Aoba Office

Chapter 644 Out of Control

The house was sealed by the police, but I didn't feel any negative energy coming out of it. Of course, I didn't knock on the door either.

There were quite a few residents coming in and out at this time, so I pretended to be passing by and while the people I saw were gone, I came out of the building and went to Building 6.

The sixth floor of Building No. 6 still looks somewhat eerie.

I stood on the stairs for a long time and lingered at the door. After hesitating for a long time, I knocked on the door.

No one responded at the door.

I took the key and opened the door.

The chilly feeling seems to have returned to the way it was when I first came.

There is a painting hanging at the end of the corridor in the office, but there is no door.

I called out to Ye Qing, but got no response.

I sat down on the sofa in the office and told Wu Chenxi and Mrs. Ouyang what happened.

"Is that stone spirit completely finished this time? And Wu Chenxi and the couple... they went to reincarnate, right? Wu Chenxi must have gone to reincarnate, and the old couple..." I'm not sure.

The old lady and her husband are both residents of the Sixth Village of Workers and Peasants.

There was only my voice in the office. If I didn't speak, the office would be so quiet that there wouldn't be a trace of movement.

I added: "They mentioned you... that man, the old lady's husband. He deliberately asked the old lady to move out, but then gave him the key. I don't understand..."

Why do you want the old lady to come back?

Even if you don't call the old lady back right away, wouldn't it make her sad if you leave her such a thought?

Could it be that you are in love?

But from the look of that ghost, I think he has a very calm and good-tempered character.

I can't figure it out.

This point was brought up by Guo Yujie during the lunch break.

The thin man acted like an experienced man, saying that the man's brain was short-circuited, and emotion and reason were wrestling with each other. Sometimes the emotional side won, and he became impulsive.

The fat man disagreed and insisted that there was something hidden. Otherwise, if he really loved the old lady so much, he should let her go completely.

The two men began to discuss their views on love.

I know that Guo Yujie has never been in a relationship. Although Chen Xiaoqiu didn't say it, the four of us secretly guessed that she must not have been in a relationship either.

Guo Yujie had never been in love and had doubts in her mind, but she actively participated in the discussion between thin people and fat people. Chen Xiaoqiu remained silent.

Of course, this topic has no result. It is reasonable for the public to talk to the public, and it is reasonable for the mother-in-law to talk to her mother-in-law.

Chen Xiaoqiu concluded: "We don't know those two people well, so we can't judge why he did what he did."

What she said made sense, and I agreed with her statement at the time. I actually had no idea about this issue.

Now I am sitting in Qingye Supernatural Office, talking to the air, and as I talk, I ask this question unconsciously.

Naturally, it is impossible for me to come to the office today to discuss the ghost's love with Ye Qing.

It's just that I don't know if I should speak about the topic I really want to talk about.

If I want to talk about something else, this topic is a bit boring, and Ye Qing is probably not interested in it.

I coughed dryly and prepared to ask about other things.

Ye Qing's voice suddenly sounded in the office: "He can't control himself."

I stayed for a moment, subconsciously looking around.

I didn't see Ye Qing's figure.

"Ye Qing?" I asked cautiously.

"Who else can be there besides me?" Ye Qing asked.

I was speechless and asked quickly: "What do you mean by what you just said? Is that ghost out of control? But I see him... he was normal at that time..."

I didn't feel any malice on his part. He was gentle and caring towards the old lady, and he was kind and polite to Wu Chenxi. He really didn't look like an evil ghost.

"It was just a temporary loss of control, not a complete collapse." Ye Qing said lightly.

"Ah..." I was startled, a little confused.

The "loss of control" that Ye Qing mentioned was definitely not the emotions and rationality mentioned by the thin man, but a supernatural issue.

The man was influenced by the evil spirit of the ghost, or it could be said that he was manipulated by an obsession. He only knew how to act according to his desires, so he gave the key to the old lady. Maybe, he still maintained his rationality at that time, so the four keys were slowly delivered to the old lady one by one.

And his wedding ring, was he also given it to the old lady, right?

When he was rational, he chose to accompany her silently and never showed his presence. I hope the old lady can live a new life. It's like the final agreement Wu Chenxi made with Ouyang. Sending the old lady out of the house was also a rational choice for him.

But the key is not.

"You remember one thing." Ye Qing changed the topic.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Don't accept things given to you by ghosts." Ye Qing said, "Nothing, no ghost, will do."

I was shocked.

I heard some hidden meanings in Ye Qing's words, which made me feel uneasy.

"You can't do it either?" I asked.

Actually, what I want to ask more about is Ye Qing's current situation.

Ye Qing, was he at a stage where he would temporarily lose control?

Was the figure I saw last time the same one who was out of control?

It's hard for me to discuss this issue.

Mainly out of guilt.

If Ye Qing really loses control, it will definitely be because of me.

Last time in the dream, in order to save me, he came into contact with the entrance to that different space.

As well as bearing those side effects for me - maybe because I saved Gu Mo and Nangong Yao, the side effects that Ye Qing had originally borne for them also came back.

I was just feeling guilty when I heard Ye Qing's categorical reply: "No."

I opened my mouth, wanting to ask, but felt that the question was not worth asking.

Whether it's because of me or not, this is the reality now.

And in the past...

I fell silent.

I remembered that Ye Qing had given me something in the past.

I had a suspicion for a moment.

Has Ye Qing changed recently, or is the Ye Qing I first met the out-of-control version of him? What he said about looking for me, I went to the office, saw the files, took away the files, and gradually came into contact with supernatural things... Was all this done by the rational Ye Qing, or was he the one who lost control and was biased toward evil spirits? Do?

While I had this question, I also realized another problem.

I never doubted this.

I had considered Ye Qing deliberately setting me up before, but I had never thought that Ye Qing himself might be an evil ghost.

The aftereffects of the last side effects also showed up.

The nightmare scenes flashed through my mind, causing a cold sweat to break out down my back.

"What are you doing here today?" Ye Qing rarely asked proactively.

My heart skipped a beat, my brain raced, and I stuttered in reply: "It's that man. Both the ghost and the old lady mentioned you. Back then, the ghost asked the old lady to move, and something happened to you..."

"At that time, the atmosphere in the community was different. Ghosts and sensitive people should be able to detect it. Don't you often have such premonitions?" Ye Qing said.

I nodded absently.

The office was still the same office, but I felt more and more uneasy.

The heart is beating hard.

This talkative Ye Qing seems to be abnormal.

I don't know if this is my imagination or my intuition.

"Go back." Ye Qing said.

There was no change in his tone.

I felt relieved, stood up stiffly with a sullen face, and walked out of the office.

The door of the office was closed behind me. It wasn't until I went downstairs and left the Sixth Workers and Peasants Village that I felt relieved.

The third update is over today, good night everyone~

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