face with the pen in his hand.

I seemed to see a vague shadow, and in the blink of an eye, I saw Erzi trembling and retreating.

The person in front of Erzi was no longer the guide, but Mr. Zhou.

There was a pen stuck in Mr. Zhou's neck, and blood was flowing out.

This overlapped with the original wound on Mr. Zhou’s neck.

But looking at the fresh blood, it seems like everything is happening again.

Erzi's body trembled violently.

"You killed your father again." The guide stood where Mr. Zhou stood blankly and said calmly. He had regained the composure I had seen before.

The second son broke down and cried loudly, like a child.

What I saw seemed ridiculous to me.

What's even more ridiculous is that Mr. Zhou's figure just disappeared, as if everything just now was an illusion.

And Erzi's figure has become thin, and will disappear into thin air at any moment.

I realized I shouldn't be watching the show here.

When I turned to look at the guide, I found that he was also looking at me.

Different from the previous confrontation, looking into his eyes this time, I seemed to suddenly see myself reflected in his pupils.

There was a buzzing sound in my brain, as if someone had hit me hard, I felt dizzy, and it seemed like I was being tied up. My thinking and reaction became slow, and my only consciousness was that of myself in the eyes of the guide.

My appearance slowly changed, becoming that of an old man.

It's Mr. Zhou.


My surname is Zhou?

My surname is Zhou...

Zhou...Zhou Yusheng means becoming an immortal. Grandpa named me this way. The names of the Zhou family all have some fairy spirit. It is said that the ancestors of the Zhou family have immortals.

This is of course nonsense. Although I was born in the old times and experienced the war years, I also studied abroad and learned Western culture. Naturally, I don’t believe those superstitious statements. Even my grandfather doesn't believe in this, it's just a family tradition.

But it is true that my ancestors were very famous. Because something happened, some people escaped from their ancestral homeland, and thus a trace of their bloodline was preserved. Except for this trace of my family's blood, all other members of the clan died, and no one was spared.

Times have changed and the world has changed. This kind of declining family is all too common.

I didn't take it seriously at first, and it wasn't until I got older that I came up with the idea of ​​"searching for my roots." This is something neither Grandpa nor the others have thought about.

After that, I went to Huixiang. In order to find the history of my family, I worked in the archives. On weekdays, I also collected ancient books and documents from Huixiang, or folk stories.

There are many ghost stories in Huixiang, and the people in Huixiang don’t take ghosts seriously. It's not that I don't believe it, but I think these ghosts won't hurt me. The ghosts in Huixiang will not harm the people in Huixiang.

I thought it was interesting, and I looked into it, but just like I couldn't find any family history, I couldn't find any clues about it.

Over the years, I have enjoyed getting along with my colleagues in the archives. There are two young people among my colleagues, both very studious, and one of them is from out of town.

He said that his name was Wang Qian and he was the second eldest child in his family. Compared with another young man in the archives, he was also younger, so he was called the second son.

Wang Qian likes to ask me questions. He always asks me a lot, not only about knowledge, but also inquires about my personal affairs. I don't like him very much, but he is really smart and capable. I gave him a pen, along with a text message and a letter of recommendation, recommending him to study at a university in the capital. I still have some old friends there who can take care of him.

Every time I see Wang Qian, I feel something strange. I don't know whether I should say it's closeness, but disgust.

That day, Wang Qian burst into my office and yelled at me.

What did he say……

I felt like my memory was blurry for a while, but it immediately became clear.

"...The eldest brother is dead! Did you know that the eldest brother is dead? When it was time for him and the sister from the Li family to talk about marriage, just because the father was unknown, the Li family reneged on it! It's all because of you! It's all because of you ah!"

Wang Qian shouted, rushed over and inserted the pen into my neck.

At that moment, I remembered. Many years ago, I thought about my deceased wife. After drinking, I talked confusedly with the female student who came to ask questions... She was admitted to a school in the capital from outside the city, and her family was not in the capital. She and I were together indistinctly. She gave birth to a son for me. No one at school knew, and no one at home knew either. But when she was pregnant with me again, her classmates discovered the matter and it was brought to school. I cowardly chose to escape and watched her being expelled from school, and the child was rudely taken away from school by his family.

That's when...

I fell to the ground.

Wang Qian was so flustered that he finally woke up from the grief and anger.

The pen in his hand fell from his hand, and then just like me at that time, I chose to escape and rushed out without looking back.

I felt my blood flowing out.

I saw a pair of feet appear in front of me.

I didn't see the man's whole body, but I heard the devil's bewitching words: "What is your wish now?"

My desire is atonement.

Let Wang Qian be in peace and not be affected by this matter...

The sound of a broken bell suddenly echoed in my mind, a sound that emerged from my memory.

I woke up with a start.

I'm not Zhou Yusheng!

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