Aoba Office

Chapter 612 Number 010-After School (6)

"Did it turn into a ghost story?"

"Yeah, it's said that the teacher was obsessed with the child of the city leader's family, and he has been haunting him. Later, the child went crazy. He often said that he could see the teacher, was very scared, and locked himself in the room. Later, he seemed to move away. The whole family moved away together. But the female teacher did not disappear. If she met a naughty child, she would appear. How to say... It's a bit like parents scaring children, "There will be ghosts catching children outside at night." "Eat" story. But that story can only be told by the teacher. Children are too young and have intermittent interests and cannot focus on one thing."

"Well, that's an interesting story. Are there any others?"

"I don't remember the others. This is the only one I remember."

"Thank you, Teacher Zhang."

On March 26, 2002, I received a call from the client. Phone recording 200203261713.mp3.

"Hello, Mr. Li..."


"What happened, Mr. Li?"

"I mean, those kids, those kids are here!"

"At your home? You are at home now, right?"

"No, it's not... I'm at home, they're not, they're outside. They're outside!"

"You're telling me that a class of students you saw earlier was outside your home?"

"Yes, in the community... they are downstairs... I heard a lot of noises... I just saw it from the balcony! They are outside, just downstairs... Huh..."

"Are you home alone?"

"Well, my wife hasn't come back yet, and I'm alone..."

"We're coming over now. If it's convenient for you, can you take the phone to the balcony and face it outside?"

"Ah? Let me see, let me see the length of the phone line..."

"OK, all right."

"Okay, I'm on the balcony now, outside the balcony. Listen, you heard it too, right?"


"Did you hear it? Ugh..."

"Yes, we heard it."


"But just that, we can't be sure it's a supernatural event."



"There are some children's voices, but the number is very small. I can tell that there are more than a dozen children. It's hard to tell the number of children. Did you hear it too?"

"Well, I can't tell the number of people, but there are children's voices."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"Mr. Li, what we are saying is that at this time, it is normal for a dozen children to be playing and making noise in a community. There is a nursery near your home, right? There are also many school-age children..."

"No, it's not! There aren't usually so many!"

"Mr. Li, please be patient. We are coming now."

"I'm good……"

On March 26, 2002, he went to the client's residence. Audio file 01020020326.wav.

"You are finally here! I..."

"Mr. Li, are you okay now? Did you hear the sound?"

"No. It was... gone..."

"Husband, this is what you said..."

"Well, that's them."

"Hello, Mrs. Li."

"Oh, hello, please come in."

"Thank you. Sorry for bothering you."

"Mrs. Li, you should know the details of what happened from Mr. Li, right?"

"Well, it's...I..."

"When did Mrs. Li come back? Did she hear or see what Mr. Li said when she came back?"

"Well... I saw a lot of children in the community, and there are many nearby. It happens to be after school time..."


"Mr. Li, among those voices and children, did you see any that stood out and impressed you deeply?"

"...I, I don't dare to look carefully...No..."

"Mr. Li, in this case, it is still difficult for us to conclude that this is a supernatural event."

"Huh... I don't know either... I don't know what's going on..."

"Thank you."

"You are welcome."

"Well, my husband's situation..."

"We are not medical professionals. As far as our professional field is concerned, Mr. Li's situation is relatively delicate."

"Yes. You should know about my mother-in-law's affairs, right?"


"I think he... he himself is not willing to believe this. Thank you for encouraging him to get checked. When he first confessed to me, I thought it was ridiculous and called you liars."

"It's nothing, don't worry about it."

"I was thinking, do you have anything that can calm his mind?"

"You mean..."

"When my mother-in-law was being treated, the doctor asked her to keep things in order at home. If he wants to believe that he encountered a ghost, then he should use the method he believes in to solve the problem... Do you think it's okay?"

"The possibility of a supernatural incident cannot be completely ruled out yet."

"I know, it's not that I don't believe you, I believe this too. That's it, whether it's a real ghost or not, he can't bear it psychologically."

"Well, I understand. Our office makes amulets for sale. If necessary, you can buy them. But these things are just like medicine. There is no such thing as curing a disease or strengthening the body. If you wear it, It’s possible that everything was fine, but something happened because of it.”


"If you have this idea, we suggest that you take Mr. Li to a temple or other place to pay homage and burn a stick of incense."

"Oh, this is okay too. I'm just afraid he won't believe it."

"Let's propose it."

"Thank you so much."

On March 27, 2002, the community where the client lived was investigated. Audio file 01020020327.wav.


"...It's past five o'clock. It's almost the same time every day. Everyone has finished get off work and school. It's always so lively."

"...No, I didn't see it. They are all children I know."

"...Yesterday, it seems to be about the same as today."

"...No, it's all..."


"Hey! Don't run, you're sweating all over! Drink some water."


"Were there no strange children yesterday?"

"Huh? Oh, no, I didn't see any children I didn't recognize. Is your child lost?"


"Yes yesterday!"

"Little brother, what did you say?"

"Tiantian, what are you talking about?"

"Isn't it the kid you said you didn't know? I saw it!"

"Really, Tiantian?"


"Little brother, where did you see that child? What did he look like?"

"Right over there, he was standing over there, just...a little brother, taller than me. I even asked him who he was and if he wanted to play with me, but he ignored me."

"What kind of clothes is he wearing?"

"Blue pants, black clothes."

"Hmm. Is he just standing there? What else is he doing?"

"No. He stood there, looking over there."

"Looking at that position?"


"Where did he go? Did you see him?"

"Um, no, I don't know."

"Oh, what a lost child?"

"It may be the child we are looking for. This is our phone number, little brother, if you see him again, please call us, okay?"


"Yeah, I know, we'll call you when we see it."


"Boss, there is no yin at all here."


"Idiot, isn't this already established? Even if there is something real, it's not a ghost."

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