Aoba Office

Chapter 691 Arrival (3)

The taxi driver was very talkative, and he spoke in a rhythmic manner, telling his own story.

His name is Chen Zian. He was born and raised in Huixiang and has never left this city.

"...When I was three months old, my mother saw me staring at the corner of the room every day and giggling there. She burned incense there for two days, and I stopped looking there. Wait. When I was four years old, I was playing marbles in front of my house. I was playing with a group of kids who were older than me. They kept pushing me away and snatching my marbles. They were playing on the ground, and a marble was hit far away. It rolled past my feet. I looked back and saw that the marble rolled over and reached the corner. A hand stretched out from the other side of the wall and picked up the marble. A group of them chased it over. I didn't even see a hair. They grabbed me and beat me, asking me to take out the marbles!" Chen Zian spat, and then said, "While they were beating me, I saw another one on the other side of the wall. He stretched out his hand, the same hand that held the marble, and threw it out. "

Chen Zian loosened his grip on the steering wheel and gestured to us, "Just throw it over and roll it to the feet of a kid. He stepped on it and fell down."

I was terrified when I saw the way Chen Zian drove.

By comparison, the ghost stories he tells sound like just stories.

Chen Zian continued to talk and pointed ahead, "You are going to Caotou Road. I haven't seen anything. But when you go over here, along the way, there is Weeping Grave Ridge. That place, tsk tsk... I pulled it once I went to the village at the foot of the mountain. When I got there, I heard crying on the mountain. It sounded like someone was crying in mourning. I asked people in the village, but they ran away in fear. An old man told me that this is normal. There are often people crying at the graves on their mountain. He said that hundreds of years ago, there was a wealthy family’s ancestral grave there. They were very dignified and would let others do the burial and sweeping. The servants inside knelt there and cried loudly. The sound was still loud! It was also said that one servant was beaten to death by his master because he couldn't cry well. Kneel down on the mountain and cry."

It still sounds like just a folklore story.

I doubt it.

Some people believe it because I saw ghosts outside the long-distance bus. That ghost should be the student's family, coming to pick him up.

I met a ghost casually, and the ghost was so calm and calm, as if he was accustomed to his situation. I don't believe there is such a coincidence. This place really made me feel uncomfortable, so I thought that ghosts might easily be born here.

Chen Zian rambled on and told a few more ghost stories, all of which were personal experiences. He heard ghost voices, saw ghost shadows, things moved inexplicably, and things disappeared inexplicably.

I heard him say so much and couldn't help but interrupt, "What about the disappearance you mentioned before? What happened to that?"

"Missing." Chen Zian blew out smoke rings out of the car window and became serious, "The ghosts here are killing living things but not familiar ones, and they bully outsiders. The only ones we encounter are just a little sound, you guys But that’s terrible. Have you ever heard of a ghost beating a wall?”

He asked suddenly, and Lu Qiaolan and I were not prepared at all.

Lu Qiaolan was also someone who had experienced several supernatural incidents involving teddy bears, and had no reaction to the ghost stories told by Chen Zian. When she first heard Chen Zian's question, she subconsciously replied: "A ghost beating a wall?"

I was also surprised and almost said the same thing as Lu Qiaolan.

Of course I have heard of ghosts beating the wall. One of the most common contents in ghost stories is that the ghost hits the wall. If a ghost hits the wall, people won't even hear the ghost's voice, nor will they see the ghost's shadow. They just circle in one place and can't get out.

It's more of a lost situation than a haunted one.

This situation is not unusual.

In modern society, there are many repetitions in the internal structures of roads and buildings. It is twists and turns. If you take a wrong fork in the road, you will go around in endless circles. This is normal.

Take the area we want to demolish. There are three villages, four villages, five villages, six villages, and seven villages for workers and peasants... there are several communities, all with the same buildings, with similar small roads in between. Without street signs, it would be impossible to tell the difference between several communities. It is even more difficult to distinguish within the community. They are all the same buildings, the same green belt, fitness equipment and a small square in the middle of the community, which can serve as a slight landmark. Apart from that, it is completely impossible to tell the difference between east, west and north.

Of course, people who live there or frequent there can still tell the difference clearly. Some residents can remember what the doors of each house on each floor look like.

But for newcomers, this terrain is really a headache.

I have doubts about what Chen Zian said about ghosts beating the wall.

This statement sounds more like a made-up story than an encounter with a ghost.

Chen Zian didn't realize it and continued: "It's just a ghost beating the wall. A few years ago, I forgot how many years ago, a man came out of the side street and grabbed the fried noodles from other stalls. They were raw. , before the noodles were cooked in the pot, he grabbed them and stuffed them into his mouth. He also snatched the noodles from other guests, picked up the bowl, and drank it while others grabbed him and beat him until the stall was broken. He didn't fight back and just grabbed something to eat. When the police came and asked, he said he had been walking in the mountains for several days and had managed to survive by chewing tree bark. I didn’t believe him, but what he said was true. He also had his ID card and ticket. He really came from out of town more than half a month ago. He disappeared after he arrived. His family called the police. The police from other places and our police here all I’ve looked for him, but I still can’t find him. Now he appears on his own.”

Chen Zian glanced at the rearview mirror and said, "Don't believe it, this happened not once or twice. In the past few years, every year the police found bodies in the mountains and found documents. They were not from our place, but from other places." Yes, reported missing.”

My heart was pounding.

If the police find the body, they might be able to find out if they ask at the police station later. If this thing is true, it is true, if it is false, it is false, clearly. However, it is hard to say whether the missing person encountered a ghost or encountered other circumstances.

I thought about it and suddenly asked: "Is there a hotel next to the police station? Or a guest house or hotel, or something like that?"

"Oh, you are going to the police station." Chen Zian said first, then thought about it, "Yes, I remember seeing a hotel."

"When you get to the police station, take us to the hotel." I said, and took out my phone to check the map.

Chen Zian was very curious, but when he asked again, I ignored him and didn't answer.

The police station was right in front of him. Chen Zian checked it again. Seeing me nodding and finding out the location of the hotel, he drove past the police station door with peace of mind.

The police station here in Huixiang looks like a newly built building, which is incompatible with the surrounding buildings. You can see several police cars parked inside the door, and police officers are also coming in and out of the police station.

The taxi passed by, turned a corner, and drove for some distance before stopping.

Chen Zian looked at the building across the road, "That's the hotel."

I also saw the dilapidated building with the "Home Inn" sign, but my heart dropped.

A three-story building, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a big hotel with an elevator.

"Is there a hotel with an elevator here?" I asked Chen Zian absentmindedly.

Chen Zian turned around and raised a strange smile, "Look at the houses along this road, which one has more than six floors?"

There are only two updates today, good night everyone.

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