Aoba Office

Chapter 692 Arrival (4)

As soon as Chen Zian said that, I realized that the strange feeling that Huixiang gave me was not only the air and atmosphere here, but more of the environment itself.

Chen Zian was born and raised in Huixiang, while I was born and raised in Minqing. There are also low buildings in Minqing. Large residential areas have low buildings, five or six stories high at most. But in the urban area of ​​Minqing, you can always see one or two high-rise buildings when you look up. High-rise apartment buildings or office buildings are always common, or there are bustling commercial plazas or university campuses. Although the buildings are not high, the atmosphere is warm. Lively.

The large gray sky here in Huixiang makes me feel uncomfortable. Maybe I subconsciously discovered that there are no super high-rise buildings here, and it is unlikely that there will be elevators.

My face looked extremely ugly.

In the dream, I didn't see anything, but I heard the sound of the elevator. The walking and stopping of Chen Xiaoqiu and Officer Zhuang also proved that they should take the elevator.

"Is there any hotel with an elevator here?" I asked.

Chen Zian restarted the taxi, turned around and headed to the police station. He replied: "I don't know about that. Anyway, I have seen elevators in hospitals and city shopping malls here in Huixiang."

The state has legal documents that mandate the types of buildings that must be installed with elevators. It is impossible to proactively install elevators in low-rise residential buildings and small shopping malls, which increases construction costs.

I quickly checked the map again.

Chen Zian had already taken the initiative and said: "By the way, turn the corner behind. Do you see the white house? That is the largest hospital here."

Lu Qiaolan and I turned our heads subconsciously.

The so-called white building is, to be precise, a gray-white building. The walls are dirty and look like they have not been cleaned for many years. The building materials used when they were originally built were not dust-proof and anti-fouling.

"Your missing friend said he entered the elevator? Or was it the hotel elevator?" Chen Zian asked, his tone full of determination and interest in watching the excitement.

I don't have any good feelings towards Chen Zian's attitude.

"I'm afraid I've encountered a ghost. When was the last time you contacted me? Do you want me to turn around and send you to the hospital to look for it first? Oh, it might be more convenient for you to go to the police station. Tell the police directly and make the last contact. The location is a hospital, and they arranged for people to search." Chen Zian seemed to be giving us advice enthusiastically.

I didn't answer.

Lu Qiaolan had no idea about my dream and looked at me extremely uneasily.

She probably didn't pay much attention to the ghost breaking into the wall and the ghost stories told by Chen Zian. It wasn't until I asked out loud and revealed some details that she realized that my friend's disappearance was abnormal.

I know even more clearly that Chen Xiaoqiu’s disappearance is so abnormal. Something is definitely happening to her. If Officer Zhuang didn't lie or get things wrong, then the recent disappearances in Huixiang are not normal.

The taxi arrived at the door of the police station. I paid the fare and quickly got out of the taxi with Lu Qiaolan.

Chen Zian also left me a business card. The simple business card was just a piece of note paper with his last name and phone number written on it.

"We have few cars here. If you want to use your car, come directly to me. It's better to have a local than running around and it's safer." Chen Zian patted his chest and waved goodbye.

I held the note and didn't feel safe at all.

Lu Qiaolan called me, "Mr. Lin, don't worry. I think... I think Xiong Xiong will protect your friend." She squeezed out a sentence, trying to show a sense of confidence.

She didn't believe it, and neither did I. I know better that the teddy bear did not play any role and Chen Xiaoqiu simply disappeared.

I nodded to Lu Qiaolan and walked to the police station.

The policeman at the guard room stopped us and looked at us several times after hearing us tell us who we were and why we were here.

"Wait, I'll call someone in." The old policeman said, took the phone and dialed the internal line, speaking in a dialect I couldn't quite understand.

After he hung up the phone, he kept looking at us.

I brought extra cigarettes with me and took the initiative to get close to people.

The old policeman refused the cigarette, but hesitated for a while and reminded in a low voice: "Young man, I think you are a good person. If I tell you this now, I will not admit it later."

"Say it." I said as if I was all ears.

The old policeman touched the stubble on his chin and said, "This place is very evil. You'd better take your friend and leave as soon as possible."

I was startled.

A young policeman ran out of the police station out of breath, shouting as he ran: "Hey, are they the two from Minqing? I just called them!"

The old policeman sat back down and stopped looking at me.

I knew from the voice that this young policeman was Wang Xiaopeng who answered the phone just now.

Wang Xiaopeng looked ordinary, with black and blue under his eyes and sunken cheeks, as if he had stayed up late and was about to die suddenly.

He looked quite strong, but after running a few dozen meters, he was out of breath, which made me doubt his identity as a police officer.

They are not the kind of middle-aged and elderly police officers who have been sitting in the office for many years. Newly recruited police officers need to undergo physical examination and training. Even those middle-aged and elderly police officers need to undergo some physical examinations regularly, so they will not be so weak.

Wang Xiaopeng was very excited, as if he was seeing a relative.

"Come in with me quickly, confirm the evidence, and make a record. Oh my god, I finally have some clues!" His tone was truly rejoicing.

I couldn't help but glance at the old policeman at the concierge.

The old policeman looked at me sideways and made a mouth gesture. I figured it was "leave quickly".

This situation is really weird.

Lu Qiaolan was about to take a step, but when she saw that I wasn't moving, she turned to look at me doubtfully.

I glanced at Wang Xiaopeng, who was also confused, and the police station behind him, and said, "I finally received a call. Officer Zhuang should be at the hotel. He took my friend to the hotel to see the scene. My friend is Min Qing The family of Director Chen of the Municipal Police Department.”

Wang Xiaopeng's puzzled expression gradually turned serious.

"The hotel arranged by your police station..." I was about to continue.

Wang Xiaopeng raised his hand and interrupted me, "You mean, Officer Zhuang took your friend to the hotel to see the scene where Director Chen disappeared? At that time, your friend disappeared and also disappeared in the hotel?"

I nodded.

The old policeman at the concierge turned his head, his expression uncertain, and sighed heavily.

Wang Xiaopeng suddenly turned his head and looked at the old policeman.

"Look, little comrade, I told you that our place is evil. They encountered a ghost and broke the wall, and they were captured by the ghost." The old policeman said.

I was confused and looked at Wang Xiaopeng and then at the old policeman.

Wang Xiaopeng's expression turned extremely ugly, "You are the only one who believes in such nonsense as ghosts beating the wall!"

The old policeman shook his head.

Wang Xiaopeng turned to look at me, with a tense look on his face, "Let's go in first. Several of my colleagues are also following up on this case, and we have found some clues..."

Speaking of this, his face became more and more gloomy.

Asking for a monthly ticket~

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