Aoba Office

Chapter 706 The rules of Huixiang (3)

Meng Hua's pain was clearly transmitted to me.

I just felt like I couldn't breathe, and my whole body seemed to be drowning, surrounded by a strange substance.

The worst thing is that this kind of Yin Qi is overwhelming, not just a little bit. It seems that this Yin Qi is surging throughout Huixiang.

The ghost in front of him can easily control this yin energy, suppress Meng Hua, and even kill Meng Hua.

This kind of power is something I have never seen before.

I couldn't help but feel a little scared.

The entire torture lasted only a second or two, but it seemed like several long years.

Meng Hua relaxed and almost collapsed to the ground.

"The rules of Huixiang are valid for all ghosts in Huixiang. The first one is that in Huixiang, ghosts can only kill outsiders. You will be able to tell the difference between outsiders and locals later. Secondly, The first rule is that all ghosts can move freely and can do anything, as long as they do not violate the first rule. Third, strangers, that is, supernatural things from other places, whether they are ghosts or people with some abilities. It is the obligation of all Huixiang ghosts to be eliminated. Fourthly, ghosts from Huixiang cannot leave Huixiang. Once they leave Huixiang, they are no longer ghosts from Huixiang. If they come back, they are strangers. "

After the guide finished speaking in a straightforward manner, he softened his tone, squatted down, and helped Meng Hua up.

Meng Hua was so frightened that he was trembling and did not dare to look at the guide.

"Since you are from Huixiang, you know some things. As long as you abide by the rules, you can do whatever you want next. You can take good care of your son, watch him grow up, get married and have children, and protect him throughout his life. Safety."

The guide's words aroused Meng Hua's thoughts, and his original fear turned into hope.

"This is the benefit of having rules. By following the rules, we ghosts don't have to worry about danger. Unlike the ghosts outside, they will be eliminated and disappear completely. From now on, you don't have to worry about your own life at all." The guide The voice is full of bewitching. He patted Meng Hua on the shoulder and gave him a smile.

Meng Hua nodded without hesitation.

He seems to have fully accepted his ghost identity and is happily looking forward to his future life.

I felt something was wrong.

The situation in Huixiang is more complicated than I thought. This situation cannot be broken by spreading new rumors and changing the minds of the people in Huixiang, as Shouzi said.

According to this guide, the teddy bear should be a stranger and should be eliminated by Huixiang's concentrated efforts.

I, Chen Xiaoqiu, and Chen Yihan are all strangers, aliens here, and the targets they want to eliminate.

What will they do? Use that force just now?

While I was thinking, I felt the scenery in front of me change suddenly.

It's still the same room, the furniture hasn't changed much, the wreath is gone, and the photo of the deceased is hanging on the wall.

The student I saw on the long bus was typing on the keyboard of his laptop, and the dim desk lamp softened the small space where he was.

There was a banging sound on the door.

Someone was cursing outside.

The student turned his head, and Meng Hua also turned his head at the same time.

Meng Hua was more confident than before, and also a little more violent.

He rushed to the door of the room first and passed through the door.

The man outside the door was tall and thick-set, with a sinewy face, and he looked like he was here to cause trouble.

After the person opposite opened the door, he opened his mouth as if he was about to curse. After seeing the situation clearly, he immediately shut up and closed the door.

But these troublemakers noticed the movement first, pushed the door open, and knocked the person behind the door staggering.

"What are you going to do? My family doesn't have money!" the man shouted, already beginning to beg for mercy.

"What are you afraid of? I just want to ask you something. Does the person who lives across the door know?" The man who was looking for trouble picked up the man with one hand, just like a chicken.

"Ah? What...what? There is a kid across the door, and his brain is not very good. I don't know him. My mother is familiar with their family, but my mother has died long ago!" the man said hurriedly.

Meng Hua was about to do something, but he stopped after hearing this.

The door was not opened, but I heard the students' footsteps. He was not stupid, and he was very defensive and did not open the door rashly.

"Is he at home now? Did he come back from other places?" The troublemaker continued to ask.

"Yes, yes. I don't know either. I went to college before and was away from home for most of the year. I really don't know him!" The man begged again and again.

Several people looking for trouble continued to smash the door.

Meng Hua no longer hesitated and hit the opponent on the back of the head with a fist.

I felt a change in the surrounding atmosphere. The yin energy appeared again, but it was a little different.

Strangely enough, I saw a glimmer of light in the strong men who were looking for trouble. On the contrary, the man opposite the door was gray and devoid of any light.

Almost the moment Meng Hua touched the back of the strong man's head, I saw the other man's movements flicker and punch his companion.

"Damn it! What are you doing!"

Of course they had an argument.

A group of people spoke in dialect, but it was not the Huixiang dialect. Judging from their appearance, they seemed to have suddenly developed a deep hatred.

They fought so hard that they rolled down the stairs, and other people joined in the fight.

The man opposite the door quickly fled home and locked the door. I also heard the sound of heavy objects being dragged. He might have used something to block the door.

Meng Hua felt very relaxed and returned to his home through the door.

The student stood at the door, staring blankly into the cat's eyes.

"Fanfan..." Meng Hua shouted, as if he was talking to a young child.

The student took a step back, looked around, and called "Dad." His tone was full of doubt.

Meng Hua was pleasantly surprised.

I'm a little bored.

This kind of scene where father and son depend on each other for life, but are separated by yin and yang, under other circumstances, I would be moved. But the appearance of the guide before was too unexpected, and I was a little worried about Chen Xiaoqiu and the others.

The students looked around with confusion and a little pain in their expressions.

Meng Hua was at a loss.

That's when I heard the sound of glass breaking.

Meng Hua and the student turned their heads at the same time.

The glass window in the living room was shattered, and a teddy bear with one leg missing fell from the window sill.

I was stunned.

Meng Hua and his students were not much better.

I discovered that teddy bears are glowing, just like those guys looking for trouble, they are glowing.

It was also at this time that I discovered that there was a hazy halo around the student. It was not caused by the desk lamp, but the student himself was glowing.

Meng Hua was flustered and immediately panicked.

"Fanfan! Fanfan, how could you..."

The student also looked at the strange teddy bear and called "Daddy" with some hesitation. The same questioning tone. He seemed to have used the broken stuffed toy as a prop for Meng Hua's ghost to temporarily possess.

The teddy bear was missing one leg. After falling to the ground, he managed to get up and jumped forward on one leg.

Its ears were torn apart, revealing the dark cotton wool inside, and something seemed to be crawling inside the cotton wool.

Meng Hua stretched out his hand to pull the student, but he was empty.

The student took two steps forward and approached the teddy bear.

"No! No! That's a stranger!" Meng Hua shouted anxiously.

I had a feeling of enlightenment.

A bulge appeared in the cotton inside the teddy bear's body, and continued to grow, turning into a human ear, still stained with blood.

Its ears moved, as if relying on sound to distinguish things, and accurately found Meng Hua's location.

There are only two updates today. Goodnight everybody.

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