Aoba Office

Chapter 707 The rules of Huixiang (4)

The teddy bear has locked Meng Hua's position.

Meng Hua immediately felt like he was being targeted by a beast.

Naturally, I feel the same way as Meng Hua.

There was something squirming in the lower part of the teddy bear's body, where the legs were torn off. Soon there was a finger, then a second.

A hand stretched out from there and pressed it on the ground, supporting the teddy bear's body.

The student no longer thinks this is his father. He looked frightened and kept backing away.

The teddy bear did not stare at him, but moved towards Meng Hua with its strange body.

I looked at the light on the teddy bear, and then from Meng Hua's peripheral vision, I saw the faint light on the student. I couldn't tell what kind of mood I was feeling.

Meng Hua didn't think as much as I thought. His mood fluctuated violently and was filled with fear.

I can feel the fluctuation of Yin energy around me. What Meng Hua is trying to do may be the method used by the ghosts of Huixiang to deal with strangers.

However, the Teddy Bear was not stopped.

To be precise, that shouldn't be called footsteps.

The hands growing out of the teddy bear's body are very flexible and have slender fingers. They look like women's hands. The hand moves like a spider, with its five fingers moving in turn, in tandem with the plush toy leg on the other side.

The teddy bear's human ear also twitched. Meng Hua didn't speak, but it probably heard other sounds and followed Meng Hua's movements. ,

"Save me! Guide! Damn it, come out!" Meng Hua shouted anxiously and looked at the teddy bear again, "I haven't done anything! I've never done anything to a stranger! I I haven’t done anything to outsiders! I just take care of my son, I just want to be with my son!”

The teddy bear's steps suddenly stopped.

The fingers of that hand tapped the ground, a bit like a small movement that some people make unconsciously when thinking.

Meng Hua was really frightened.

When dealing with living people, he seems to be very courageous and very good at it, but when he encounters strangers, he seems to be particularly frightened.

The student saw the teddy bear stop and another misunderstanding occurred.

He called "Dad" again, his voice hesitant and his steps equally hesitant.

"No, Fanfan!" Meng Hua was extremely anxious.

The teddy bear's tapping on the ground suddenly stopped.

I wanted to turn my head, but I couldn't move my body.

I can feel the Yin Qi different from Meng Hua appearing outside the door.

No, it’s already in!

Meng Hua didn't realize it and was still worried about his son.

The silhouette of a girl appeared in my field of vision.

Only then did Meng Hua turn his head in surprise.

The girl, dressed in school uniform, suddenly appeared in the room, staring at the teddy bear.

She has long, yellow hair tied into a ponytail and wears a pair of glasses. She looks like the most common image of a student.

Her eyes were empty and expressionless. After looking at the teddy bear, she looked at the students again.

What surprised me was that the student couldn't see Meng Hua, but he saw the girl.

He stopped and turned around, with a dazed expression on his face. He didn't understand why such a person appeared.

The girl had already spoken and only uttered three words: "Outlander."

"No!" Meng Hua's heart contracted violently.

I almost doubled up in pain.

The girl's hand was already holding down the student's head.

The teddy bear suddenly jumped up from the ground, and its face became ferocious, revealing its sharp teeth.

The girl's hand was bitten off by the teddy bear and fell to the ground, with blood spraying from the cut.

"Ah!" The girl suddenly screamed, and her whole person changed.

There was a big hole in her head and dirty stains on her school uniform.

Blood stained her face, and she was so frightened that she held her broken arm and screamed.

The student was startled, took several steps back, hit the wall behind him, and fell to the ground.

The teddy bear had blood on its mouth and body, making it look even more terrifying. It went to the girl.

"Don't come here! You stranger, go and die!" the girl screamed.

The surrounding Yin Qi has become thicker, which is a strange situation in Huixiang.

Meng Hua walked around the teddy bear and went to help his son, but his outstretched hand touched another person's calf.

Those legs appeared as abruptly as a girl's.

When Meng Hua looked up, he saw two boys and three girls wearing the same school uniforms as the girls. Looking back, there were a few students standing behind the girls. The school uniforms they wore were slightly different from the girls' ones, and one of them was wearing casual clothes.

They surrounded her, leaving dirty stains and bloody wounds on her body. Everyone's injuries are different.

"No!" The girl became even more flustered, turned around hurriedly, and wanted to leave.

Those ghosts surrounded her, how could she escape?

Many hands grabbed her body and pulled at her clothes and hair.

The girls were screaming, and the ghosts were so huddled together that they could hardly see what was going on.

I only heard the girl's screams. After a few minutes, these ghosts disappeared, as if they had never existed.

Meng Hua trembled, and now his fear was far greater than before.

The students were also stunned and did not dare to move.

The teddy bear turned around and looked at the two father and son.

Meng Hua couldn't help trembling.

Teddy bears still have that weird way of walking.

Meng Hua had lost the strength to resist and collapsed motionless on the ground.

The thick yin energy turned from strong to light and disappeared silently.

The teddy bear's big mouth was aimed at Meng Hua, and with a probe, it swallowed Meng Hua's leg into its stomach.

Meng Hua couldn't even scream, and his whole body was weak and weak.

His eyes were hot and muddy tears welled up.

I feel the same pain as Meng Hua.

Should I escape from the dream now, or should I find a chance to test my abilities?

If my powers ever return, I should be able to bring this teddy bear back to the "present".

I distinguished my feelings. The pain was real, but I didn't seem to be really hurt. The teddy bear only attacked Meng Hua.

"Dad!" The student suddenly shouted, and his eyes focused on Meng Hua's face. My eyes met with Meng Hua's, and I could only look at the student.

"Leave here! Don't come back! Don't go back to Huixiang again!" Meng Hua shouted loudly with all his strength.

My hand, to be precise, was hurt by Meng Hua's hand.

I realized that the teddy bear had bitten Meng Hua's hand, and I immediately tried my best to use my ability.

As long as it can be used, as long as this teddy bear can be brought back...

I felt myself weakening, and the students in my field of vision had disappeared.

I still remember his last confused look. It was what I saw a second ago. What I see now is the ceiling of the hotel.

I moved my left hand and felt a strange hot feeling.

I jumped up from the bed in an instant, turned on the headlight in the room, and looked at my left hand.

My palm completely disappeared into the teddy bear's mouth, and the teddy bear's glass eyes stared at me blankly.

After a while, it supported the bed with its two hands, moved its body back, and spat out my palm.

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