Aoba Office

Chapter 645 No. 070-Confession Object (1)

As I rode home, I was still thinking about Ye Qing.

When I came to the office today, I actually wanted to ask Ye Qing about my abilities.

Although the five of us had come to some conclusions during the day, there were still doubts in my heart. I think Ye Qing must know more than we do. He bears the side effects of my abilities and may have figured out my abilities clearly.

However, the conversation did not go smoothly.

Now I am more suspicious of Ye Qing.

Even if the side effects of the ability weren't there, I'd still be skeptical.

This kind of paranoia is not a good thing.

It was impossible for me to confirm from Ye Qing whether he had done evil to me, nor could I immediately find a solution to this matter.

On the one hand, there is the threat of the side effects of the ability, on the other hand, it may be Ye Qing's malice, and perhaps also the world's malice towards people like us. I really don't know what to do.

But when I entered the house, I took a deep breath and changed my state.

I can't let my family discover these things. I don't want them to worry unnecessarily, and I don't want them to get involved in such things.

I opened the door and entered the house. The home was as warm as ever.

Mom is cooking, and dad is sitting in the living room watching TV.

Hearing the noise, both of them turned to greet me.

My sister's bedroom door opened, and I could hear her footsteps running out.

My sister excitedly said to me: "Brother! I met Ouyang at school today!"

I was startled.

No. 18 Middle School resumes classes today, but make-up classes and evening self-study for senior high school students are cancelled.

I knew about it, but my parents and I both thought it was best not to put pressure on my sister. Mentioning Wu Chenxi's death at this time will only make the sister who has calmed down recall those bad things again.

Speaking of which, the relationship between this matter and my sister is not that close.

She didn't have much contact with Wu Chenxi. If it hadn't happened at school, it would just be the death of someone she knew. She was sad, but it wouldn't be that serious.

For Ouyang and Zou Wenyan, the feeling is different.

I didn't expect Ouyang to go to school today after experiencing Wu Chenxi's complete disappearance last night.

"Oh, that's the little girl, right?" Dad answered.

The younger sister nodded, "Yes, she is much better. When we were doing psychological counseling together, she also said that she would study hard for the exam. She wanted to take the exam for the history department of Minqing University. Also, she went to see Zou Wenyan after school. I don’t know how they talked about it..."

My sister thought about it, but it was still a way to release the suppressed and sad mood.

I am very happy that my sister can be like this, and I am also happy to hear that Ouyang is getting better.

Until dinner, my sister was still talking about Ouyang.

After dinner, I helped my mother wash the dishes, and my sister also went back to the room to review. After I returned to the room, I suddenly felt that the surrounding area was quiet, and I found that my mood was much calmer.

Wu Chenxi should be very pleased.

Ouyang promised her and did it. She will live well.

When Ouyang gets married and has children, will Wu Chenxi really become her daughter?

That will be a long time ago...

So many memories come to mind.

There are evil ghosts, and there are also sensible and kind ghosts. They may lose control temporarily, but in fact their nature is good and they will always be good, right?

If Ye Qing was really an evil spirit, he shouldn't have warned me like that.

Besides, if Ye Qing is really an evil ghost, why should he bear the side effects for me?

Not only me, but also Nangong Yao, Gu Mo, and Master Xuan Qing... So many people believed in Ye Qing, and they still believed in him after his death.

Even if he loses control, it's within the manageable range, right?

I stood in the bedroom and thought for a long time.

What happened with Wu Chenxi and Ouyang gave me confidence.

This confidence was more of a psychological thing, but it was undeniable that it made me feel less nervous.

In fact, as many things as there are that make me suspect that Ye Qing has malicious intentions, there are as many things that prove that Ye Qing is reliable.

I sat down in front of the desk and cleared my mind.

My previous behavior was no different from losing control. I just followed my instinct and doubted it.

Looking back now, I feel a little annoyed.

Did Ye Qing discover my suspicion of him at that time and let me leave?

I sighed.

Things have already happened, and I want to make amends, but with Ye Qing's character, there's nothing he can do, right?

Speaking of which, my relationship with Ye Qing has always been neither far nor close.

I leaned back in my chair, looked up at the ceiling lamp above my head, and let my mind go.

By the time I came to my senses, an hour had passed.

I moved my stiff body and stopped when I saw the file on the cabinet.


Incident number 070

Event name: Confession object

Client: She Shuiyu

Sex: Male

Age: 25

Occupation: Company employee

Family relationships: parents

Contact address: Room XXX, No. XX, Tong'an New Village, Minqing City

Contact number: 187XXXXXXXX


On May 25, 2011, the client visited for the first time. Audio file 07020110525.wav.

"Hello, Mr. She, please sit down."

"Hello, thank you."

"Please tell us what happened to you. Tell us as much detail as possible about what happened to you."

"Okay. Huh... I met a girl a month ago on the street, on my way to work. She was sitting at the bus stop waiting for the bus, and I was waiting there too. She It's very beautiful, not particularly beautiful, but... I feel very comfortable."


"I originally wanted to strike up a conversation with her. That is, ask her name and contact information, and if she is willing, we can become friends."


"The bus came right then. She took the 998 bus, and I took another bus. She got on the bus directly, and it was inconvenient for me... I arrived at the station at the same time the next day, but I didn't meet her that day. . The third day was the weekend, and next Monday, I arrived at the station early and waited for the last bus. I was almost late for work, but she still didn't come."

"And after that?"

"After a few days, on Thursday, I saw her at that station again. I was going to confess my love to her directly this time, but it suddenly rained that morning, and it rained heavily, so many people took shelter together. I didn't squeeze in beside her, and then the car came. On Friday, she didn't come again. I guess she might only come here to take the car on Thursday. The next Thursday, I saw her again. But there was someone beside her. A woman was with her. The woman looked a few years older than her, wore heavy makeup, and spoke very loudly. It must be her colleague, who was more senior than her, and kept telling her that women should find a partner as early as possible. She said that she wanted to introduce her to a blind date. She was very polite. I... I didn't think it was convenient to strike up a conversation at that time, so I just stood aside and listened. Her voice was nice and polite, and I really liked her. "

Today is 520, does anyone have a partner? Any confession? Has any confession been rejected? XD

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